Corpses, blood, hell!

This is the feeling that Lu Li has been wandering in the Kamikaze continent for a month. He doesn't know how many corpses he has seen, how many tribes he has been washed by blood, how many cities have been turned into ruins, endless broken limbs, and Many demon slaves running around in the wilderness.

As if in between, he seemed to have reached the realm of God, to the realm of God that was blood-washed by the demon world. This place is even more miserable than the Divine Realm, there are more dead and injured here, and the situation here is more serious.

If the sergeant of Mobuchi spreads, he cannot imagine what the triple sky will look like. So it was only this month that he kept sleeping and flew across the void in search of Sergeant Moyuan.

Sure enough, there are no Xeons in Moyuan. The masters only found a few of them. This time, Moyuan did have premeditated, strategic, and organized actions.

This attack on the Kamikaze continent is not about laying down a large area, but rather messing up the triple sky and disrupting the deployment of the Terrans. Fortunately, the Emperor Lun and the Emperor Zhutian are quite sensible. If a large number of strong men and troops are brought in to clear the air, and the two major theaters are rushed into the line of defense, the triple sky will be completely over.

However, when Lu Li cleared his head, a question appeared in his mind. Does the triple heaven really have a emperor?

If the triple emperor really has a emperor, why isn't the emperor appearing at such a momentous moment? Shenfeng Continental did not know how many people were going to die this time, and the low-level warrior was the foundation of Triple Sky. Without a large number of low-level warriors, how to breed strong ones? So many people are suffering and suffering. If the triple emperor really has the emperor, how can he pretend to be on the sidelines?

Although the Kamikaze continent is very tragic, the two emperors did not mobilize too many sergeants and strong men, because it was impossible to tune people out. Attacks on the other two battlefields are still very turbulent. The two sides are the main battlefields, and the Shogunate Shogunate of the Kamikaze mainland has spread. Even if it mobilizes hundreds of millions of troops, it will be difficult to clear them up.

Therefore, the two only mobilized tens of millions of troops and dispersed to the periphery of the Kamikaze continent to form a siege circle to prevent those Moyuan troops from rushing out of the Kamikaze continent. In addition, a large number of five robbers and six robbers were mobilized to disperse the sergeant Qingyuan Moyuan.

The most mobilized are the people on the rookie list, such as Lu Ling, Lu Ling, Linglong Anonymous, and other elites.

This kind of elite is not good in the two major theaters, but they are afraid that they will be killed by the magic demon of Moyuan, and their role in the two major theaters is not great. Throwing them on the land of Kamikaze can exert their combat power and hone their combat experience.

Most of the rookies are here, and Lu Ling and Xiangfan, the grandson of Xiangling Longming Anonymous Candle Master, are here. Kamikaze mainland has also become a super big competition field, countless pairs of eyes stared, watching the performance of this group of rookie elite, future human race Xeon.


Lu Li's performance is currently the most dazzling, because Lu Li has the magic skill of flying across the void, and it is easy to travel around. At present, many teleportation formations on the Shenfeng continent have been destroyed, and they can only pass through their magical powers. Lu Li's combat power is very tyrannical. As long as he meets Sergeant Moyuan, all of them will be killed, and no one can run.

Many scouts went to Mie Tian at this moment, searching for the Moyuan army, investigating the situation, and counting the war reports. The sergeants of Moyuan who were killed by Lu Li were very special. All the sergeants of Moyuan were very painful when they died, and they would all suffer strong soul attacks.

In one month, according to the statistics of scouts, the army of Moyuan killed by Lu Li reached at least one million, which is the sum of many other people. It is not that the rest of the attack is not strong, but that the Moyuan army is now dispersed and it is difficult to search. What used to be a small unit of 110,000 units has now become a few hundred and several hundred units, and it is like a bee colony on the entire Kamikaze continent.

All the families of the Kamikaze continent suffered great losses, and even the single family where Fenghou was located was seriously injured. The single family was the emperor's family, and they secretly controlled more than a dozen fields. Now, more than half of those ten fields have Sergeant Moyuan. More than half of the people there have been injured and injured, and many cities have been opened.

The poorest are the Cang family and those dozens of families. They had just moved over. Fenghou gave them a field, and their clan was scattered in this field, and they had just taken control for a long time. But there were more than 100,000 Sergeants of Moyuan here. There were not many strong men in the Cang family and those dozens of families. Almost half of them turned into demon slaves and bodies.

The rookie list has been re-ranked, and Lu Li has become the undisputed number one. This rookie list is not only about combat power, but also about military achievements. Lu Li has made great achievements in the Shenfeng mainland, and there are countless living people. No one dare to deny this.

Anonymous is still ranked second, and is also very dazzling in the Kamikaze continent, he has been confirmed as a Tatar race. He was too fast, his combat power reached the emperor realm, and half of his foot entered the emperor level. Over the years, Anonymous has grown very fast, and has long since broken through its territories. Many people think that breaking through the imperial rank is a matter of course.

Zhufan ranks third. The favorite grandson of the Lord of the Candles is indeed extraordinary, with powerful fighting powers, plus the imperial armor and the imperial sword. General Jundi can't compete with him.

Emperor Zhutian's reputation was damaged some time ago. Zhufan seems to be thinking of rectifying his grandfather's name. He is one man and one sword across the Kamikaze continent.

Lu Ling and Xiang Linglong also performed well. After Lu Ling settled the Lu family side, they came here. Fighting here is not only to rescue the people of the Kamikaze continent, but also a very good training opportunity, and it is best to break through in the battle.

The Triple Sky elite collection here has also attracted countless elites. The Shenfeng mainland seems to have become a contest show for those young and outstanding children. At least 400 people came from the top five hundred rookies.

The inevitable human race elite also appeared dead and injured, dozens of elites on the rookie list have died, there is no magic demon-class strong here, but there are many demon masters. Some demon masters are very strong compared to Zhundi. How can ordinary rookies meet?

There are many more magnificent boys, and their idea is to come to this famous one to attract the attention of such beautiful women as Ling Ling and Ling Ling. This group of people is not very good in combat, but they are very sarcastic, but they rushed into the Kamikaze continent with a small number of followers. As a result, they were naturally torn apart by the magic deep.

Lu Li knew that Lu Ling and Xiang Linglong were coming. UU read the book but he didn't have time to find them. Although he was worried, he thought that the Xiangjia and the Inverse Dragons would definitely not let them fight alone. There must be an elder to follow, and he didn't care.

As for the human race? Who dares to mess up in the face of a disaster? Not to mention targeting two people, even if he and Fenghou Yangdi met, the two would not dare to kill him?

The connecting channel on Moyuan was finally sealed. Fenghou and several emperors joined forces to seal the channel. However, these imperial ranks did not dare to leave, and have been defending and strengthening the seals there to ensure that no more Sergeant Moyuan rushes out.

I'm catching you!

Now that the Kamikaze continent has been surrounded by groups, countless elite warriors are hunting and killing Sergeant Moyuan in it.

It is a pity that there are countless people and people in the cave. One day, these soldiers of the Moyuan are not cleared, and the Divine Wind continent cannot be peaceful for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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