The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1780: Devastation

Uncle Li, in the dark forest, rushed in with a group of people.

Neither Li Shu nor Yan really knew how to break the battle, but they came from a high position. They have not eaten pork and saw more pigs running. They know how to break the battle by the simplest method, such as breaking the battle with force!

Regardless of any law formation, when the power reaches the critical point it can withstand, it can be easily broken. No matter how complex the mystery is, it will only collapse instantly in the face of absolute power.

The dark forest's magic circle is very powerful. Each tree is a small magic circle, and all the trees form a large magic circle. And there is a very mysterious elementary force matrix in this matrix, the power of attacking a tree will be conducted immediately and let all the trees bear together.

Lu Li had once attacked by killing Emperor Ghost, but couldn't break any tree. At this moment, Uncle Li was able to easily smash the trees, not that Uncle Li's attack was much stronger than Lu Li, but that Uncle Li's attack was very characteristic.

The dark golden iron rod in his hand was smashed every time with the sound of the wind. Instead of hitting a stick on a tree, the tip of the stick hit the trunk of the tree. When the stick hit the trunk, the full force burst out, poured into the trunk, and exploded inside. A horrible power was generated in an instant, and the prohibition in the tree was too late to transmit the power and was destroyed directly by destruction.

If Lu Li saw Uncle Li's attack, he would be familiar.

That's because he also realized a similar attack at that time—the Ben Lei Sword Technique, which was realized in the mortal realm, and the soul-breaking mystery that was fused later, all had the same effect as Uncle Li's attack at the moment.

Of course, Lu Li is only a low-level mortal world secret technique, and this uncle Li's killing power is quite different. The power that Li Shu burst out in an instant was definitely more than ten thousand times that of Lu Lishou Soul.

Every time Uncle Li attacks, a tree falls. As for the snakes in the tree, there is no pressure on Uncle Li. There were some cyan airflows outside his body, and those cyan airflows were like a small sword, flying fast outside his body.

As soon as some snakes came near him, they were strangled by a small blue sword. And those snakes that could turn into ghosts had no movement after rushing into his body. Lu Li's soul has a powerful dragon soul guard, and this uncle also has a powerful monster soul guard. This level of soul attack has no pressure on him at all.


Uncle Li alone withstood all the pressure in front of him and broke all the way, attracting all the nearby snakes to kill. Zuo Qiulu and others followed in comfort, and they looked at Li Shu's means secretly.

The Black Hill Heron in the dark forest has collected some news. It is said that many **** kings in Youyan Land came in, but they dare not go deep. In history, only a small number of Youyan Land strongmen have penetrated in.

Zuo Qiulu secretly tried to attack, but with his attack strength, he could not destroy any tree, and they could see the horror of the snakes. Their awe of Li Shu is even more serious. Don't look at Li Shu as the second **** of God, but he comes from the second heaven, one face higher than the world of God, his means and magical powers, they can't catch the horse.

The dark forest is large, but Uncle Li can destroy a tree with a single stroke, and a group of people walk straight through. It took just over an hour for everyone to walk out easily.

"Master Li, this should be the core area of ​​the ancient monster's death!"

Zuo Qiulu leaned up and obeyed respectfully, reminding him: "It is said that the center of the ancient devil's dead land is a bit dangerous. Many gods in history are here!"


Uncle Li sneered, and said with some dissatisfaction: "That is a waste of your divine realm. For us ... the so-called dead land of your entire divine realm is a sparse and ordinary dangerous place!"

Uncle Li's meaning is obvious. He almost said that-with the exception of him and Yan Zhen, one of them was counted as one, all of which were rubbish. Zuo Qiulu and others smiled wryly, but did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Zuo Qiulu also said with a smile: "That's it, that's it. For Mr. Li, the restrictions and arrangements here really are like playing with children, and can be broken with a finger."

"Let's go!"

Uncle Li glanced at the nine-star disk in Yan Zhen's hand and determined that Lu Li was in front of him. He waved and led the crowd toward the front. The sea of ​​fog is ahead, and at this moment the fog in the sea of ​​fog has become dense again, obviously controlled by the temple.


Uncle Li and Yan Zhen arrived at the front of Wuhai and searched several times, both of them laughed mockingly. For them, this fantasy formation is too good to break. It is impossible to forcibly shake the ground and destroy the underground formations. The fantasy formation is easily broken.

Wuhai and Soul Wushan looked similar. Zuo Qiulu and others didn't care, and a group of people followed in. Uncle Li didn't attack at first, thinking about observing it. If he could break it easily, he wouldn't have to do anything.


Uncle Li walked and suddenly felt something wrong, because suddenly no one was behind him. Yan Zhen and Zuo Qiulu all disappeared into the foggy sea, silent and without any sign.

"It's interesting!"

Uncle Li didn't panic, but smiled at the corner of his mouth. Yan Zhen's body was the Lingling Tianbao Godhead, and Uncle Li was not worried about his safety. As for Zuo Qiulu and others, Uncle Li paid less attention.

The dark golden iron rod glowed in his hand, but he thought for a moment without attacking. Because there is a mystery here, if his attack happened to hit Zuo Qilu and others, they would be killed instantly.

"go with!"

He thought about the cyan airflow on his body and turned it into a small sword flying in all directions ~ ~ These small swords he can sense, if Yan Zhen and others are nearby, he will be able to sense easily.


Uncle Li's face showed suspicion, because he controlled hundreds of long swords and flew out thousands of miles, but he didn't even feel it.

"Are they all teleported away?"

Uncle Li frowned, and the long stick in his hand lit up. He never hesitated and smashed in front of him. The stick became hundreds of feet long, with a thick head, with the runes shining above it, surrounded by dark golden air, and smashed heavily against the ground in front of it.

"Ah ~"

A scream sounded, and then the ground shuddered, and the surrounding ground thousands of miles trembled violently. Uncle Li's complexion changed slightly, and his thoughts swept away, but he found a crack in the ground in front of him, and a person was smashed into meat sauce in the crack ...


He glanced a few times and determined that the man was a strong man in the divine realm, who was just following him. His eyes were shocked, because his flying sword flew out just now, and no one was detected in front of him. Now he was killed by one?

"This fantasy formation is a little weird!"

Uncle Li explored for a while and found that his stick did not cause any damage to the magic array. This one has an explanation-there is no pattern in the large array, this magic array is a natural magic array. Moreover, this fantasy array is relatively advanced, and he actually cheated him, and accidentally killed a person just now.

"嗷嗷 ~"

At this moment, countless beasts roared suddenly in the distance, and the sound was very loud. I didn't know where it came from. But after listening a little, I am afraid there are at least a dozen beasts.

"Left Hill Heron they are in danger ..."

Uncle Li frowned, he and Yan Zhen were not afraid of these low-level beasts, Zuo Qiulu and others were afraid it would be difficult to resist.

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