Although Emperor Ya has not explained, he has actually admitted his words. What does it mean that the sin cannot be forgiven? This shows that they have committed many crimes, which means that they are controlled by the demon ancestors.

The real man did not take action, but withdrew Fuchen. He said blankly: "You will judge yourself in the presence of thousands of sergeants. You will talk poorly and protect your family."

The two looked at each other, their eyes were dark, and they sighed slightly. The two bowed and salute to the real human being, and drank together: "Thank you real person!"

"I am guilty. I am now arbitrating to thank the world. My people are not involved. Please don't involve innocent people!"

Yu Di gave a loud sigh, then raised his hands and patted his head against his head. A dull sound sounded, and Yu Di crashed to the ground. He just shattered his head with that palm.

Emperor Ya glanced at Yu Di's body for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the true sinner, saying, "Two demon ancestors in Moyuan have come ..."

His words had just been finished, and suddenly Qiqiao began to bleed and fell to the ground, Lu Lishen swept away and found that his soul had burst directly. Obviously, he was released by the demon ancestor, and once exposed to the condition of Moyuan, he would die directly.

Two emperors died, one was the commander in the northern theater, and the death of the two was still terrible, but at this moment no one sympathized with them, but looked at them with disgust and hatred.

Obviously, the two were not controlled by force, but actively controlled. In other words, they were taken down by the demon ancestors, and then they surrendered. After the ancestor took control of the two, they released them back.

The effect of doing this on the Moyuan side is very significant. During this time, the human race has been defeated continuously. The elite death and injuries on the human side have been severe, and many emperor levels have fallen. If it was n’t for the real sin, if the Emperor Ya continues to lead the army, the elite of the human race will continue to come together, cut like leeks, and then the triple sky will really be overwhelming.

"The immense amount of respect for the heavens and deaths, the poor said that they should protect their people, and also asked you to give the poor Tao the face, not to target their people."

The **** of sin really spoke, and the emperors nodded naturally. Just now they could hear clearly, the true sin is the Holy Emperor. Holy emperor, is still a living emperor, this is the absolute peak of the strongest, no one can match the triple sky.

Mie Tian is about to be overthrown, and the Holy Emperor finally appears. That means that Mie Tian is saved. Who dare not listen to the words of the true sin?


An emperor took the lead in kneeling and Shen drank: "Real people, Triple Sky suffered a calamity, hundreds of millions of people are in deep water, and if the army of Moyuan continues to plunder, all the tribe of Triple Sky will become demon slaves. Please take the real situation and lead us to fight against Moyuan. "


All emperor levels, including Emperor Yang, knelt down on one knee and sighed together, "Please ask the real person to preside over the whole situation and fight against Moyuan."

"Let the real person preside over the big picture and fight against the magic deep!"

Outside the city, the sergeants knelt down and drank, and the tears rolled in the eyes of countless people. It felt like they had found the backbone and saw hope. Holy emperor, this is a stronger presence than the reincarnation emperor, the candleday emperor, and others.

There is still no expression fluctuation on the face of the real sin man, he stood against his hands, only at this moment felt the vaguely released domineering on him, he glanced at the heroes and said, "It is OK to preside over the situation, but I must promise my two condition."

"Speak live, please!"

The emperor levels immediately rejoiced, as long as the real sin is willing to shoot, let alone two conditions, they all agreed. Mie Tian is dead, their territory is gone, and even if they flee with their families, they will drift like a wandering beast.

Tiangui real man groaned for a moment and said: "First, the entire triple sky must obey my order, and those who don't listen to it will all listen together. Second, you must not question any order of the poor road, and it must be executed immediately after the poor road order."

The true human beings have absolute rights. If it is the rest of the people, even the Emperor of the Heavens may be hesitant, but in the face of a emperor, no one dares to hesitate. Yangdi and others have agreed.

"Well, let's go back to the camp."

The real sinner waved his hand and said, "All the imperial ranks come in with the poor road, um ... Xiao Luzi, you also come in, Ni Longxiang will let him rest in peace here, there is a poor road, no one can hurt him. "

An emperor-level arranger took the corpses of both Emperor Ya and Yu, and several prospective emperors also went to the barracks to manage the army. Lu Li released Lu Ling and Penghu Lao Mo, explained a few words, and followed the crowd into the castle.

Half a day later, a notice spread throughout the entire Triple Sky. The northern theater of war all supported the true commander of Sin Sin, and the Sin Sin also asked all the powerful men above Zhundi to send it to Feiyun City to discuss the anti-magic plan.

There are some hegemonies under this order, and there is even no reason. There are countless Mabuchi and strong men over the southern theater. If the Emperor Zhutian and other people all come over, what if the army of Moyuan is attacking there?

But after the news spread. The whole triple sky shook, countless people were crying with joy, and countless people were walking around the city to report.

Holy emperor, there is actually a living emperor in Triple Heaven, and he came out to preside over the big picture. Numerous people also yelled at Yadi and Yudi, and some even shouted that they would destroy the entire family of Yadi and Yudi ...

Many emperors in the southern theater are very excited, but if they go to Feiyun City, who can guard this side? At a time when they didn't know how to be good, there were three mysterious strongmen in the southern theater, one of which was not weaker than the Emperor of the Sky, and even stronger.

The three are all Taoist priests, Taoyun Ziyun, Zilin, and Zilu. The three are all emperor-level, and they all claim to be real disciples of sin. The three representatives of the real sinner came temporarily to stabilize the situation and let the people teleport to Feiyun City.

The Emperor Zhu Tian and others did not hesitate this time, because if the four real sinners are from Moyuan, they can sweep the entire triple sky powerhouse with just four people. What kind of conspiracy is still used, just set foot in the North and South Theater.

Qi Wangshan was also very excited. He personally ordered the Qi family to cooperate fully to open the doors of countless spaces and let those strong ones teleport to Feiyun City. Many more hidden powers also appeared. The appearance of a holy emperor made those powers unable to sit still. At this moment, there is no war. Do you want to watch the triple sky fall?

The Emperor Xiaoyao also appeared, and he flew all the way to Feiyun City, which is also the meaning of responding to the real sin. Before, he never obeyed the orders, asking him to be the commander in the northern theater.

The emergence of a holy emperor has made Triple Sky an unprecedented unity. Triple Sky is the home of the strong. Here is their roots. No one wants the Triple Sky to be destroyed. Yuan goes.

Many of the small families who were about to move to the mysterious state did not move. During this time, countless cities in Triple Sky were full of joy. They all saw hope and saw the dawn of dawn.

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