The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1876: Dream Warcraft

The scenery of the second floor and the first floor of the town demon tower is similar, the difference is that this side is not a weed bush, and the road is covered with forests.

After Lu Li and Elder Chen came in, Lu Li Shennian swept towards the forest and explored for a while, as before, nothing could be detected. He asked, "Elder Chen, what does the demon look like here?"

"The demon here is called Dream Warcraft!"

Elder Chen explained: "The demons here are mainly soul attacks. Of course ... their soul attacks are different from ordinary soul attacks. They will create a strange dreamland that you will never get out of. Their magical powers, even if you It is useless to have a demon guardian in your soul. If you can't get out of the dreamland, you will be torn by them. "

"Oh, let me try?"

Lu Li was a bit interested, he arched his hand, "If the situation is wrong, or if I can't wake up for a long time, please trouble Elder Chen to help me. I need to go to Jilei Mountain to practice."


Elder Chen nodded and Lu Li strode forward. He had absolute confidence in his defense. Dream Warcraft should not break his defense. He just didn't want to stay in the dream for too long.

He walked a hundred meters toward the front, the forest on both sides undulating, a breeze blew, and a faint scent. Lu Lishen swept over, and found a very strange demon floating in the air, which seemed to have no shape, constantly changing the shape with the wind, from time to time to become a charming woman, from time to time into a strange monster, from time to time Became a strange plant ...


Lu Li suddenly felt that the world in front of him had changed, Elder Chen disappeared behind him, he was not in the trail, and the forest on both sides had disappeared. He only saw strange faces appearing in the air, and they were all women's faces. Some of these faces were pure, glamorous, high-cold, some profanity, some sing softly, and some guying self-pity ...

Faces continued to appear, these faces slowly changed again, and began to appear Miss Yi's face, the face of the goddess of the Qing Dynasty Miss Man, the face of Ling Qingyan, the face of Pan Yuqin, the face of Chi Xier, And Jiang Qiling, Bai Qiuxue, White Summer Frost and Lu Ling Prajna, etc ...

All the faces in the back became the faces of women he was familiar with. Some of those faces had pain, some resentment, some sadness, and some tears. They could see what Lu Lu felt like.

It was clear to Lu Xinhua that these were all illusions, and he should be in his dream. These women are all related to him, or the women he misses.

Although he knew it was a dream, and he was extremely uncomfortable inside, he didn't know how to break the dream. He could only stand in place and watch the surrounding pictures constantly change.

After a while, all faces disappeared!

The surrounding scenes began to change and turned into the northern desert of Dou Tian Jie. In front of two women, two identical women, Bai Qiuxue and Bai Xiashuang. The two stood and looked at him with a smile, Bai Xiashuang kept waving and let himself pass.

Although he knew it was a dream, Lu Li's body couldn't help thinking about it, and wanted to embrace the two sisters in his arms. Even if he knew it was a dream at this moment, he didn't even want to wake up, and wanted to stay inside because ... he could see the dearest and loved woman.

"Fu Jun, Qi Ling misses you!"

As soon as the picture turned, Jiang Qiling appeared in front of him. A pair of foxes looked at him affectionately. Before he did anything, Jiang Qiling dissipated in the wind.

Then the picture turned around. A beautiful woman with blue silk and waist, wearing a green robe appeared in front of her. She had an exquisite face, and said with tears in her eyes: "Brother Lu, you deceive, you said that Prajna went to the **** world You marry me. Now that I have become a god, I have reached the realm of God, where is your man? You make Prajna so sad ... "

"Prajo, me!"

Lu Li said uncontrollably for a while, but did n’t say anything later. The screen turned again. Chi Xier appeared in front of him, with a pitiful expression on his face, and looked at him with tears in his eyes. Are you here? Come back soon without you ... Xier will die. "


Lu Li felt a cramp in his heart, he closed his eyes in pain, and did not dare to face Chi Xier's pearly eyes.

A familiar voice sounded the next second, letting him open his eyes involuntarily: "My lover, rest assured, I have settled the people of the Lu family, you can rest assured in the double sky. Qingyan will help you Taking care of them, Yu Qin and I are waiting for you back in the land of Youyan. "

Lu Li opened his eyes, and unsurprisingly saw Ling Qingyan and Pan Yuqin. He sighed inside, it seems that his dream can never wake up. There are too many concerns in the deepest part of his heart, and these concerns will become dreamers, and will always trap him.

"Woohoo ~"

Suddenly a wind rose, and the world ahead became icy and snowy. A small tribe slowly appeared in front of it, and the shadows outside the tribe gradually became clear.


Lu Li saw a woman standing outside the tribe. The woman was emaciated, wearing a white cape and crutches, and her beautiful face was full of joy.

Seeing this, he suddenly trembled violently.

This picture is the picture of Lu Ling waiting for him outside the Dillon tribe after he returned to help Liu Jia pull the coffin when he was fifteen years old. When he saw Lu Ling's pale and beautiful face, the whole person's heart melted.

Before he knew it, he was in tears, and he knew that this dream monster would never get through, because the dream monster in his soul was too deep and too deep. The women who just appeared are his magic obstacles, and they can keep him dreaming in his life forever and never wake up.


A leisurely sigh came from the sky, pulling Lu Li back from his dream. Lu Li looked intently, and the world around him changed again. He stood on the trail, with forests on both sides, and Elder Chen stood beside him, and his robes were scratched in many places, and there was a light blood stain on his skin.

"This dream is so amazing ~ ~ I was attacked without any surprise!" Lu Li was slightly surprised, he had been silent in the dream just now, and he was bleeding, but he didn't even notice it.

"Land from!"

Elder Chen frowned and said, "I didn't expect your dream monster to be so serious? In this state, you must not go to the second heavenly calamity, otherwise you will stay in your soul and soul forever. If you do not remove the inner magic barrier, you will absolutely I ca n’t survive the second calamity! "

"I know!"

Lu Li sighed slightly, knowing his own affairs. He is rising too fast, his realm is rising too fast and too fiercely, but his foundation is not solid enough, especially for the soul, which depends on the dragon soul too much.

Du Tianjie is the ability to test all-round, he may have a strong comprehensive combat force now, but the foundation is not solid. Once the key moments such as the sky robbery, his disadvantages will be exposed, and it will make him disappear forever.

"Hurry but not?"

Lu Li suddenly thought of Miss Yi's words, and perhaps the words that Fairy Tianyun told her to point out his shortcomings.

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