The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2463: Hook king city

Lu Li lived in a cabin on the second floor of the warship. He immediately entered the cabin after coming up and never came out again. He urged the mark of the avenue and felt that no one was following him. He closed the retreat directly. He could not leave the continent without preparing for the flying fire.

The warship was flying very comfortably, and no one dared to attack the warship on Tianyan Island halfway. In recent years, the power of Tianyan Island has been on fire. If any unscrupulous old monster dares to attack, it is estimated that it will be unloaded.

There are many more powerful men on the warships, and occasionally there are lord-level strong men on the warships. The purpose of these lord class powerhouses is not to protect the warships, but to guard them.

Tianyan Island has been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for prestige, and an opportunity to regain glory. Over the years, they wished for someone to find trouble on Tianyan Island, and then they launched a killing ring to regain Tianyan Island's strong wind.

At this moment there was a lord class powerhouse on the warship where he left, but ordinary people did not know his existence. Even the sergeants of Tianyan Island did not know it, only dozens of the Five Robberies knew it.

Unfortunately, this time it was also very safe. There have been no setbacks along the way. In recent years, no one has dared to find the trouble of several major forces. Those old demons are not stupid and won't hit the muzzle.

The warship moved forward quickly, and Lu Li continued to practice the law of divine sounds. This law has been enlightened for eleven years without success. One can imagine the mystery of this law. Lu Li's understanding is not terrific, but it is definitely not bad, otherwise he would not be so young and would have the current combat power.

Lu Li is not in a hurry. If this rule can be enlightened in a short time, it is certainly not powerful. The stronger the rule, the more complicated it is, and the more difficult it is to enlighten. He is very much looking forward to how powerful the rule will be when it comes to fruition?

The battleship moved forward quickly, and if the Yinyan volcano erupted on the road, it would stop, and the strong men and sergeants of Tianyan Island would go out. The people on board will also go out, and the warship will continue to move after taking the treasure.

After just five minutes of blinking, the warship entered the northern part of Yinyan Sea, and after a few days, it would reach the largest city in the north, Gouwang.

Some people on the battleship went to Houwangcheng, and some people were going to visit and play. The warship will stay in the King's City for ten days, and the warship needs to be replenished with energy to repair it.

Three days later, the warship arrived outside a large city that was above a cliff and suspended in mid-air, like a suspended island.

Many of the people in the warship went down, and only a few retreats did not move, and Lu Li was among them. He has no interest in such a big city, and he is afraid that something will happen after he enters, so stay on the battleship honestly.

The people of Tianyan Island entered dozens of strong men, and left a five-robber strong man to sit in town. One hundred soldiers left, and the rest entered the city.

I have been carrying it on the battleship, and the people on Tianyan Island are also very distressed, so I will stay for a few days every time I arrive in the city.

The battleship is very safe outside the city. The King City is the main city of the Gou family. Who is in trouble and who died in the city? Even if outside the city, they dare not make a big deal. Besides, the warships on Tianyan Island, most people haven't had the courage to attack.

However, something happened!

Two people flew out of the city on the second day, and they went to war as soon as they left the city. The attacking aftermath of the two accidentally hit the warship and split the warship.

"court death!"

A strong five-robber on the battleship suddenly became furious, crushed the jade charm, and flew out of the battleship toward the two old demons.


The strong man from Tianyan Island in the city flew out. The hidden lord-level strong man was the fastest. He saw that the warship was actually split open, and not only did he have no anger in his eyes, but he was happy.

He shouted with a big hand at a person, who was easily photographed by him, and was killed alive. Another old demon came to his senses and saw Tianyan Island rushing to so many people, he quickly yelled: "Masters, don't kill me! The person who attacked your warship was not me, it was him!"


The answer to him was a big hand of the sky. The people of Tianyan Island did not have the opportunity to stand up. Now it's hard to find an opportunity. They are still outside the king city. How can such a good opportunity be missed?


The lord-class strong man hummed and said, "No matter who you are, dare to attack our battleship on Tianyan Island, let alone kill!"

Lu Li and others flew out, the warship was destroyed, and everyone flew out as soon as possible. Lu Li saw bitterness on his face when he saw a warship breaking through a large hole. He took a battleship and was destroyed once. Is he a broom star?

"All follow me into town!"

A leader flew over, and Lu Lu and others said, "The warship needs to be repaired, at least one month. Please rest assured that someone will arrange food and lodging when you go in."

Those who stayed at the hotel, such as Lu Li, didn't care. Lu Li was just a bit afraid of being identified. Or ... is it a trap this time? Did he deliberately get him into the city?

"Probably not!"

Lu Li shook his head ~ ~ If his identity was found, don't have to be so troublesome, a lord from the Wu family would take him down or shoot him instantly.

He followed the large troops and walked inward. The city was lively, crowded, all kinds of strange races, and many exposed women wobbled.

Lu Li and others were arranged in a large inn. This inn was not the sub-rudder of Tianyan Island, but a relatively luxurious inn in the city.

Lu Li lived in the inn, immediately opened the ban, and let the blood spirit children lay out the gods. If anyone approaches, he will directly fly across the void.

This month, Lu Li lived in the trenches, but fortunately no accidents happened. After one month, Lu Li was told that he could get on the ship.

The warship has been repaired. After Lu Li got on the warship, he has been urging the Induction of the Avenue, but there is no special abnormality.

The only thing that made Lu Li a little bit stunned was that this time five mysterious strong men came up. These people were wearing very advanced masks, hiding their identities. Especially one of the women, the makeup looks like an old lady, Lu Li felt through the trace of the avenue, this is actually a young woman, very young ...

These five people should be very strong and have a high status. Lu Li found that an elder of Tianyan Island had arranged a cabin for them, or a very luxurious cabin.

"Is it the Wu family?"

There was some suspicion in Lu Centrifugal, but then I thought, if it was to kill him, then he should not take such a young lady.

A lady from a large family, why disguised as an old man, what secrets do these people have?

Lu Li couldn't figure it out, but had to be on the alert, allowing Xuelinger to lay out a few divine patterns again. If things were not right, he could only escape through the void.


PS: Four chapters arrive.

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