The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2621: Soul Eater

Qi Dongliu has seen this type of taboo many times. Under normal circumstances, only magic will be able to send out, and not every magic will be released. Often when they release this taboo, they also represent this magic. Die.

They burned their souls before releasing this taboo technique. The souls are gone, how can they live? This taboo technique has a powerful lethality each time it is released. The main attack object is the soul, and even if there are seven or eight products, the ghost may not be able to carry it.

Feeling the crisis, Lu Li receded for the first time, but at this moment, the evil spirits suddenly poured out of his body, and spread out for a few miles. Many people nearby were enveloped by evil spirits, naturally including Lu Li.

The speed of Lu Li was greatly reduced, but the virtual shadow in the air was pressed down like a dark cloud, and Lu Li was enveloped instantly. The dark shadow soon disappeared in Lu Li's body, and Lu Li's eyes also became straight, which was obviously a hit.


Qi Dongliu exclaimed, and Qi Dingyu in the distance was shocked. Although she didn't know what the ghost image was, she knew it was very dangerous. Just look at Qi Dongliu's complexion.

She flew in, but was stopped by a leader of the Qi family. The leader knew the power of this taboo technique. If Lu Li died instantly, people nearby would suffer.

"So powerful soul attack!"

Lu Li felt a cold breath rushed into his body, and then a powerful energy poured into his soul like a tide, and a fatal sense of crisis emerged from the depths of his soul.

"The Dragon Soul cannot stop it!"

Lu Li had an intuition. He hardly hesitated, mobilizing the soul power in his soul, and actively attacked those energies. At this moment, it depends on whether the soul power can consume those energy, if not, he will soon collapse and die.

The surging soul force rushed away, colliding with those surging black energy, making Lu Li desperate. His soul force and black energy collided together, but it felt like a small stream and a mighty sea. The difference is that his soul power is easily annihilated, but only a small amount of black energy is consumed.

The powerful black energy surged like a flood, and arrived in Lu Li's mind at once. Lu Li's Dragon Soul lit up for the first time, and began to defend Lu Li's soul.

"It really can't stand it!"

Lu Li felt for a moment, and the soul trembled. The Dragon Soul could barely withstand the first wave of energy shocks. There were countless waves of energy shocks. When those energies entered the soul, Lu Lisoul would surely collapse.

"Boy Lu, don't panic!"

At this moment, the voice of the blood emperor sounded, then the beads on his waist lit up, and an invisible energy entered Lu Li's body and reached his soul instantly.

These invisible energies, like a living beast, were very flexible, quickly arrived in Lu Li's soul, and then began to devour those black energies.

"So strong!"

Lu Li felt overjoyed for a moment. The energy transmitted by the Blood Emperor was too strong, not a level at all, and even this black energy could be easily swallowed.

Soon, just a few moments later, all the energy in Lu Li's soul was easily swallowed up by the energy of the blood emperor. Lu Li felt relieved and felt like he was turning around in the gate of the ghost gate.

The blood emperor's energy quietly returned to the beads. Lu Li checked it and determined that there was no problem. He exhaled a long breath and opened his eyes.


Qi Dongliu has reached the vicinity of Lu Li. When he opened his eyes, he was suddenly shocked. Lu Li was all right? Nothing at all? Is it so short a time to crack this taboo?

You should know that the last time a demon would release the taboo technique, an ordinary lord was hit by the soul, and now he is lying unconscious in the Big Dipper. Many times the demon will release the taboo technique, and the peak of the five calamities will undoubtedly die.

"Does ... he has Jiupin Demon?"

Qi Dongliu's eyes showed suspicion. He did not have Jiupin Demon Soul, and only a dozen talents in Qijia family had Jiupin Demon Soul. Even if Lu Li had a large family behind him, his family was stronger than Qi Family?

Qi Dingyu was very nervous over there. At this moment, she saw that Lu Li was in peace, and a bright smile appeared on her face. She could see the rams nearby, such as the wicked water, and the hatred of others, burning in jealousy and anger.

"Lu Sha God, are you okay?"

Qi Dongliu asked, Lu Li shook his head and said, "Thank you, Master Dongliu, for your concern, I'm fine."

"All right!"

Qi Dongliu nodded slightly, but didn't ask much, after all, it was a secret from Lu Li. Everyone has his own unique means and abilities. Lu Li can be valued by the reincarnation emperor. Naturally, he is different from others.

Lu Xuanyu retreated to the rear with a stun, and when he saw Qi Dingyu coming over, he quickly transmitted a message. At this moment he himself is the focus of everyone's attention. If Qi Dingyu runs again, he will become a star character completely.

"Thank you, Senior Emperor!"

Lu Li sent a voice to the Blood Emperor and asked, "What was that Emperor Emperor just now? It's so powerful."

"That's the taboo of Mobuchi!"

The blood evil emperor explained: "This taboo technique is very difficult to cultivate. If the master-level training is successful, the lord will have almost no solution once it is reached, unless it reaches the level of the quasi-empire. This is the one they burned the soul and released. This powerful mystery is very overbearing. "

"Fortunately, there are seniors."

Lu Li bowed his head slightly, and the Blood Emperor thought for a moment: "Your soul is too weak. Although this demon soul is still okay, relying on the demon soul is not the way. I will pass on a secret defense of your soul. Your skill is there. If you ca n’t understand it, I wo n’t tell you any more mystery. ”

"Thank you Shasha senior!"

Lu Li was overjoyed at once, this one could almost become the existence of the Holy Emperor, and his accomplishments in the soul were not generally powerful, as shown by the invisible energy just now.

The blood evil emperor passed along an idea ~ ~ Lu Li did not go to enlightenment, but recorded all the information. After waiting for a while, he confirmed that all the information was recorded, and then went to enlightenment in detail.

"Soul Eater Soul Eater?"

Lu Li felt shocked for a while, this seemed to be a soul mystery of the attack type, not a soul mystery of the defensive type.

He asked for a voice, and the Blood Emperor explained: "The best defense is attack. You don't understand the truth? If it is just defense, even the strongest castle can be easily broken. This is not the soul mystery of the attack, but The mystery of defense is only to defend by attack, so that the defense will be stronger, understand? "

"I understand!"

Lu Li understood, and his heart became agitated. This 10,000 demon soul eater is overbearing just by listening to the name. I wonder how powerful it will be after successful cultivation? Is it as easy to resist as the taboo technique just now?

The blood evil emperor guessed Lu Li's thoughts and gave a very positive answer: "Of course it can! This is the old man's world-famous soul defense magic, and it is listed as one of the top ten soul mysteries."

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