The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1891: Mighty demon

The Demon King is indeed very powerful. The general Dream Warcraft Void Worm just annihilated in an instant, and this Demon King actually took a full scent of incense to completely annihilate it.

However, there was not much suspense at the time, and the dark golden void bug was too strong. After entering the body of the Demon King, it opened and closed. The Demon King couldn't do anything about it, he could only roll around constantly, destroying a forest.


Elder Chen and Lu Li opened their eyes and looked at the Void Worm, both of them were a little bit stingy, and devoured a Dream Lord. This dark golden Void Worm showed no signs of division!

Lu Li originally wanted to devour ten Dream Lords and split out thousands of dark golden void worms. It would be a great help for him at that time, but he did not expect that he had swallowed a Dream Lord without splitting ...

"Is this the ultimate evolutionary form of the Void Worm? Can't divide, only the golden-colored Void Worm can evolve into this?"

Lu Li's eyes flickered, and the elder Chen next to him asked with some worry: "Lu Li, will he continue to devour it?"

"try again!"

Lu Li arched his hand. There was too little dark golden void bug. If he was shot dead by the strong, he would have no chance to split. He has to split at least a few times. He keeps one as a mother worm, so that he can find a chance to split in the future.

Elder Chen took the landing and continued to fly, and after spending three hours, he found a dream demon again. After much consideration, Lu Li decided to let the Dark Golden Void Worm continue to move. If this time has not split, he can only find a way to let the Golden Void evolve.

This dark golden void bug whistled and flew away, taking a moment of incense to slay out the Demon King. Before this time it was completely wiped out, the dark golden Netherworm lit up and actually started to split.

"it is good!"

Lu Li's face showed joy, as long as he could split once, then he could find ways to split countless times, and eventually formed a huge void swarm. Elder Chen was relieved too. He died of two dream monsters. If they could not split, they would be in a big loss.

The Dark Golden Nether Worm splits fast or slow. It took half a day for one Nether Worm to become two. Lu Li asked the two Netherworms to devour the remaining Skeleton of the Demon King, and then pleaded with Elder Chen to take him to continue to find the Demon King.

After spending more than ten days like this, Elder Chen took a landing and made a half circle in the small world, and found ten dream monsters, all devoured. The Nether Worm has split three times, from one to eight ...

Ten dream kings contained terrifying energy in their bodies, but only seven were split. This is far from the original idea of ​​Lu Li. He looked at Elder Chen with some dissatisfaction, but the latter shook his head again and again: "Can't devour anymore. Besides, there are still a dozen dream monsters, and they will be split a few times. Just a few dozen bugs, aren't they all the same? "

Lu Li thought for a while and thought that this was the truth, so he could only stop.

He thought for a moment, and asked, "Isn't the town demon tower with five floors? The remaining demons? Is it more powerful? Or take some of them for the Nether Worm?"


Elder Chen shook his head and said: "Although the remaining layers of monsters are very powerful, they are very rare. These were taken with great effort to capture them. The warriors who broke through the subsequent layers were forbidden to kill them and could only repel them. of."


Lu Li sighed in disappointment and asked impatiently: "Elder Chen, do you know where there are powerful monsters nearby, let's find them?"

"There is a place!"

Elder Chen said with a grin: "A demon is sealed under the sea thousands of miles west of Wuji Island. If you want to go by yourself, I dare not go. The demon was sealed by the Great Demon King and Wuji Island owner. ... "


Lu Li rolled his eyes silently. Elder Chen took him towards the teleportation array. He saw Lu Li's expression looked a little dim, and comforted him: "If you have a chance, you can go out to sea to see, maybe the mighty chaotic beast can split your bug. What about? "


Lu Li bowed his head slightly, but he did not dare to rise to the sea. He is not strong enough now, and Yan Hong is also a **** of three calamities. He is expected to be shot to death by Yan Hong.

The two returned to the teleportation altar and teleported to the top of Tianyun Mountain. Elder Chen took out some elixir and left to Lu Li and left. These elixir are top-level soul nourishing elixir, as well as the elixir to aid the cultivation of divine power, which should be given to him by the elder Chen.

"rest for few days!"

Lu Li decided to rest for a few days, and then go to Demon Mountain to see Frost Sword. If you have time, you can go to Demon Stone to see and see if you can understand the marks left by the Devil.

After bathing and changing clothes, I slept well, and Lu Li called another table for a drink.

I just drank two cups, and a fragrance came. Miss Yi actually came again. Lu Li looked up at her and couldn't help but tease: "Miss Yi, are you a dog? Are you so punctual every time?"


Miss Yi snorted coldly, sitting in front of Lu Li, and said: "People came to see you with kindness, but you mocked me? Why didn't you get caught by Bald Hu?"


Lu Li remembered the perverted old rabbit feeling cold all the time, he snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for me not fast enough, the old pervert would have been killed by me."

"Just bragging!"

Miss Yi took a drink and drank a glass of wine: "Bald Hu has been on Tianmo Island for many years, and many people hate him for getting into his bones. Numerous great forces have chased him down, but he is still alive. He is proficient in five or six kinds of martial arts, and one A piece of flying treasure engraved with the **** pattern of heaven, and the escape technique is against the sky. Can you want to kill him? This is not difficult. "

"He still has such treasures?"

Lu Li screamed unfortunately. If he could kill the bald husband, wouldn't this flying treasure be his? But thinking about Bald Hu's treasure is useless, he can't catch up if he runs away. It's really impossible to kill Bald Hu.

Seeing Lu Li silent, her face bleak, Miss Yi smiled slightly and raised her toast: "Okay, okay, you can kill the five people around Bald Hu, it has surprised us all. Lu Li, congratulations on your fight Lidajin, come and respect you! "

Lu Li smiled reluctantly and had a drink with Miss Yi. Miss Yi suddenly said mysteriously, "Lu Li, I heard that your bug has evolved again? Is there a lack of a powerful demon split?"

"You know this as well?"

Lu Li looked at Miss Yi in wonder and became more curious about her identity. Elder Chen can't talk much, is it told by the person who keeps the dream World of Warcraft?

"Hee hee!"

Ms. Yi slightly proudly raised her chest and said, "Miss Ben doesn't know? As long as I want to inquire about ~ ~, it won't bother me."

"Is that right?"

Lu Li's eyes rolled around and he said, "Then you help me to inquire about Ni Longgu. Is there a person named Lu Ling?"

"Inverse Dragon Valley ..."

Miss Yi rolled her eyes and said, "That is the super power of Mie Tian. Where do you ask me to inquire? Hey ... Lu Li, you still have a relationship with Miss Longgu?"

Lu Li didn't want to talk about this topic. He drank a glass of wine and said, "Ms. Yi said a powerful demon just now? Do you know that there is a powerful demon nearby?"

"This is nature!"

Miss Yi raised her head proudly and said, "There is a powerful demon in Tianmo Island. Do you want to go? If you want to go ... give me some gold from God's source, and I will take you there."

"it is good!"

Lu Li nodded almost without hesitation, "I will give you as much gold as you want, and take me to the demon!"

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