Lu Li knows very well that she can't fight in the shepherd. The old shepherd has a long life. Everyone will give face and dare not really fight. Otherwise, the old shepherd is not happy, and the old shepherd dares to make them unhappy.

Faces are given to each other. This time you do n’t give face to the shepherd, and next time the shepherd will never give you face. And the elders of both sides are here, and this battle must not be able to fight.

Since you can't fight, what are you afraid of? Not to mention that Su Yueqin was also held hostage by her, and she abolished Shen Dan. The person in Hell House was short before him.

He stayed well in Hell House because Su Yueqin had caused so much trouble. He was almost killed by people in Hell House. If it weren't for tilapia, he would have turned into a corpse at this moment, so he naturally didn't like Hell House.

The elder once said that if someone pointed you at your nose and scolded you, you would scold it back. As long as you don't take the initiative, it doesn't matter. After all, Lu Li is the Son of God, not only representing him, but also the face of Rakshasa Palace.

The anger that Su Yueqin managed to suppress was ignited by Lu Li. Her delicate body trembled, and she was so angry that she ran away. She almost didn't hesitate to scan the esophagus of Rakshasa. It ’s not enough. It ’s dead and injured. Your elders at Raksha Palace will definitely not agree. ”

"Ha ha!"

Yuan Lingyun and others laughed, and Su Yueqin's radical method was too low-level. She thought they had a lot of gods, so she decided to eat them? If you really want to fight, Lu Li alone can destroy them all.

Lu Li also smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. He waved, "Su Yueqin, you don't need to worry about us, go back and ask your family. If they have no objection, I will play with you alone. Can kill me, count you Of course, you are dead, don't get angry with the old things in your family. "

Lu Liliang sword, if the old things in Hell House really don't care, he wouldn't mind exterminating these people. Of course, he knew in his heart that the elders of Hell House would certainly not agree to let them do it.

Nothing to say. At that time, he killed the Rakshasa monsters all by himself. Those three people can be regarded as famous old monsters. What about the younger generation of Hell's Palace? There are six gods. They can be the opponents of Rakshasa.

"one person?"

The eyes of the people in Hell House brightened, and Lu Li alone could fight against the six of them, which was very promising. If Lu Li can be easily killed, the shame of this **** house can be washed away.

There was a hint of helplessness on the faces of Mu Yingying and others, and Lu Li was so fierce that they were unexpected. This man was so annoyed by the **** house that year that he went to Rakshasa Palace and suppressed the three youngest strongest boys.

Su Yueqin and others did not speak, it was clear that they were transmitting to the elders of Hell House. Mu Yingying and others are not worried. The elders of Hell House will definitely reprimand Su Yueqin and others to keep them from chaos.


After a while, Su Yueqin's pretty face became difficult to look, it should be reprimanded by the elders of Hell House. She hummed twice and waved, "Let's go, the elders won't let it go, let them go this time."

Su Yueqin sighed, and the rest could only look at Lu Li for a moment. But Su Yueqin flew a few steps and turned around and said, "Lu Li, I'll fight you after the longevity."

"Whatever!" Lu Li shrugged. "You want to humiliate yourself, I welcome anytime."


Su Yueqin snorted twice, her pretty face became extremely ugly, turned and left to enter another manor house. The sons of the Rakshasa Palace burst into laughter. Lu Li was so fierce that he pressed Su Yueqin's head, which made them very face-to-face. The former **** son was not so powerful, and was finally chopped into pieces by Su Yueqin.

After Mu Yingying settled there, she sent several people to entertain Lu Li and waited for half an hour to come over.

As soon as she came in, she looked at Lu Li and smiled bitterly: "Lin Shenzi, you're very embarrassed, but I'm full of anger and don't look well."

"They asked for it!"

Lu Li smiled indifferently: "I did not take the initiative to provoke, Su Yueqin insulted herself, can this blame me? No one can give me a slap, and I still have to laugh and say that she played well?"

Mu Yingying shook her head and chuckled: "This is my father's longevity. Ying Ying is begging for God Lu and you here. When you go to Mudi Island, don't conflict with people in Hell House.

"Since Miss Yingying is asking!" Lu Li smiled and said, "Lu Li naturally gave this face! Don't worry, even if Su Yueqin put me on the ground, I won't resist."


A group of sons burst into laughter, Liu Qianqian laughed so loudly, and Yuan Lingyun also hid his face. Mu Yingying couldn't help laughing, picked up wine and Lu Liyao to pay respect.

With enough food and drink, the people were settled down to rest. Someone from the shepherd took them around to enjoy the scenery of Mutian Island.

Lu Li didn't go to a place, he practiced in the manor honestly. He didn't want to make trouble, let alone give others a chance to assassinate himself. He just wanted to find a chance for Mu Yingying to unlock the Xuantianfu for himself, and then go high.

Yuan Lingyun secretly transmitted a message to him, meaning that after waiting a few days, after going to Mudi Island to settle down, she would visit Mu Yingying secretly and arrange a secret meeting between the two.

With the passage of time, Mutian Island became more and more lively, and the people of Tiantang Pavilion also came, and some hidden world old demons were born, and they came to congratulate them.

After three days, most of them came together, and the day of longevity is coming. The shepherds arranged for everyone to go to Mutian Island and stay at Mu Shen Mountain. This time the people were all separated, and the young children and the elders lived next to each other, just in a few manors. This is to prevent the younger generation from going out of trouble.

There are banquets every day, but these banquets are separate, old and old together ~ ~ young and young together. The younger generation of the shepherd separated, and he took turns to entertain the sons and daughters of the major forces.

Lu Li didn't rush for these two days, waiting quietly for Yuan Lingyun to communicate with Mu Yingying. After three days in Mudi Island, Yuan Lingyun finally got good news. Tonight Mu Yingying will take an hour to talk with Lu Li.

The location is in a scenic spot in Mushen Mountain. Tonight, Muyingying will enjoy the scenery with Yuan Lingyun. Yuan Lingyun can secretly take Lu Li in a space artifact, so it won't attract people's attention.

Yuan Lingyun also brought good news. She has confirmed that Mu Yingying can unlock the Xuan Tianfu, which was confirmed by Mu Yingying himself.

"it is good!"

After Lu Li and Yuan Lingyun passed on the voice, he was full of joy. He believed that Mu Yingying would definitely help him. No one of the herdsmen would resist Jiuqishan, after all, it was the treasure of their ancestors.

"Just how long does it take to unlock Xuantian Run?"

The old husband of the pastoral family is born the day after tomorrow. If it cannot be unlocked within two days, it will be more difficult to leave after the birthday. The birthday is the best time to leave.

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