Tianyun Mountain is very large. It is not a single mountain, but a huge mountain. This mountain is also very characteristic, layer by layer.

There are forty-nine hills on the outer periphery and eighteen mountains in the middle. The main peak is in the middle. The main peak is also divided into three layers.

In other words, Tianyun Mountain is divided into five regions, and the heaven and earth aura in each region is different. The highest level of the heaven and earth on the main peak is the most powerful. It is said that it is barely comparable to Hongmeng's mystery. There can be a breath to increase the divine power.

The warriors of Tianyun Mountain are also divided into five levels, and the identities of gold, silver, bronze, iron and wood are five levels. People of different levels live in areas of different levels. This level is not only for Sergeants of Tianyun Mountain, but for everyone, as long as you can get different status treatment, you can live in different areas.

"How can I get different identity tokens? Differentiate by combat power?"

After hearing the sergeant's introduction, Lu Li could not help asking curiously. His strength should be at the bottom. He can only live in the outermost area. Uncle Li is expected to be separated from him and live in 18 mountains.

"Breaking through the town's demon tower!"

The sergeant pointed at the position of the main peak and said, "Everyone has a town demon tower under the main peak. Every month, there is a chance to break through the town demon tower. As long as you pass the first floor of the town demon tower, you can not only get the iron medal status, but also The elixir is given. By analogy, if you cross the second floor, you can get the bronze status, the third silver status, and the fourth gold status. If you can cross the fifth floor, you can also get the Tianyun Fairy call, and every year Get a chance to enter Hongmeng's mystery once! "

"Once a year?"

Lu Li and Uncle Li's eyes were all lighted up, and the two of Chaos's Secret Realm didn't even think about it. It would be a great opportunity to enter Hongmeng's Secret Realm. After crossing the fifth floor of the town's demon tower, you can have the opportunity to enter the secret place of Hongmeng once a year? This sounds incredible.

"its not right…"

Lu Li remembered one thing. Hongmeng's mysterious land was the supreme treasure. How could the Tianyun Fairy have the opportunity to bring people into such a place? If Tianmo Island has an entrance to Hongmeng's secret realm, I am afraid that it will also be controlled by the Devil King. Even if Tianyun Fairy is the favorite tribe of the Devil, wouldn't she give her such a great right?

Of course, he didn't dare to ask such things, he could only ask: "This lord, how many people in Tianyun Mountain have crossed the fifth floor of the town demon tower?"


The sergeant said with certainty: "There was one thirty years ago, but this man was out of Tenmon Island and was said to have been killed later."


Lu Li and Uncle Li looked at each other, both of them were bitter. With so many people in Tianyun Mountain and so many strong people, only one person broke through the fifth floor of the town demon tower.

"You remember!"

The sergeant solemnly explained: "You have just joined Tianyun Mountain and can only be regarded as wooden signage people. Except walking on the forty-nine mountain peaks outside, if you are not going to break into the town's demon tower, dare to enter it, and kill it. In addition, in Tianyun Mountain No private hands are allowed. Any disputes will be resolved outside Tianyun Mountain. Whoever dares to do so, let alone kill! "

"Yes Yes!"

Lu Li and Uncle Li quickly responded, and the sergeant took them into a small hill. The two did not dare to make inquiries, glanced, and found that many of the caves in the mountains here were excavated by themselves, densely packed like horses.

The sergeant took them to the peak of a small hill, and there was only one castle. The sergeant pointed at a nearby stone cave and said, "Wooden people are not qualified to build a castle. When you get there, you can find a stone cave that is unoccupied, or you can dig one yourself. But you cannot dig too deep. Let ’s stop the killing! ”

There were two sergeants outside the castle. They glanced at Lu Li and Uncle Li and put them in. There was a commander inside, who looked very wretched, with a goat face and a moustache, and was better than Uncle Li.

"The rules are accountable to them?"

Wang Tongling glanced at the sergeant. After receiving confirmation, Wang Tongling threw out two wooden tokens with the word Tianyun on it and waved: "The first three days of each month are eligible to break through the town's demon tower, and the rest of the time is fine. It's better not to bother me, just go out and register. "

Lu Li and Uncle Li quickly registered the information and then backed down. The sergeant pointed at a distant mountain road and said, "There have been more than ten people who died in the town's demon tower recently. You can live there. Right Now ... wooden sign people have the obligation to cooperate with the sergeant to catch the chaotic beast. If you accidentally recruit you, you must cooperate! "

"it is good!"

Lu Li and Uncle Li arrived when they first arrived. They were both low-key and walked towards the mountain. On the way, they saw that all the mountain peaks were stone caves, and many of them were banned. It seems that there are people living there.

The two arrived at the small hill pointed by the sergeant and searched nearby, and it turned out that more than a dozen caves were uninhabited. Lu Li and Li Shu thought for a moment and chose a fairly clean and spacious stone cave to live in.

"Let me set up some restrictions."

There are some restrictions in this cave, but it looks very low to Lu Li. He and Uncle Li may need to practice here for a while, or arrange some restraints, and arrange a few spiritual gatherings, which is suitable for practice.

It doesn't take much time to arrange the ban on this method, but it took only three hours for San Xiangxiang to set it up. When he was sure that the ban was okay, he rested against the stone cave with relief.

Upon arriving at Tianyun Mountain, he and Uncle Li had a place to stay, at least not to worry about being killed. The next thing is to see how it develops and quickly become powerful. Without strong strength, let alone get out of Tian Mo Dao, even if Tian Yun Shan Lu Li dare not go out.

Uncle Li also sat down with a relaxed look. He spent a long time in the double sky, and his fighting spirit was long worn away. He just wanted to find an opportunity to take his daughter over, so he would die without regrets.


Suddenly, a dull bang sounded outside, and Lu Li and Uncle Li opened their eyes at the same time. Doesn't Tianshan say that it is absolutely impossible to fight? How dare anyone take a shot in Tianyun Mountain?

"call out!"

The two rushed out of the stone cave, and the divine thought swept away in the direction of the explosion. A lot of sergeants also rushed out of the nearby stone caves. Some people in the mountains attracted many people to watch.

"Yuan Bing?"

Lu Li's complexion quickly changed, and Uncle Li's complexion became extremely unnatural. The two detected that a team of sergeants were besieging Yuan Bing. Yuan Bing had already been injured. He was severely wounded at this moment, and he was about to be killed.

"It's that leader!"

Li Shu Shennian found that among the hands of the people, there was that little braid to lead ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This person is the enemy of Yuan Bing. His eyes became cool without any impulse. Yuan Bing was not his friend. Even the situation at this moment was his friend, he did not dare to mess up.


Yuan Bing was cut off by his head with a small braid. The commander held Yuan Bing's head and looked around in a cold drink. ! "

Countless people immediately returned to the cave, and Li Shula landed and retreated. But at this moment, the little pigtail leader looked exactly at this side, and Uncle Li stared at him.


Uncle Li sank in his heart. He saw murder in the eyes of this little braid leader. It seems that this little braid leader will not give up, and sooner or later he will find him and Lu Li in trouble.

"I have to find a way to get the bronze medal status!"

Uncle Li's eyes turned, and his heart was secretly thinking, as long as he got the bronze medal status, this little braid leader should not dare to embarrass them. Otherwise, Yunshan will not be safe this day.

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