The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2945: Meat shield

"Boom boom boom boom ~"

A fierce explosion sound was deafening, and an illusion of a beast hovering and whistling in the air, and a roaring attack of magical energy condensed, and the entire Holy Dragon Mountain felt shaking. The terrible coercion pervades the wild and suffocates.

This is the second blockade encountered by Lu Li. This time there is no demon master. There are only three demon lords. One of the three demon lords is stronger, and the other two barely make up.

The path they chose is also the one that must be passed. Obviously, they accepted the instructions of a certain demon respecter, and made a special trip to block Lu Lu.

Lu Li also was successfully blocked. The three demons only attacked from a long range and did not attack me. They kept the road. Lu Li wanted to go up and defeated them.

These three demons are very smart, attacking from afar, and have been attacking constantly. Lu Li's soul attacked and released, but they hid the soul well and did not give Lu Li the opportunity to attack the soul.

The gravity here is too strong, and Lu Li has difficulty in taking each step. In addition to his soul attack, he only has the chain of order, physical attack, source attack, and law attack. However, the powerful demon above has a strong defense magical power, and the attack of the law phase released by Lu Li will be blocked.

Lu Li released the chain of order, and the three deities will immediately become incorporeal, but they will continue to attack, so Lu Li feels some difficulties.

The key is that the three monsters have good attack power. His source armor has been broken many times. If it is not his physical strength, he has also released the Shenlong transformation, or he would have been seriously injured.

"Retreat first!"

Lu Li released the Shenlong Change, feeling a little weak, and he could only retreat. After a few thousand feet back in a row, Lu Li dismissed Shenlong to rest. Unexpectedly, two magic masters came at the moment.

The two demon masters saw him, their eyes lit up, especially Lu Li's blood was on his body at the moment, and his complexions were extremely pale. The two masters peaked without any hesitation and immediately roared and attacked.


Lu Li's anger was endless, and the killings on his body were pervasive. The two masters still wanted to beat the water dog with pain? Even a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Do these two demon think he is bullying?

After he released the soul attack, the two demon masters immediately struck, his body flew over, his hands shone with power, and he wanted to tear the limbs of the two demon masters. As long as he didn't kill them, it didn't matter how tortured.


A demon's hands and feet were torn by Lu Li forcibly, and torn down alive, and because the soul of the demon master was attacked again and again, he could not give any counterattack.

Lu Li tortured up, tearing up the demon master's half body, and finally forbearing the intention of killing, he did not kill the demon master.

He threw the demon directly down the mountain, and then walked towards another demon. The demon was still twisting on the ground at the moment. The strong gravity here prevented him from rolling. Lu Li grabbed his arm and was about to tear when he suddenly moved inside.

There cannot be death here!

This is also the reason why he did not kill the two masters. In this case, the demon must not kill the masters, otherwise he will violate the rules set by Yuan Shengzu and be sentenced to imprisonment for 100,000 years.

Those who can enter here are all under the age of ten thousand. Those are the elite of Moyuan. They naturally don't want to be locked up for 100,000 years, which means that they absolutely dare not kill this demon master.

In other words ... he has a very good shield!

After figuring out the key to the matter, a smile quickly appeared on his face. Instead of revoking the soul attack, he weakened a little, and kept the Lord's soul under attack forever.

He sat up and rested, and after an hour, the demon had been tortured in and out of gas. He grinned and walked towards the demon with a grin.

The three demons above heard the footsteps below, and a black gas permeated immediately. They could explore through the magic gas, and the divine thoughts were limited here, but they had a different path, and the exploration distance could be far away.


After they discovered that Lu Li was carrying the peak of a demon master, the three demon faces changed. Lu Li took this demon master to the forefront and regarded the devil as a meat shield. If they attacked, Lu Li would definitely put the demon master in front.

Although Lu Li was shameless in doing so, one thing to know is that Lu Li did not kill the demon master. If they attack, the death of the demon master will definitely be counted on their heads. Yuan Shengzu doesn't care so much. Whoever kills this demon, even if it is on their heads, after all, they take the initiative to attack.

Lu Li walked up step by step with the demon master, a cold smile on his face, and shouted loudly: "What's the matter? Continue to attack? Didn't you attack so fiercely just now? How did it all become a counselor Anymore? "

The three demons look at me, I look at you, all have a headache. Lu Li stepped up step by step. If he continued to drag and approach Lu Li, they would not necessarily have a chance, and they might even be attacked by Lu Li.

So if you want to attack, attack now, or the three of them can only retreat first, and then look for a chance to stop Luli on it!

The question is how to do it?

They have seen Lu Lu's methods and defenses. If he wants to stop Lu Li, he will surely kill the demon master, and the responsibility will definitely fall on them.

"Hey ~"

They did n’t do it, Lu Li did it, the chain of order gods swept over, three demon lords were suddenly scared, one demon lord had already reacted late, was hit by the chain of order gods and was blown out, half of his body was blurred .


There was no other way for the other two Mozun for a moment, but he could only bite his teeth and walk up with the injured Mozun. This level was easily broken by Lu Li ~ ~ hahahaha! "

Lu Li laughed and rushed up step by step. After passing this level, he was relieved. He did not release the Lord, but continued to take him, anyway, dragging a Lord is not troublesome, this is a very good meat shield ...

Lu Li glanced at the Demon Lord and saw that his soul had been injured, so he revoked the soul attack. He was afraid that the Demon Lord would be killed. He dragged the demon slowly towards it, and after half an hour, the demon awakened, and when he saw being lifted by Lu Li, he was very aggressive and immediately started.

Lu Li sneered and said, "Okay, the scar has forgotten the pain? Do you want to torture your soul again?"

As soon as the demon's body lighted up, he would become an incorporeal body. Lu Li's soul attack was released immediately, and the demon's soul suffered a strong attack again. The body was exposed, holding his head and screaming.

"Toasting without eating and drinking!"

Lu Li Leng hummed and walked up to the Demon Lord. Since the Demon Lord wanted to endure hardships, let him enjoy it. When it is honest, stop attacking.

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