The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2909: Breath of death

Lu Li accepted An Luer as an apprentice, not to raise a loli, but to accept it as a pet in the future. After marrying Yin Qingsixianglinglong, Lu Li's thoughts on male and female love have faded, and he will not accept women anymore.

He accepted An Luer as an apprentice. First, he said he wanted security Luer I to be safe. Second, he gave An Luer a name to avoid being gossip. The third is to give An Luer a spiritual sustenance. After all, An Luer has no relatives. As a teacher, that is also her relatives.

A young girl was added near the town, but it did not break the calm of the town. Because Lu Li often sat under the old tree, An Luer was playing with the little dog, and occasionally went hunting in the mountains except for practicing, and rarely entered the town.

When she entered the town, she bought some necessities, and she hardly communicated with people. There were a few children in the town who wanted to play with her, and she ignored them.

Lu Li did not say that he is practicing mysterious magical powers, but just let her cultivate her magical powers, and at the same time give her soul nourishing magic drugs to enhance her soul. Now practicing magical powers does not make sense, and it is better to honestly improve the realm. Wait for a few years to elevate to four calamities before practicing. Now even if she is passed on her profound magical tricks, she will have difficulty understanding.

The Hanyin Eucharist deserves to be practiced very fast against the heavens, and can feel different every day. Lu Li also asked Xuelinger to arrange a magic circle for her, and made her practice speed increase again.

Facts have long proved that under the accumulation of a large number of resources, the four or five martial arts fighters can still be cultivated in large quantities. Lu Li has a lot of divine medicine on her body, and An Luer is a rare **** body. With his help, An Luer can hardly practice slowly.

Lu Li did not preach her magical skills, but she threw some books to her. These books are not for the cultivation, but for the teaching of human life. Lu Li hoped that An Luer would not become a killing machine, born for revenge.

Despite all this, An Luer was still very boring, but she accidentally whispered something to the stray dog ​​whom she named "Little Flower", and usually did not speak. Lu Li has also been retreating under the old tree and has no time to chat with her.

Lu Li really has no time to take care of An Luer, because he found some interesting things in the old tree, which caused him a touch. He has recently been fused to create the soul mystery.

There is a natural **** array in this old tree. Through this **** array, this tree is actually being cultivated, and the tree's lifetime has also grown infinitely, so the result of immortality will appear.

Lu Li is under an immature tree, and can feel that the breath of life in the nearby world is absorbed by this tree, so there are no flowers and trees nearby. Fortunately, someone in that town set up a magic circle to prevent this tree from absorbing the vitality of the town's residents, otherwise the people in this town will be much less than normal life yuan.

A tree can absorb the vitality of life in the heavens and the earth, and can cultivate? Not only absorb the vitality of life, but also the energy of the five elements, which has aroused great interest from Lu Li.

It fuses the Five Elements of Qi together into its own energy. This is where Lu Li is interested. This old tree blends very cleverly. Just as Lu Li also wants the soul to fuse, condensing the sword of the soul called by the reincarnation emperor.

It's late autumn at this moment, and An Lu'er is not afraid of the heat and heat in the second calamity, but Lu Li needn't worry about her getting sick. Time passed in calm, and in the blink of an eye it was winter season, and the sky began to snow.

Lu Li has been sitting under the old tree. He hasn't moved in the past few months. At this moment, he has been covered by heavy snow and turned into a snowman. Seeing this scene, An Luer stopped practicing and walked over to make a fire near Lu Li. She seemed to be afraid that Lu Li was frozen. She also set up a simple pavilion to protect Lu Li from the snow.

Lu Li ignored it and continued to practice. An Luer often sat beside Lu Li.

In the middle of the winter season, the peace in the town was finally broken. I didn't know where the bandits came from, but they rushed into the town and started to rob.

Lu Li didn't move. An Luer heard the cry in the town. She glanced at Lu Li and landed with her sword and rushed into the town.

These are the lowest-level gangsters, otherwise they will not fall into the town and rob the town. A group of bandits are basically the two robbers, the strongest is only the peak of three robbers.

A small number of warriors in the town are fighting with the bandits. An Luer has reached the peak of the Second Calamity after practicing for several months. She only knows one kind of magical power, which is a sword technique.

Although she used a knife in her hand, she was equally brave. An offender was killed as soon as he shot, perhaps because he had eaten people's hearts and drank human blood before. An Luer had no fear of killing, but his face turned pale.

After killing the first person, An Luer paused and then rushed forward. The weapon in her hand was just an ordinary weapon for Lu Li, but it was a magic weapon for ordinary warriors. An Luer was so brave that she killed several people in a row.

People in the town did not expect that this little girl was so desperate that she was desperate at the moment, and her morale was boosted.

The leader of the bandit legion, Ben, and the strongest old man in the town were at war, and they easily suppressed the old man. Seeing An Luer easily killing so many of his men with a magic soldier, he was furious and growled and killed An Luer.

After all, An Luer only had a state of second calamity and had no experience with the enemy. Before, he was able to kill several people in a row because of the magic soldier Lu Lu gave him. At this moment, he was timid when attacked by the bandit. He was almost killed several times, and a sword was stabbed in his arm.


The sword in the bandit's hand turned into a thousand cold lights, and stabbed at An Luer's head. Although An Luer was very beautiful, the bandit would not be fragrant and precious. He just wanted to kill all the strong men in the town, then ransack the town and leave as soon as possible.

"Om ~"

At this moment, an invisible force field suppresses down, and the bandit can't help feeling, he stares at the road outside the town with horror. A snowman came over there, covered in snow, and looked down.

An Luer's face was full of fear. Just now she faced death for the first time. At that moment, she felt like she was going to die. Before her home was destroyed, she has been protected by her old ancestors, and now she is facing the critical life for the first time.

"An Luer, kill him!"

Lu Li's cold voice sounded, UU reading An Luer had a blind obedience to Lu Li's words. He picked up his sword and swept away hard at the front. A head flew up, and the blood in his neck spewed and splashed. An Luer's face.

Lu Li seemed to walk slowly, but walked to An Luer in a few steps. He saw An Luer covered with blood, his face full of horror, and still trembling, Shen said, "This is for the teacher The first lesson for you, the breath of death. A warrior who has never faced death and has not experienced a crisis of life and death will never be a strong one. In addition, I need to teach you a little bit as a teacher. To help others, you must first Do what you can, don't put yourself in. Reckless people are most likely to die, you know? "

"Got it!"

An Luer nodded heavily. At this moment, her body was not shaking, her face was firm, maybe because Lu Li stood beside her, she felt fearless.

Lu Li waved his hand and said, "Go, these gangsters are extremely vicious, and they will not be merciless under their hands, they will all be killed!"

"Yes, Master!"

An Luer nodded, his small body leaped up and flew towards the remaining bandits.

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