The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2878: Holy sky

The Lu family in the double day has been transferred to the triple sky. The big devil is not there, and Lu Li has nothing to do. Lu Li spent a night in Tianmo's interior, gathering with Axe Demon and others. He also took out a lot of magical medicines and artifacts, and sent them directly to Tianmo Island, and let Ganlin and others distribute them.

The next day Lu Li returned to the Palace of Souls, chatted with the elderly Shura for a while, and teleported to the mainland of Ziyang. The elders of the Qi family were still waiting there and teleported back with Lu Li.

The city of Shenjiao was very calm. Lu Li returned to the triple sky, and it only took more than a month to go back and forth. People in the city did not know that he had gone out, and there were no accidents. Mie Tian is still very calm. The army of Moyuan in the north is still occupying the cold tide, and it is not spreading so fast to fly to the mainland.

Lu Li and Lu Ling met and talked briefly. He teleported to Qijia's current main town, Reincarnation City. This city was renamed after a renamed city in honor of the reincarnation emperor.

Qi Wangshan brought a group of elders to greet him. Lu Li asked Qi Wangshan to retreat the elders and entered into a secret room. He opened the door and said, "Patriarch Wangshan, have you heard of Shengkong Island?"

The big devil wrote in the letter, asking Lu Li to go to Shengkong Island. There is an old man living on the island. If the old man can be invited, perhaps the triple sky crisis can be solved.

Lu Li has great trust in the Devil, so he asked about it as soon as he returned, but he had never heard of this island. Qi Wangshan is the top clan patriarch of Mie Tian. Information is definitely no problem.

"Holy Sky Island?"

Qi Wangshan frowned and groaned for a moment and said, "There are no famous islands called Shengkong Island. Lu Li, what do you ask?"


Lu Li stunned, was the big devil wrong? Based on Qi Wangshan's understanding of the triple sky, if there is a strange island in which a powerful old man lives, he must know.

Lu Li asked: "Patriarch Wangshan, are you sure? The name is Shengkong Island, and an old man lives on the island."

"I'm sure!"

Qi Wangshan nodded surely: "There is absolutely no famous island named Shengkong Island. So, let me ask the oldest man to find out? Is there a name for Shengzhong Island in Santian? He is in charge of intelligence The whole triple sky is familiar. "

"it is good!"

Lu Li waited patiently. Qi Wangshan asked the eight elders of Qi family to come in. The latter went out after hearing it, and it took more than an hour to come over with a stack of information. There are eighteen of the three heavenly islands named Shengkong Island, all of which are inside. "


Lu Zhi took the information and looked up, and soon a few islands were passed directly by him. Those few islands are very small islands, and they are also around several continents. They all say that they are controlled by a small force or a bandit army.

The old man said by the devil is definitely a peerless powerhouse. Since he is a strong man, that will not allow ordinary influential small forces in his island. After Lu Li read all the information, he fixed his eyes on the three-point data.

These three holy sky islands are all on the sea, one is on the sea of ​​Shenyin, the other is on the Yinyan Sea, and one is in the East Purple Sea, which is in the middle of the Toyo mainland and the Ziyang mainland.

These three holy air islands are neither large nor small, and there is no record of any forces occupying them. Since it was not occupied by the forces, but was named the Holy Island, it is likely that one of them is the island that the devil said.

"Patriarch Wangshan!"

Lu Li and Qi Wangshan said, "Can you send someone to explore these eighteen islands separately? The information I have received is that there is a holy sky island living a peerless powerhouse. If this powerhouse is willing to take a shot, it may be broken. The danger of Triple Sky. "


Qi Wangshan and the eight elders looked at each other, both of them were a little stunned. Now, the triple sky game nobody knows how to break it, and the Emperor of the Candle Sky and the Emperor Xiaoyao are helpless. Now Lu Li said he heard of a strong man? If this is really a superpower, then how have they never heard of it? I haven't even heard of Sacred Island before.

Qi Wangshan asked suspiciously: "Lu Li, is the news credible?"

Lu Li thought for a while and said, "I think there is a 60% chance that the person who gave me news is a strong man and a respectable elder."

"Okay, old man, arrange for people to investigate one by one."

Qi Wangshan explained, Lu Lu added: "The person who arranges it should be low-key. In case there is a holy sky island really has a peerless strongman, don't offend him. If there is suspicious information detected, the news comes back, I personally Past trip. "

"it is good!"

The eight elders understood what was going on and arranged. Although the reincarnation emperor died, the Qi family also moved here, but the overall strength was not affected. There are still many scouts in the Qi family, because there are doors of space everywhere, and it is easy to investigate.

Lu Li went back, lost the retreat and waited for news. There, Tian Xunzi and the Huo family had arrived in Yinyan Sea, and the journey was smooth, and no one blocked it. There are also many families migrating from the Feihuo mainland, and each family has its own choices, which is not to blame.

The time passed more than two months, Qi Wangshan teleported over, found Lu Li, and the exploration came to fruition.

Sixteen of the eighteen islands were ruled out. All these sixteen islands were populated by small martial arts. Many islands have been occupied by some small forces for thousands of years. Qi's scouts went up to explore quietly and found no abnormalities.

There are two "holy air islands" that have problems. One is in the Yinyan Sea area. That holy air island is still a Jedi. No one dares to approach that island because many people approaching it are somehow dead. For this reason, a big family strong man in the Yinyan Sea also went to check it out ~ ~ Finally came back and said nothing, but it was rumored that people in the Yinyan Sea should not be approached, otherwise they would die for nothing.

The other holy air island is in the East Purple Sea. The island has a powerful divine pattern. After entering, the scout fainted and died. When he woke up, he found that he was floating on the sea and almost torn by sea beasts.

"If your information is okay!" Qi Wangshan said, "The peerless powerhouse should live in one of these two islands, Lu Li, or ... I'll accompany you over?"

Qi Wangshan's strength is only in the quasi-empire state, which is not particularly strong among the quasi-empires, and there are still people in the Qi family who are better than him. However, Qi Wangshan is the head of Qi family. This identity is transcendent in Mie Tian itself. The reincarnation emperor died for Mie Tian. Who would dare to move Qi Wang Shan.

After all, Yinyan Sea is the site of the Wu family. Lu Li and Yinyan Sea have several enemies. If Lu Li goes to Yinyan Sea alone, what if he is killed by Emperor Yang and others? If Qi Wangshan goes together, then no one dares to mess up.


Lu Li did not postpone, anyway, the Qi family has settled down, and Qi Wangshan has nothing to do. He waved, "It is not too late, and I will leave in three days, and go to Yinyan Sea first."

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