The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2970: Grand retreat

Tian Sin came back, and then issued a series of orders one after another, making Mie Tian's side feel that he had found the backbone of the main body, with a hint of direction.

The Sin Sin summoned all the emperors and most of the lords and sent a message with the people-a Xeon on the human side let them carry it for a hundred years, and a hundred years later, the Xeon came to save the triple sky .

If it were the rest of the people saying this, everyone would certainly scoff. But the true sinful man seriously said to everyone that although everyone still didn't believe it, all dead horses were treated as living horse doctors, and they all had the right to believe.

Sometimes a vain hope can give people the confidence to continue. Many people actually suspect that the news is false, but they all treat it as true, they deceive themselves, and live in the dreams and lies made up by the real people of sin.

Everyone has no way to go, although many families have secret places, they are secretly sending their family members to the secret world. But they all know that once they enter such a small world and secret territory, they may forever say goodbye to the big world.

If you enter the mystery and the small world, if you don't destroy the connection channel, you will definitely be found by the army of Mobuchi.

If the connection channel is destroyed, they will be trapped in those secret places and small worlds. With so few resources in it, their ethnic group will be inferior to one generation. It is estimated that after ten thousand years, they will be reduced to a third-class family and even die out.

So who wants to evacuate without evacuating? If there is a glimmer of hope, who wants to stay away from their homeland and lose their lungs? So many people choose to believe in the true sinful person and choose to believe in this vain hope.

Commands were passed on one by one, and the families acted, the entire triple sky moved, and countless materials began to mobilize.

The Qi family was the busiest during this time, because the order given by the real sinner was that all the people of Triple Sky would evacuate towards the Ziyang mainland, and the Triple Sky would shrink in all directions, keeping only Ziyang.

Nine continents, six seas!

There are almost no living people in the North Plains and cold tide waters, and the flying fire continent is almost finished, but there are so many continents, so many seas, and how many people are there? Unable to estimate.

Now all the people are going to evacuate towards the Ziyang mainland. How much work is this? What a difficult task? Moreover, the true sinner also ordered, and it must be completed within three years.

At the same time, the real sin man asked Ziyun to lead a group of emperors to sneak behind Moyuan, delaying the attack speed of Moyuan's army at all costs.

The reason why all evacuated toward the Ziyang continent is because this is the smallest continent and it will be easier to defend. Although so many people have migrated, settlement is a problem, but it is better to be harder and harder than to lose your life?

In addition, the real sinner teleported to the Ziyang continent for the first time, and began to build a **** pattern in the north with a group of **** pattern masters, laying out a line of defense.

When the human race was most desperate, the real sin man came up again. Although it seems that what he did did not make much sense, the triple human race now only has such a life-saving straw. What can they do? Can only catch it.

Countless families acted, all teleportation formations were opened for free, all warships contributed for free, and the gates of Qi's space were all opened, and anyone could teleport for free.

The side of the Ziyang mainland is also busy. Numerous sergeants and strong men are dispatched to wash the powerful beasts of the Ziyang mainland first. At that time, when all the people from the mainland and the sea come over, there is no need to live in the city, but they can only settle in the wild. If those beasts do not kill, how will they settle down?

The strong men from the Ziyang continent came out of the nest, and the whole continent immediately caused a **** storm, and countless beasts were killed. Many troops have also dispatched, and began to build a large number of simple houses in the wild, digging out large burrows, these are for the people who will migrate next.

Giving them a house to live is to give them peace of mind. If there is a place to live, then there will be a place to settle down so as not to cause chaos.

The first batch of people in the winter continent began to move, and the Lujia Yinjia Huojia Qijiaxiang families were among the first migrants. A large family on the side of the Ziyang mainland also said that it would give up ten cities to settle several large families.

That big family was willing to give up ten cities, not to look at Lu Li's face, but to look at Qi's face. The descendants of the reincarnation emperor must still give sufficient respect.

Lu Li is absent. The Lu family is dominated by Lu Ling. Lu Ling is in a state of sorrow during this time. The death of Ni Longxiang still makes her sad. Since all evacuated, Lu Ling had nothing to say, Qi Wangshan came over, and Lu Ling ordered the Lu family to migrate and follow Qi's actions.

There are not many Ding Lu family members. Anyway, they will follow the big army. Although Lu Li surrendered to Moyuan, the members of the Qi Family Elephant Family Yin Family Huo Family still trusted him very much, were very friendly to the Lu Family, and took great care of the Lu Family.

Thousands of warships took off at the same time and flew towards the Ziyang continent. Although the Qi family controlled the gate of space, UU reading, but it was close to the side of the Ziyang continent, there was no need to waste resources and just fly over. Anyway, the army of Mobuchi didn't come so fast.

The people in the Lu family were very confused and frustrated. He has n’t lived in Shenjiao City, and now he has to leave his hometown. Everyone feels like a rootless duckweed, floating in the wind.

Although Lu Ling's strength is good, he cannot become the backbone of the Lu family. The Emperor Lu Renji didn't say anything, the strength was too low and too low, and nothing was in the triple sky.

Many children of the Lu family even want to return to the second heaven. On the second heaven, there is a big demon over him. The people of the Lu family are very nourishing on the island of Tian Mo. Do n’t worry about anything, just rest and practice.

The Emperor Lu Ren also had the same idea, going to Ertiantian would be at least more comfortable, and his wife was under pressure.

He found Lu Ling on the road and proposed that he take some of the Lu family's children to the second heaven. Eggs cannot be placed in a basket. Even if the Lujia of the triple sky is destroyed, the Lujia of the double sky still hopes to survive?


Lu Ling refused decisively. The big demon king is not in Tianmo Island now. If the Emperor Lu Ren takes some Lu family people down, there will be only one dead word in the ending. Everyone was staring at Mie Tian. No one dared to mess around at this juncture. Who would worry about going to Mie Tian?

Therefore, the Lu family can't go anywhere now, only to be honest with the Qi family elephant family Yin family Huo family, so that they can be preserved.

Otherwise, the Candle Family will go down a few lords casually, and they will be able to wash the entire Lu Family in blood. Lu Ling believes that Candle Van will definitely do this. Before the candlestick family in Dongyu mainland had always suspected that Lu Li did it.

The Emperor Lu Ren had no choice but to trust Lu Ling. He could only suppress the people of the Lu family and settled in Ziyang mainland first.

(End of this chapter)

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