The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1787: Save us

"Boom boom!"

Uncle Li and Yan Zhen went all the way, breaking all the way. Although the ancient devil's death is very large, there are ancient forbidden gods in many places, but not all ancient forbidden gods are as powerful as the magic circle in the dark forest.

Some low-level French mates are too easy for Li Shu and Yan Zhen. After that, Li Shu and Yan Zhen are too lazy to do it. Uncle Li released Zuo Qiulu and another divine supremacy and asked them to crack the low-level magic circle.

Regardless of any legal array, as long as there was a legal array, Li Shu decided to destroy it all. When the ancient formations in the ancient demons are destroyed, what can Lu Lu rely on? There will be no restrictions at that time, and their speed can reach the extreme. This ancient devil is so dead. Where can Lu Li escape?


The injuries of Zuo Qiulu and another **** world supreme Ruiyang were not fully recovered, but the two did not dare to have any complaints, desperately attacked, and broke away all the way.

They were in a big mountain at the moment, which was banned. These restrictions do not actually prevent them from moving forward, they can completely bypass them. But Uncle Li didn't want to fly over, but to destroy all the restrictions on the road.

Zuo Qiulu kept releasing attacks, blasting the surrounding area into a mess, smashing all detectable restraints. For a long time, this mountain has become sparse, and the prohibition can be explored and it has been destroyed.


Uncle Li inspected for a while, and flew with three people, waving across the mountain, there was a Gobi in front of the mountain, there are many stone peaks on the Gobi, a casual glance can be seen that there are restrictions in those stone peaks.

"Destroy those stone peaks!"

Uncle Li ordered a while exploring, Zuo Qiulu and Ruiyang looked slightly changed. There are a lot of Shifengs. If you go on like this all the way, I'm afraid it will take a day or two.

Uncle Li ordered the two to be rebellious and flew to the front to start the attack. Those Shifengs were indeed forbidden. Every time they passed, Shifeng would light up a white light, and then there was an air flow outside the Shifengs. The attacks of Zuo Qiulu and Ruiyang could not be destroyed immediately.

Fortunately, Shi Feng's ban is not too strong. After three attacks, Shi Feng will be smashed. Uncle Li and Yan Zhen sat up on the ground and went to rest directly, letting Zuo Qiulu and Ruiyang do coolies.

Although the location of Jiu Xingpan's exploration of Lu Li has changed, the distance is not too far. As long as Lu Li is still in the dead of the ancient demons, the two will keep tracking away, and they will always destroy the forbidden law array inside.

There were so many nearby Shifengs, and the two banged for a whole day and night before they smashed all the miles of Shifeng. Yan Zhen went out once during the period, looked at the Jiuxing disk, and was assured that Lu Li did not move.


Uncle Li waved his hand, and the four rushed out of the Gobi Desert. Yan Zhen said after he went out: "The nine-star plate shows that the land is not far away, and it should be thousands of miles away. We are ready to go to war at any time!"

"I'll come and break the team in person, you follow!"

Uncle Li explained, walking in front of himself, there is a wasteland in front, there is no restraint, there are no wild animals or offensive things. Uncle Li and others marched with suspicion as they moved forward. This area is regarded as the core area of ​​the ancient monster's death. There are dangers in all places. There is no magic arrangement and danger here.


The distance was getting closer and closer, and Uncle Li didn't care about that much anymore, leading everyone to move quickly. This wasteland is very large, and the crowd ran for thousands of miles before actually passing through. For thousands of miles, not only did they not encounter any attacks, they did not even see half of the ban.

"Lu Li is ahead!"

Yan Zhen reminded him that the remaining three were immediately energized, and Li Shu immediately said: "All converge and see if you can assault and kill."

"it is good!"

A group of people immediately converged and moved forward quietly. However, the crowd did not relax their vigilance and kept exploring the situation around them. If they found danger and the law formation, they would stop immediately.

The terrain ahead changed into magmatic terrain, and there was a strong smell of sulfur in the air.

What surprised Uncle Li and others was that after entering, they did not find any restrictions or any offensive things.

"A bit wrong?"

Uncle Li murmured that the quietness in the former wasteland made him very suspicious, and now there is no restriction in this magma zone, which cannot be explained.

However, Lu Li was in front of him, and he could not think too much, and floated in with three people like three ghosts. Yan Zhen has been looking at the Jiuxing plate, feeling that the distance from Lu is getting closer and closer, and the murder in his eyes has skyrocketed.

There are many magmatic rivers around. These rivers emit black smoke and block the view, but a volcano can be seen from a distance. Yan Zhen glanced at Jiuxingpan and said, "Lu Li should be in that volcano!"

"it is good!"

Uncle Li stopped and thought and explained: "Let's move apart and surround the volcano from all directions. Zuo Qilu, you two, remember, you don't need to kill Lu Li, you just need to linger for a while, and start Leave it to me. "


Zuo Qiulu and Ruiyang immediately scrambled to both sides, Li Shu glanced at Yan Zhen, and the two acted separately, rushing towards the volcano from the left and right sides.

"Cuckoo ~"

At this moment, the volcano suddenly trembled, and then the crater was billowing with thick smoke, and soon a hot magma spewed out, flying all over the sky, and the sky was under fire and rain.

Uncle Li and others did not care about these low-level magmas, let alone fire rain, even if they jumped into the magma, they could not hurt them.


What surprised them was that after the magma fell, it flowed into the magma river, and then countless magma rivers lit up, and the magma was rolling and swimming in the river. Black smoke erupted from the river, filling a space of thousands of miles, and it became dark all around.


As soon as Uncle Li's eyes were cold, he felt the wave of restraint. These magma rivers all have phalanx, but they have not been activated before. The volcanic eruption just now activated all the magic arrays and a powerful magic array appeared.

"嗷嗷 ~"

"Bang Bang Bang ~"

A roar of beasts and heavy footsteps sounded from the north ~ ~ Uncle Li suddenly sank in his heart. He knew that this was a trap, and Lu Li had already laid a trap early. Lu Li always knew their whereabouts and deliberately seduced him.

He also understood why the former moor was no longer banned or dangerous. There must be a wild animal or a tadpole over there, but this place was brought together by Lu Li, so it will be so safe over there ...


Uncle Li, holding a dark golden stick, smashed into a magma river, and he detected that there are law formations in the river. As long as these law formations are broken, the psychedelic formations here will naturally disappear.


The thing that shocked him happened, and the powerful force in his iron rod smashed under the river, but it was dissolved by the river. It's like he was punched in the sea, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't do any harm to the sea.

"Master Li, save me!"

A terrifying shout came from the north. It was Rui Yang's voice, and Zuo Qiulu's voice soon sounded: "Master Li, Yan Gongzi, a lot of wild animals and crickets, come and save us!"

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