The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2274: Recover the Wind of Warcraft

"God, this Wind of Warcraft, are you sure to conquer?"

Yuan Lingyun asked Lu Li about another thing. She wanted to subdue the Wind Warcraft. The problem was that she couldn't suppress Wind Warcraft directly. Presumably, this Wind Warcraft would not be surrendered honestly. Lu Li is not the same, just now Lu Li blows the wind to World of Warcraft in one punch.

Elder Chen's eyes were also bright, with a look of hope on his face. Many of their elders tried to conquer the World of Warcraft, but found no way. Wind Warcraft is not too low, powerful monsters have their own pride, it is not easy to want them to surrender.

Lu Li is different, because Lu Li subdued a ghost king. They deliberately brought in Lu Li this time, in fact, they wanted to see if he could subdue the Warcraft.

One or two winds of Warcraft are not significant. What if it is dozens or hundreds? Then let out a round of attacks, even if accidentally in the late period of the four calamities, you will be bombed into slag, right?

Lu Li glanced at the Wind World of Warcraft trapped in the Shenwen Dojo, and skipped his lips and said, "This is all right? The unicorns on the head are all cut off, the combat power is greatly reduced, and it is useless to collect them."


When Elder Chen was anxious, he quickly explained: "It can grow out of the unicorn, but we can't come up with some magic drugs. Its unicorn can definitely grow quickly."

"Oh? Then I'll try!"

Lu Li became interested, and rushed into the Shenwen Dojo, and the wind Warcraft snarled and rushed up. The wind blades of the sky flew again, and endless winds swept through.

Lu Li took a short walk, and his body also turned into a wind, flashing quickly in the air, easily avoiding all the wind blades and approaching the wind.


He smashed up with a single punch, Feng WoWu was smashed and flew out, Lu Li bullied himself and rushed up, smashing with one punch after another. I have to say that the defense force of Wind Warcraft is still very strong, but Lu Li's physical strength is terrible, but he hit dozens of punches, but only caused Wind Warcraft to be injured, and it was not badly damaged.

Lu Li continued to rush up and smashed continuously. Feng WoW was quickly hit. Lu Li grabbed Feng Wo with one hand and forcibly dragged him into the sky evil bead.

The reason why Lu Li was able to conquer the ghost king was not by its ability, but the most important thing was that the blood spirit and the ghost king communicated. If you can't communicate and want the Ghost King to surrender on your own, it's almost impossible.

Xue Linger is Lu Li's secret weapon. Naturally, he does not want Elder Chen and Yuan Lingyun to see it, so he forcibly pulls the Wind Warcraft into the Celestial Pearl.


Yuan Lingyun and Elder Chen both stumbled a little, and then both of them looked expectant, to see if Lu Li could tame the Wind Warcraft.

The ghost king and ghost in Tianxiezhu were both there. After the wind warcraft was pulled in, it roared and wanted to continue to attack, but the breath of the ghost king was released, and the wind warcraft was suppressed.

But the ghost king has a king character, the level is much stronger than the wind warcraft, it is estimated that a level with the wind demon king, the wind warcraft instinct has awe at the ghost king.

"Boom boom boom ~"

After Lu Li came in, he continued to attack the Wind Warcraft again, smashing the Wind Warcraft to death. He also took out the **** iron, released a trace of divine power, making Feng WoWu even more frightened.

"Om ~"

Finally, Lu Li released the Nether Worm, and tens of thousands of Nether Worm entered the body of the Wind Warcraft to bite. This was what Lu Li did when he conquered the Phantom King. He wanted to torture Feng WoWo, and in his eyes he was not a tiny human, but a devil.

It has to make Feng WoWu fear, fear, and fear of himself. Only in this way can we finally conquer this Wind Warcraft, without destroying its pride completely, how can it be possible to conquer it?

After half an hour's torture, this Wind Warcraft was dying, and Lu Li let Xue Linger enter his body and began to communicate with it, asking him to surrender to Lu Li.

The result was very easy, only the half-post incense Houfeng Warcraft surrendered, and concluded a soul contract with Lu Li, becoming Lu Li's war beast.

The reason why it's so easy is not because Lu Li has tortured Feng WoW, but because of the ghost king. Such a powerful ghost king has surrendered, and Feng WoW seems to feel that it is not a shame to surrender to Lu.

"Om ~"

After Lu Li fed some magical medicine to Feng WoWo, his body flashed out of the sky evil pearl. With the eyes of Yuan Lingyun and Elder Chen brightening, Yuan Lingyun asked, "How about the Son of God?"

"Took it down!"

Lu Li said faintly, Elder Chen and Yuan Lingyun suddenly looked at each other, so they won it soon? There was a hint of suspicion in Elder Chen's eyes, and he seemed somewhat unbelieving.

"Om ~"

Lu Litian's evil bead flashed, and Wind Warcraft appeared outside, and Lu Li waved his hand. The Wind Warcraft immediately stood up, crooked and went to Lu Li's knees before kneeling.


Yuan Lingyun gave a thumbs up, and Elder Chen's face was envious. After glancing a few glances, he couldn't help asking: "Son, how did you so easily conquer this wind of Warcraft?"

As soon as the words came out, Elder Chen felt wrong, and Yuan Lingyun rolled his eyes slightly. This belongs to Lu Li's private secret technique, how can he tell easily?

Lu Li did not care about it and said casually: "If you want to conquer Wind Warcraft, you must first destroy its pride as a powerful monster. Only by conquering it will it easily surrender to you. After all, in their eyes, humans Very tiny creature. "

Lu Li's statement is actually nothing to say. The key to Lu Li is Xuelinger. Having such a charm to communicate with Wind Warcraft is more effective. After all, humans cannot directly communicate with the beasts and monsters, and Lu Li also promises that Wind Warcraft will return it to him for thousands of years, and the time of thousands of years is not too long for Wind Warcraft.

"Let's go!"

Lu Li conquered the first Wind Warcraft, and his interest increased greatly. He was anxious to set up his Wind Warcraft army. If he could conquer dozens or hundreds of Wind Warcraft, his combat power would definitely increase.

The three immediately rushed to Elder Chang's side and arrived there half an hour later. There are two Wind Warcrafts over there, both are trapped and are being abused by several boys and sergeants in turn.

The elder Chang hit the two Wind Warcrafts with serious injuries, so that Liu Qianqian and their sergeants would not have much pressure to fight, and it would be easier to increase their combat power ~ ~ The arrival of the three men from Lu Li attracted With the attention of Elder Chang and others, as soon as Elder Chen came over and heard a message, the elder Chang's eyes flashed brightly, and he laughed, "Congratulations to the Son, and with this skill, the Son will have a group of free thugs in the future."

"Thank you Elder Chang and your elders!"

Lu Li's attitude was modest, and he arched, "Without the help of the elders and elders, how could Lu Li win so easily? Lu Li is grateful."

Before Lu Li showed up in the Presbyterian Hall, and he was taciturn. Now suddenly he was so humble that Elder Chang and others were very uncomfortable.

However, everyone was very useful. The elder Chang waved his hand and said, "What's this? We will definitely cooperate with the Son of God when we look back. As many Wind Warcraft as the Son of God wants to conquer, we will catch you as many as possible."

"Wow ~"

Liu Qianqian and Yuan Lingyun exchanged a few words and immediately yelled. She flew to Lu Li's side and pulled the hand of Lu Li away: "God, please give me a wind to ride for a while, I want to ride Going back to Rakshasa with the wind of Warcraft, it must be very cool! "

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