The thunderbolt in front did not cause any damage to Lu Li, and the same was true for the second charge of the **** of fire. Lu Li's physical body had been raised too much in Yan Luoshan, let alone the fifth time. It is estimated that the two before the sixth time Why ca n’t God do him?

Lightning and lightning broke down, and Lu Ji became a fire man, but the flames burned on Lu Ji without even making his skin black. The flames surrounded him, but there was a pleasant expression on his face, and the people outside looked a little speechless ...

On the other hand, Guan Qianqiu has already passed the second Tianqiang and started the third Tianqiang. He is now very stable. He hasn't paid attention to the situation outside. He has forgotten that there is a Lu Li in the crossing.

After the last heavy fire robbed, Lu Li also began to cross the chaos. This chaos, there will be chaos gas accompanied by lightning, and chaos gas will damage the warrior's life force, which is similar to the thunder of Yan Luoshan, but there is no thunder Yan Luoshan Thunder was so overbearing.

It was only half an hour that Guan Qianqiu and Lu Li both lived through the chaos easily, but Guan Qianqiu was obviously uncomfortable and his life became weak. On the other hand, Lu Li was just like a person who was fine.

Guan Qianqiu began to cross the fourth scourge. He was not a scourge, but a ferry return. This is the sixth scourge that is unique to the scourge. This is also the most terrible scourge of the scourge. Even more scary.

Lu Li began to cross the heart and soul. After Lu Chao passed, he immediately swallowed the elixir that Hu Shimeng gave him. After he swallowed, he entered a state of dreams, kept his heart firmly, dispelled all thoughts, and waited for the arrival of the soul and soul.


Lu Li felt like he hadn't arrived for a long time. He opened his eyes stupidly, only to find that Guan Qianqiu had successfully completed the robbery? A group of people outside are congratulating him?

"call out!"

When someone flew in the distance, Lao Yuan shouted angrily: "The Emperor has orders, and Lu Li, as a registered disciple, is not allowed to cross the robbery across the robbery station and stop the robbery immediately."


Lu Li's soul trembled. He is now crossing the heart and soul, and he wants to stop his crossing? Isn't this killing him? He saw several military men guarding the robbery station immediately closing the **** pattern, and at the same time one ran towards him to take him out.


Guan Qianqiu laughed and drank: "Lu Li, crossing the halt and stopping halfway, you will never have a chance to cross the horror in your life, hahaha."

After speaking, Guan Qianqiu also whispered: "Lu Li, this is what I specifically invited people to say to the Emperor. You will be a wasteful person in the future, and you will not have the chance to pass the internal examination, hahaha!"

Seeing Guan Qianqiu's disgusting face, Lu Lixue rushed to his head. His body was murderous and mad, and he flew out to fight Guan Qianqiu to kill Guan Qianqiu.

"Om ~"

At this moment, a drop of magical medicine in Lu Li's soul spread and opened up, which made his entire soul suddenly cool. He shuddered all over, and the picture in front of him disappeared.

"It was all an illusion just now, and the mind robbery started quietly ..."

Lu Li was sweating coldly on his forehead, and the heart-robbing of the fifth Tianjie was too horrible. He even started without knowing it. He thought it was true. Everything is so real, even the expressions of Guan Qianqiu Wang Ningxue Hu Shimeng and others are very real, making him unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality ...


He exhaled a little, the drop of elixir should be Hu Shimeng's elixir, which really is the top elixir of the robbery, let him wake up at a critical moment.

He deliberately swept into the soul subconsciously, and wanted to see how many drops of which medicine could save him a few times? His divine thought swept into the soul, and soon found three drops of divine fluid lurking in the soul.

The three drops of divine fluid are very beautiful, crystal clear, lurking in the soul is not immobile, but also constantly swim like a fish, three drops of magic medicine chasing each other, you surpass me, I surpass you, the cycle is endless.


Lu Li was stunned at this moment. He felt that his mind was pinned down by the three drops of divine fluid at this moment, and he felt that his soul was confined, and he could only watch the three drops of divine fluid all the time.

He could n’t even go to explore other places, and he did n’t know what was going on outside. It seemed that ... he would have to stare at these three drops of liquid all his life.

"It's too perverted!"

Lu Li was so impressed that even his own soul could be imprisoned. If he didn't think of a way, he would really become a living dead, staring at these three drops of liquid for a lifetime.

"Retreat to advance and enter the realm of selflessness."

Lu Li let himself be completely relaxed, his mind became blank, and he completely forgot himself. He had forgotten everything, would these three drops of divine fluid disappear naturally? As long as it disappears, he will survive the disaster.


When Lu Li entered the state of ecstasy, when his mind became blank, there were still three drops of divine fluid shaking in his soul. These three drops of divine fluid seemed to be engraved into his soul.

Time passed by bit by bit, Lu Li didn't know how long it had passed. His soul could not get rid of these three drops of divine fluid. He thought of many ways, but the picture of these three drops of divine fluid kept appearing in his mind.

Three drops of Divine Liquid are constantly chasing, and they take the lead in front of each other, forming a cycle. This kind of picture is more likely to indulge in it, and it is also easy to make people crazy ...

Lu Li felt a little crazy at this moment. No matter what he tried, his divine thought could not be rid of it, and he kept staring at these three drops of divine fluid. He knew that this was a scourge of souls and souls, which was to keep him in this divine fluid forever, until he became mad and his soul collapsed.

The blood evil emperor actually did not have any transmission. It seems that Lu Li is not aware of the situation at this moment. Lu Li wants to transmit the sound to the blood evil emperor. He can force himself to calm down ~ ~ Tell himself that you can't be anxious ...

Often, the more you tell yourself not to be anxious, the more anxious you will become, especially if you keep staring at the three drops of divine fluid, anyone will become mad.

Time passed little by little, Lu Li didn't know how long it had passed, maybe an hour? Maybe one day? Or is it a year? Lu Li was a bit mentally disturbed, and the expression on his face appeared painful.

In fact, Lu Li entered the soul and soul only for a while, and he felt a long time, but the real time was only very short in the past.

Seeing the pain and madness on Lu Li's face, Wang Ningxue and Hu Shimeng sank inside, but the two elders of the Guan family showed mockery.

They have all passed through the calamity, and they have also seen many people crossing the calamity. If this expression is revealed during the soul and soul calamity, it often means that it is very bad, and it is a sign that the calamity has failed ...

If it is the rest of the disaster, then it is okay to say, if something happens to this soul disaster? The consequences are unimaginable. Soul injury is a trivial matter. It becomes possible to become a vegetative, or even die directly.

(End of this chapter)

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