The elderly person with a disability quickly laughed and said, "Lu Li, we can give, we can give anything. But we do n’t want the site, your reputation and strength are enough, this time it is not you, the Yin family is finished. It belongs to you, and our Yin family will fully support it. "

"I don't want a site!"

Seeing the old man with a disability, Lu Li quickly said, "We don't have many people in the Lu family, and our strength is very weak. What do we need so many sites and resources? I don't need any resources for personal cultivation now. Don't say Now ... these sites belong to your Yin family. I'll take them down for you. In addition ... Is it really necessary for me to have such a clear relationship with the Yin family? "

After speaking, Lu Li looked at Yin Qingsi. Yin Qingsi had recovered her sedation, and her face turned red as if she were burning. She angrily looked away and departed: "Lu Li, you are only the honorable elder of our Yin family, don't think about it Too much, it seems to say that our Yin family is yours ... "


Lu Li and Tian Can laughed, Yin Qingsi couldn't stay any longer, and hummed away. The elderly Tian Can gave her a doting glance and explained, "Lu Li, Qing Si is a good boy. You have to treat her well!"

The elderly Tian Can knew Lu Lu's temperament very well, and never thought that Lu Li would marry Yin family after marrying Yin Qingsi. Lu Li's breakthrough in the imperial class is a matter of course. An imperial class can establish a super family at any time. The Yin family's property is nothing to the imperial class.

On the contrary, if the Yin family can grow and develop with the help of Lu Li, the road after Lu Li Yin's family will be difficult to take.

Lu Li is right, now the Lu family really does not need to occupy such a large area, nor can it manage it. The people in the Lu family were all two robbers and three robbers, and the number would not consume hundreds of resources. The Yin family brought these sites first. Anyway, the Lu family wanted anything they needed to provide.

"It seems to be closer to the Lu family!"

The elderly with a disability, how can they get closer? The best way is to marry. The talented disciples of the Yin family marry a young lady from the Lu family faction, and the direct young lady from this family marries a young disciple from the Lu family. In this way, you can have me and you Not closer?

Thinking of this, the elderly Tian Can's eyes are more complicated. At that time in the Nine Realms, Lu Li was an ant-like existence to him. Even if Lu Li came to Mie Tian and came to Broken Sword Mountain, he was only slightly optimistic about Lu Lide's future.

At that time, in his mind, Lu Li could be considered a lord, and it would take many years. However, I did not expect how many years had passed, and Lu Li became a big man in the famous earthquake triple sky, and was about to break through the imperial rank.

Lu Li is now well-known, with the reincarnation emperor behind him, and the Mie Tian Havoc has not yet passed, so no one dares to target Lu Lu without accident.

Then as long as Lu Li is given a few hundred years and thousands of years, Lu Li will definitely grow into a super-strong emperor, arrogant to the entire triple sky, and become a true hegemon.

At that time, the Yin family will be able to grow and grow rapidly, and it will truly restore the glory of the era of the Purple Emperor. As a follower of the Emperor Zi, the elderly Tian Can has always been thinking about making the Yin family grow stronger. He can't break through the emperor level in his life. Now seeing Lu Li, he is seeing hope.


Lu Li took action three days later, and he issued a notice through the Yin family. The notice was too much, but it was quite upright.

He meant that the family was unethical. Although he had been punished, he was not qualified to continue to control the six areas including Cang Yunling. The Lu family will lead the army to temporarily take over these four fields, and ask the Cang family and those dozens of families to immediately withdraw from these six fields, otherwise the Lu family will be expelled by force.

Lu Li announced the entire winter winter continent, meaning it is too obvious. He wanted these six areas to let the people in the Cang family get away, or he would lead people to kill them all the way.

He did the same. After the announcement was issued, he immediately led a 100,000 army into the Cangyun collar.

There are not many troops and not many strong men. There are only three six robbers, and these three six robbers are not the elders of Yin Jiaming's face, but the hidden power of Yin's family. This 100,000 army is not the army of the Yin family, but a "righteous person" convened recently.

After the news spread, the winter continent was shaking.

In the large areas of the Cangjia, there are a few big pieces of fat. Many families are staring at them, but no one dares to move at this moment. However, Lu did not expect to move, and he directly invaded the whole continent after notifying the entire continent.

The people of the Cang family immediately sought help from the Wu family and Shan family. On the same day, their family announced that they would accept the punishment of the Emperor Zhutian. That was the high level of Wu family and Shan family and they promised that they would take great care of Cang family. When the Cang family's high-level officials go to the battlefield, they will not all die. They will also try their best to shelter the Cang family.

Now Lu Li has invaded with a large army. Although there are only 100,000 troops and three lords, Lu Li alone can be compared to a million troops. The Cangjia strongmen have now gone to the front line of the battlefield. The Cangjia are no longer strong. They What are you going to do to stop Lu Li's army?

The incident passed to the ears of Emperor Yang and Fenghou, and the responses from the two were almost astonishingly consistent-that is, to allow the Cang family to launch public opinion and ask countless families to condemn Lu Li. As long as the public opinion fell to one side, they would ask Emperor Candela to preside ...

The Emperor Zhu Tian just released a notice not long ago, who would dare to civil war, he will personally kill the patriarch of the troublesome family. Now as long as the public opinion is leaning towards this side, the Emperor Zhutian can stand upright and preside over justice.

The Cang family immediately started the relationship and gave a lot of promises. After five days, a large family finally came forward and gave Lu Li a strong condemnation. Did n’t Lu Li say that the catastrophe hasn't passed yet? The Cang family has accepted the punishment unconditionally. Why do they have to revive the sword?

Several families in the winter continent have come out to condemn Lu Li. The big reason is that these big families value these pieces of fat. Now Lu Li has made it clear that they want to swallow them. How can they be willing?

Lu Li did not stop the advance of the army because of these announcements. UU read the book He has now captured Cang Yun's first big city. It took almost no effort to capture this big city. After he broke through the moat of the city, the owner of the city surrendered ...

Lu Li responded to those big families through a circular issued by the Yin family. The words were arrogant and overbearing. The meaning was that the Cang family was so maddened that people in these fields lived a fierce life under the control of the Cang family. He will not kill anyone.

The Cang family does not have the army and the strong to suppress such a large territory. If there is no strong family control, it will lead to chaos and the innocent civilians will suffer ...

In addition, he secretly warned the families not to make trouble for the tigers. They were in the early days for the Cang family. Did they attack the Yin family last time? If these families continue to blend in, he will track down whether they are also behind the scenes.

Threat, red ~ naked ~ naked threat!

Lu Li ’s announcement has only one meaning. If anyone is swaying again, then he will be my enemy. By then I will not take care of that much and destroy your family ...

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