Tianlizhu is more like a small world inside, it is very wide inside, and there is a castle. This is where Mu Yingying used to live, and the castle is elegantly furnished.

The castle sits on the ground inland, and there is also a figure sitting in front of him, but this figure has no head, it is the **** corpse.

Lu Li has also inspected the corpse many times before, but there are very complicated patterns in the corpse. Except for the **** pattern, Lu Li didn't feel anything, so he gave up after a while.

After some ideas are formed in the mind, they will be subconsciously filtered. The same is true of the dead corpse. Lu Li used to think that the technique of anti-celestial refining in the dead corpse could not be realized, so I didn't think about it later.

Let yourself become peaceful and enter into a state of dream, and at the same time urge the traces of the road to be sensed.

In addition, he moved a trace of divine power into the body of the **** stone and circulated in the body of the **** body. This divine power flows in every inch of the flesh of the **** corpse, and Lu Li can sense a picture in his mind through the flow of the divine power.


Lu Li didn't have any traces of enlightenment before, and no picture could appear in his mind. At this moment, he felt this way, don't have a special charm.

There is a taste of unclearness in it.

Lu Li went in silently, and forgot everything outside, controlling the divine power flowing in the corpse again and again, and then some lines appeared in his mind, and those lines formed a wonderful picture.

Unconsciously, more than half a month passed, and Lu Li thought that only three or five days had passed. Qin Zhan and Gan Lin were pulled to meet more of the sons and daughters, and mingled with them.

Lu Li and Qin Zhan Ganlin said, let them stay in Yin's house, he went to fly to the mainland.

The two did not insist on leaving with the landing this time. The two also knew that their combat power did not make any sense with the landing, but they were a drag.

Now the Yin family has given them such good treatment, and they are treated the same as those of their immediate sons. What are they not satisfied with?

They are leaving the triple sky with the landing, not just to become stronger? Without strength in Mie Tian, ​​it is difficult to move. Many people have spared their lives for some opportunities and resources. Now they have top-level resources to cultivate for them. If they don't grasp the opportunity, they are idiots.

Qin Zhan went out to the second heavenly giant, who was bold and knew the truth of life. Gan Lin, like the Axe Devil, has always smiled, people and animals are harmless, and the sons and daughters of the Yin family have a good perception of the two.

The elderly Tian Can spoke, and no one dared to be disrespectful to Lu Li and treat them as their most honorable guests. The family treats them like the immediate children, and everyone treats them as direct children.

Qin Zhan and Gan Lin recently prepared to go to a secret place in the Yin family. That secret place is said to have several magical places in the world, where they can comprehend the powerful true meaning. Many powerful members of the Yin family have learned the true meaning inside.

Lu Li and others are treated as immediate children, so they have the opportunity to go in once a year, and they can only stay for one month each time.

More than a month later, Qin Zhan and Gan Lin entered the secret territory. Lu Li has been retreating all the time, and they are not easy to bother, simply go to the secret realm to understand.

Yin Ruolan did not return. A major battle ahead occurred. The two sides were killed and injured, and several soldiers killed the four martial artists. Yin Ruolan can't come back for the time being. As a goddess, she must inspire the army at the forefront.

Lu Li was silent in the realization of Bolong's technique, and he had found a way, although this way was not necessarily correct, he felt some use in the dimness.

Maybe he did n’t know Bolong before, or maybe he did n’t have the mark of the avenue. Now he ’s going to see the corpse of God is very different from before. A picture appeared in his mind, and countless lines constituted a mysterious Tao map.

These lines are like dragons, constantly walking, producing a mysterious magic matrix, which can resonate with the human body in the body, giving the physical body super power.

Lu Li felt that his thoughts were correct. Of course, he hadn't realized these lines and that picture, so he couldn't judge whether his thoughts were correct. If he can understand, then the technique of Bolong is expected to be completed.

He learned a long time in the first half of Bolong surgery, and he has a little experience. Now, with these circuit diagrams, he can enlighten each other, and it will be easier to enlighten him.

A trace of divine power wandered around the corpse of the gods, capturing various hidden lines. After Lu Li confirmed it, he added it in his mind to supplement the complete circuit diagram.

Lu Lishen forgot everything in these circuit diagrams. As long as no one wakes him up, he will continue to study until he is certain that Bolong can be enlightened.

Time passed quickly, four months passed in the blink of an eye, Qin Zhan and Gan Lin came out of the secret territory, Gan Lin looked happy, and realized a powerful real meaning in it. Qin Zhan only came to realize a relatively ordinary meaning, and both of them also had gains.

When Qin Zhan came back, he closed his door ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was about to practise two or three years before it hit the four calamities. Gan Lin has also closed the retreat. He feels that if he practiced for ten or eight years, he might also impact the situation of the four calamities.

Four calamities!

This is something that I dare not think of in the double sky. There are only a handful of four martial arts soldiers in the whole double sky. They actually hope to break through the four calamities? If it really breaks through, they will return to their hometown even if they return to Double Sky.

However, after mixing for a while in Mie Tian, ​​their vision is also high, this is the real big world, and Mie Tian is just a small well. Dominating the king in the double day is like a tiger-less monkey on the mountain dominating the king.

There are many martial arts soldiers in the four days of the triple calamity. The difference between the strength of the ordinary four calamities and the mid-fourth calamity and the late four calamity peaks are different. Don't think that if you break through the four calamities, you can be regarded as the strong one, and you can only barely watch it in the triple sky.

The two didn't think about it for the time being. The state of the four calamities was not to say that they could break through. Even if they reached the peak of the three calamities, if they did not have enough confidence, they would not dare to cross the calamity, and it would be easy for them to die.

However, Yin Shengrui patted the **** with the two to ensure that as long as the two can reach the peak of the three calamities, he will apply with the Yin family at that time and give some excellent resources to help the two survive the calamity.

With those resources, the probability of two people succeeding in the robbery will increase by about 30%. This is also why there are so many young people in the Yin family reaching the four calamities. The big families have resources to assist the robbery, and it is easier to produce high-level warriors, so that the strong will be born continuously.

With the assurance of the Yin family, the two went to retreat with peace of mind. After seven months, Lu Li went out. It's not that Bolong surgery is complete, but Yin Ruolan is finally back.

The battle on the front was settled down a little. Yin Ruolan was afraid of neglecting Lu Li, so she explained to the elders there, and one person returned.

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