Thousands of people flew in, the momentum was too great to conceal at all, and several small legions nearby shuddered immediately, thinking that the Optimus Legion would destroy them. After discovering that the people of Qingtian Army were flying towards the Thai Army, all of them were relieved and curious.

Will the Optimus Army fight with the Thai Army?

Fight, fight, why are there only three robbers dispatched, but not a four robber leader? How many thousands of people have died in the past without waiting for Optimus?

The scouts of the nearby small forces were dispatched, and they followed in secret to see what had happened. After all, these two major forces are big forces. When they work together, they can easily affect the situation in the whole Fengyun Mountains.

Slow news spread quickly, and more than a dozen nearby forces were alarmed. They all sent scouts to come to the Thai Army.

Lu Li can sense the existence of these scouts. He didn't clean it up manually. He knew that this was no way. So many people acted and it was impossible to hide their whereabouts. Unless he cleans up all the small forces nearby, it will take a lot of time and the situation will be out of control.

After flying for more than two hours, the large troops finally arrived near the Thai Army Corps. The Thai Army Corps had received the news long ago, and all were secretly on alert.

Li Xi, the boss of the Taitian Legion, is somewhat inexplicable, and they have no grudges with Qingtian. The two sides have been well-watering, so why are all of the Optimus Corps dispatched tonight? Are they crazy?

Another thing makes Li Xi very puzzled, because according to their scouting investigation, Qingtian and others did not follow up, none of the four martial arts fighters, and the strong did not come. Are these thousands of people coming to deliver food?


Lu Li arrived nearby to observe for a moment, and issued an order for the general attack. This kind of battle is to be fast, so that the opposite side can't figure out their heads, and they can feel the fish in muddy water, so that they can make a quick decision, otherwise they will change easily.

"Arrow formation, heading towards the central area!"

Lu Li gave separate orders to the small commanders in the army, and those small commanders controlled their men separately, divided into teams, and pulsed like a sharp arrow in the direction of a mountain.

These little leaders are very clear. Lu Li needs them to hit the center, close to the enemy's Four Robbers, and give him a chance to attack. They also understand that only in this way can they be safer and have fewer injuries.


On a high mountain over there, a warrior shrouded in black armor was commanded by the warrior with a mask of Shura. Enemies are coming to the door. How could they be afraid of war? Although the four robbers of the Optimus Army did not show up, he was not afraid. If he did not come out, he would destroy these thousands of people before he said.

"Oh ~"

Around the mountains, a group of sergeants rose up into the sky and surrounded them like a pocket. There were also thousands of people on their side, but they were divided into one army and spread out under siege.

"Boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang ~"


The sky is full of lights, countless magical weapons fly, the surrounding void is shattered, countless hills are razed, a building is destroyed, and a corpse is dropped down. Many space ring armor soldiers automatically break away and fly in the air.

No one cares about the buildings being destroyed, or picking up the space ring, the armor of the warriors, and the like. People on both sides had red eyes, and the brave men met on the narrow road. The Optimus Army did not retreat. The Thai Army had to guard the homeland. Both sides could not retreat, only dead war.

Lu Li has not used any killing tricks, but only fists to fight. His attack is not particularly sharp, so as to avoid being stared at. Every time he has to spend a lot of effort to kill a warrior, so it seems to be in line with his strength in the second calamity.

The Optimus Legion is very brave here, and the arrow formation has brought them a lot of convenience. They rushed all the way, not tangling with the enemy, although the speed of the rush was not fast, they were rushing a little bit.

"What's nearby?"

The battle situation here, Li Xi, didn't care. He glanced at a martial artist who was in charge of intelligence. During this time, hundreds of top scouts had been sent to investigate the surrounding situation.

Li Xi believes that Qingtian and others must be nearby to sneak them, so he sends people to look around and sits here. If it were just these people, he could all stay alone.

"Nothing, weird!"

An old man with four robs touched the beard of his chin, glanced around like a mouse, and mumbled, "Is Qingtian waiting for someone to hide in one's space artifact?"

"It's possible!"

Optima nodded, they absolutely did not believe that Optima and others would not come, just to see how it appeared. Their divine thoughts swept over each of the warriors, and they wanted to see if Qingtian had disguised themselves as little warriors.

Lu Li naturally caught their attention, but all the four martial arts soldiers glanced at them and ignored them. They were just a small martial arts practitioner who practiced the Supreme Deity. In the second calamity, they could easily pinch to death.

After searching again and again, they still couldn't find Qingtian and others. Li Xi and others were a little confused because they found that these thousands of people did not have space to abstain, and their weapons and armors were not available.

Since there is no space precept, then there is no space artifact. Where are Qingtian and others hiding? More than a thousand people have been killed by the Optimus Army, should the Optimus and others appear? Otherwise, a group of younger brothers have been killed. What's the point of leaving their bare commanders?

The large army continued to make breakthroughs. Except for the small commander, everyone had no armors and weapons. It was difficult to make advances and the death rate was particularly high.

After time passed, the army finally broke into the middle mountain range. Lu Li observed that Li Xi and the four were standing together, his eyes lit up instantly.

He hardly hesitated and summoned the little leaders to attack the four four martial arts fighters. The little leaders had bitter faces, but had to shoot because they didn't cooperate with each other and they were all going to die.


Seeing a few little leaders take the initiative to strike at them ~ ~ Li Xi and others are angry, and the peak of Sanjie also dares to take action on them. Are these people trying to die?

"Buzz ~"

Almost at the same time, Lu Li's space artifact lighted up, and only the Wind Warcraft appeared. Some Wind Warcraft came out and released the true meaning of the wind system, and another part of the horn lit up.

Li Xi and others were paying attention to the little leaders, and they didn't pay attention to Lu Li here. When they were shocked, the winds around them had blown.

The strength of Li Xi and others is not particularly strong, and is almost the same as that of Optima. Under the surprise attack of Wind Warcraft, the ending is naturally miserable. In a round of volleys, only Li Xi was alive, and the other three were killed instantly.

"Oh ~"

Li Xi spit out blood and stared at the land with resentment. He never expected that the real killer would be here. He kept guarding Qingtian and others, but did not expect to kill a dark horse here, killing them all in one fell swoop.

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