The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2542: Kill the chicken marmoset

"Sir, we are wrong!"

"My lord's life, we dare not, all Lao Jin just came with him."

After the wretched old man was killed, the remaining two were panicked. The main thing was that they attacked a few times. Lu Li was not injured at all, which made them feel like they were children. They were hitting strong men with branches. Is powerless.

This place was closed by the **** pattern. The two wanted to get out a little bit. Besides, Lu Li knocked out the strongest of them a few times. They could not escape. If you want to live, you can only beg your knees and ask for forgiveness.

Seeing countless people sweeping towards this side, Lu Li's eyes showed a trace of annoyance. The small and peaceful day that was originally peaceful was broken, and it will become the focus of everyone's attention in the future.

Since a group of people are paying attention to themselves, Lu Li also does not hide his strength. As Han Shanju said, only with absolute combat power will others be afraid of you and will not fight your idea.


Lu Li took out the soft sword and shook away from the two. An invisible sound wave scattered away. The two immediately rolled up on the ground with a scream of screams.

However, the scream did not ring for too long, the two rolled over a few times, then Qiqiao began to bleed, and died directly. The death was very miserable, and it was frightening.

"Soul strong!"

Many of Lu Lu's attacks were seen in this eye. Lu Lu just shook his sword, and the two men died tragically. This is definitely a powerful soul attack. The situation before and after the death also shows Got this.

The top of the four calamities was instantly killed!

Countless people have seen Lu Li's eyes become meaningful. Lu Li has super strong defense. The peak of the four robbers can not hurt his fur, but he is also proficient in powerful soul attacks. Can the peak of the four robbers be spiked?

That luli's combat power is at least higher than the early period of the Five Calamities? Maybe a hidden power?

Many people have become discouraged when they look at Lu Li. With so many people coming in this time, even those with crouching tigers and hidden dragons can understand that it is normal for many people to have powerful means to hide.


Lu Li put away the three corpses, and it's not the same to put them here, just go back and throw them away. He also put away the three space rings and treasures, and then found a corner retreat to practice, completely ignoring the eyes of nearby people.

Many people took a deep look at him, and no one dared to bother him. Seeing Lu Li ’s killing these three people obviously did not use all his strength. Who knows how strong Lu Li ’s real combat power is?

And many people do n’t really have the heart of fighting, after all, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, maybe they all die eventually. What is the meaning of fighting now? One more person dies, their overall strength will decline, and in the face of the savage will die even worse.

"Everyone cultivates independently. Don't make trouble by nothing. Those who take the initiative to choose things are that I can't get through with Jackie Chan."

The top of the five calamities opened, his prestige should be very high, and people nearby responded. Everyone went to their own places to practice and chat. Those monks continued to wander among a group of strong men. One monk looked at Lu Li a few times, but eventually did not come to provoke Lu Li.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Han Shanshi didn't return, which made a lot of people sink in their hearts a little bit, what would happen? Don't die.

In the past half month, no savage came near, depending on the situation, the fantasy here was very strong, and the savage could not find that everyone was safe inside. Everyone did not dare to go out, and continued to wait here, more people began to cultivate, so that time would pass faster.

Lu Li asked Xuelinger to monitor the situation around him, and he went completely silent. The marks of more than 3,000 avenues have been compiled into a strange net, forming an unusually mysterious array pattern. More than 3,000 avenue marks are related to each other. Several avenue marks form a small picture, and the small pictures are related to each other. The large picture sets the small picture, and the large picture forms a super large picture. It feels like a vast starry sky, and you can never glimpse the whole picture.

Now there is a strange line and a chain of order in this picture. This makes the whole picture even more mysterious. Lu Li didn't have any grasp on the traces of this avenue, he could only explore a little bit.

The time passed two months again, and Hanshanjushi didn't come back!

Many people have no intention to cultivate. The world should not be endless. The speed of Han Shanshi is so fast. Three months is enough for him to make a few laps. If it didn't happen, he should have returned.

Some people couldn't sit still, and many people gathered to discuss countermeasures. Some suggested sending a few people out to find, some suggested that all go out together, and some suggested waiting for a few months, which is also safe anyway.

In the end, the five robbers gathered together and discussed for a while. Three of them decided to go out for a trip. All three were in the late period and the peak of the five robbers.

However, the defense **** pattern is opened here, everyone does not know how to go out, it is impossible to forcibly break it? Hanshanjushi didn't tell them how to crack the **** pattern.

"Who knows the **** pattern, control the **** pattern, don't destroy it!"

The old Liu Shen sang, Lu Li opened his eyes and thought for a moment to talk to Xue Linger, Xue Linger had already studied the **** pattern here, and he could easily control it.


Divine light flashed a little ~ ~ Lu left the mouth and said, "Okay, you can go out!"


Many people stumbled slightly, and Lu Li didn't take any action. How could they easily break the **** pattern? The three were suspicious, and flew out, and they flew out with ease.


Lu Li let Xuelinger quickly control the opening of the **** pattern. He waved his hand and said, "Let's continue to cultivate, if you want to go out and tell me, don't force a break."

After talking about Lu Li, she closed her retreat again, and everyone looked even more inscrutable. Many people even wondered if Lu Li was a super old man, just hiding his realm and strength?

You should know that the **** pattern, in addition to the old demon, most people do not have much time to participate in research. Lu Li's accomplishments in the **** pattern are not generally strong, without any action, they directly broke the **** pattern, there was a feeling of turning the clouds over the hands and the rain.

"call out!"

A monk floated over and landed on her knees. The plumpness on her chest was stuck on her arm. She said with a smile: "Brother, you are not tired, please Xier rub your shoulders ? "

Lu Li opened his eyes and looked at the charming and flattering face in front of him. Instead of feeling half-moved, he was disgusting. This age is not too young, at least a few thousand years old, right? He called himself Hier? Call yourself brother? This makes Lu Li feel that goose bumps are coming out ...

"You don't have to, you go to practice it yourself."

Lu Li waved his hand and saw the female monk's coquettish look. He suddenly sank and said coldly, "Don't you understand what I said?"

The flattering smile on the monk's face became embarrassed, and she left wryly, muttering in her mouth, "What fierce fierce, is not just a little bit better, what's so great ..."

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