The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1882: 8 king punches

Before Lu Li killed many people, there were also a few peaks in the second calamity. These things are all in the mind, but Uncle Li is not particularly clear. He knew that Lu Li's physical defense was very strong, but he did not expect to be so strong.

"There is no such thing as a reputation!"

Ma commanded a slight bow. Fortunately, he hadn't offended Lu before. He was so young and possessed such a strong body, and he could kill the peak of Erjie.

Although the divine body is far from the divine body, there is still a long way to go.

In the double sky and triple sky, there are very strong people who follow the path of the **** body. There are many people who have a small body, but there are only so many people who have a large body for millions of years.

The **** body is very difficult to cultivate. It requires not only a unique physique, but also an understanding of the cultivation method of the **** body. It also requires a great opportunity to devour massive amounts of strange energy.

This world is fair!

Supreme Godhead is very tyrannical, but it is very difficult to cultivate successfully. If it ’s easy to cultivate, this world would have crawled all over. So Lu Li distance still has a long way to go to become a real Supreme Deity, but now that Lu Li is a small god, he is worthy of respect, at least stronger than the horse command, let alone Lu Li young.

"how is this possible?"

Yu Feixiang's eyes were still unbelievable, mainly because Lu Li gave him hope before, but now the gap is so big that he can't accept it at all. He pointed to the landing and said, "You must be wearing the Hongling Tianbao Battlegear, otherwise you cannot have such a strong defense."

Lu Li rolled his eyes, and both Mr. Ma and Uncle Li froze. What if Lu Li wore the Lingling Tianbao Battlegear? Not allowed to wear? How did Yu Feixiang say such mentally retarded words?

Lu Li was too lazy to talk with Yu Feixiang, rubbed his fists and said, "Okay, now it's my turn. Is it you Yu to take the three tricks from me, or do you send someone else out? I suggest you send a two-jail peak, or Your thin little body, my little master is afraid to hit you with a punch! "

"You, I come ..."

Yu Feixiang was furious, and just about to say that I came, one of the two robbers around him came out and said, "Okay, here is a master's trick to teach this boy. If you can bomb me down the mountain, we will leave Jilei Mountain immediately. . "

Yu Feixiang came to his senses, although he had the Hongling Tianbao defensive battle armor, but other than that, his defense was far from good. The peak of Erjie is one of his tribe. Although it is a side line, he also has Hongling Tianbao Warframe. If he comes forward, he will not die if he stands up to Lu Lihong?

"it is good!"

Lu Li nodded briskly, he walked step by step, standing half a foot in front of the peak of the middle-aged two robbers, he raised his fist and said, "I'm going to attack you, are you ready?"


At the middle of the second year, the armor on the peak of the second calamity lighted up, and at the same time a yellowish light glowed in his body. He nodded and said, "I'm ready, you can just attack."

"Okay, I'm here, watch me open my mind to destroy the magic fist!"

Lu Li's fist waved, and he made a round turn, with a sound of wind, slammed against the middle-aged warrior's chest. Lu Li ’s fist was locked by all people ’s thoughts, because Lu Li ’s fist still had gloves on it, which was obviously Hongling Tianbao, so a group of people were very nervous.


A slight sound sounded, as if a wooden stick was gently hitting the cold iron. The peak of the middle-aged second calamity was not only not thrown back, but the body was not shaken for a minute ...

"唔 ~"

In the middle of the middle age, the peak of Erjie blinked, and he felt a little confused. He felt that Lu Li didn't infuse the punch at all. He didn't feel anything. Lu Li was deliberately putting water in, or was his attack power too weak?

"Huh, it looks like your defense is good!"

Lu Li hummed twice and said proudly: "Then I can only use the strongest move, look at me-the invincible thunder destroys the sky and the meteor!"

Lu Li's fist waved again, dancing violently, this time with a howling sound, he slammed into the middle-aged warrior's chest. With a slightly dull voice, the middle-aged warrior's body was still not shaken, and Lu Li's sounding boxing skills couldn't make the middle-aged warrior take a half step back.


Yu Feixiang and others couldn't help laughing anymore. A group of people were relieved and Lu Li couldn't blast them. That was equal to both sides, and it was a way to save some face. Waiting for the summit will allow the second peak of Erjie to play, and Lu Li will be bombed down the mountain in one attack.

"what the hell?"

The peak of the middle-aged two robbers was a bit inexplicable, and he also didn't feel any power. Is Lu Li playing a fake punch? What is his purpose? Is he the teaser that the monkey invited?


Lu Li often exhaled, and said with a look of indecision: "This little brother, I admit that your defense is not bad, and it is worth my use of the peerless **** fist of my Lu family ancestors. You must be careful and careful, I am afraid This punch is too powerful to kill you! "


Yu Feixiang and the two young ladies mocked each other. Lu Li's attack was not so good. Little brother? An ancestral peerless **** fist? What is it?


Lu Li's legs were slightly bent, and she displayed a sturdy posture. This time, he didn't wave his fist, but just slowly fisted his fist and smashed at the middle-aged two gods. The speed was so slow that he could vomit blood.

"Be careful!"

Lu Li yelled, but it scared a group of people. He shouted: "Look at my ancestor's peerless **** fist-hit the king eight punches!"

Lu Li's fist was about to touch the body of the middle-aged warrior. At this moment, his gloves were lit, and the energy in the 720 acupoints in the body was whistling. At the same time, he used Spirit Burst, and his fist suddenly hit the warrior's chest. Part of the surging energy was blocked by Hongling Tianbao's armor, but part of it penetrated into it and burst directly inside the person's body.


A dull blast sounded like a landslide, the middle-aged warrior flew away like a sack, and the blood in his mouth did not swell with money, his face was pale like snow, his chest was recessed, and his internal organs were seriously injured. Now, the ribs on the chest were broken.


In the middle of the middle age, the second peak of the second calamity flew out dozens of miles and smashed into a large mountain west of Jielei Mountain. It also caused the mountain to collapse and the rocks to fall, and buried the second crest of the mountain alive.


Yu Feixiang exclaimed, his eyes were full of shock, and the rest were the same, his eyes were all confused. Why did Lu Li's last punch seem so slow and without any power, they could easily hit their uncle seriously? Could it be that Wang Baquan ~ ~ is really a peerless **** fist of Lu Li's family?

"Let you be careful, let you be careful, but not listening!"

Lu Liruo cleaned up his ragged clothes and took care of the cluttered buns, so he said lightly: "Fortunately, I just regained 90% of my strength, otherwise the punch will go down. There is no blood scum left. Well you lose, go down the mountain, don't disturb the husband to cultivate! "

"Old man?"

Uncle Li and Ma commanded an old blood spurt, Lu Li was so young, so dare to call himself an old man? Are they all immortal?



PS: A few days ago, I spent a lot of money to find an artist to draw a q version of Lu Li's portrait. After a few changes, I was satisfied. I'll post it on the public account tomorrow. You can go to the public account to see if there is a bit of charm.

Search for the public number "Fairy Night" without paying attention to the public number. It will be released tomorrow afternoon.

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