The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3046: Skull mountain

Skull Mountain is very famous in Liangyi Xing. It was once selected as a cemetery by three holy emperors. It is said that Feng Shui is particularly good here.

This is not a mountain, but a mountain range. If the mountain here is viewed from a high altitude, it will feel like a group of strange animals around the middle of a dragon.

Pilgrimage to all beasts!

This is the topographical characteristics of this mountain range. This is a terrible place in the eyes of many strong stars of Liang Yixing, and it is also the most suitable place for burial. The pilgrimage of all beasts, your tomb is located in the most central mountain range, then there are all beasts to guard you, and you will not be disturbed.

The strong have always been very particular, and they will not easily bury themselves in ordinary places when they die. They were extremely glorious before they died, and naturally they would choose the best place to live.

Especially those old demons who have no family, they know that no matter where they are located, they will be discovered over time, and the treasures they left behind will be found. Treasure resources are not brought by life, they are not brought to death, and they should be left to future generations. There are also some of their own created magical powers. They also hope that future generations can inherit it.

Therefore, before the big limit arrives, these old demons will choose some good places and then spend a huge price to arrange them. The first is to prevent ordinary people from disturbing his sleep easily, and the second is to place the treasures and resources of his own life and his own magical powers in it, and donate them to the destined.

Of course, it is not so easy to get their treasures and secrets, you must get his approval, that is, they must pass their test.

If you want to stop ordinary martial arts from disturbing their sleep, then you must have a very powerful arrangement, and if you want to test their succession, you must also arrange.

They will take many years, and they will also cost a lot to decorate, these arrangements make many ordinary emperors sigh. They will also choose some fierce places, which will make this place more dangerous.

Skull Mountain is such a fierce land, with its own natural **** pattern, which becomes even more dangerous after they are arranged.

There were three holy emperors who had chosen to sleep here at Skull Mountain. One of them was a powerful man who was infinitely close to the Holy Great Perfection. It was similar to the existence of the emperor.

"Rustic ~"

Lu Li walked under the Skull Mountain, and found a lot of bones under his feet, and many of the bones became yellow, obviously for a long time.

After walking for more than ten miles, Lu Li found that this skull mountain was really well-deserved, with bones everywhere, and at least a few thousand bones were seen in the dozen miles. On the way, he also found a lot of broken **** patterns. It can be imagined that many **** patterns were arranged here, but the surroundings were destroyed.

Xuelinger explored on the ground. Lu Li didn't need to worry about the god's pattern at all. He walked all the way to the depths of Skull Mountain. He wanted to find a dangerous place, because he could walk easily in a safe place, how could he trap the strong man of the Tengu tribe, the red dragon tribe, and the four-arm tribe?

Lu Li's only advantage is Xuelinger. There is a strong **** pattern here, but Xuelinger can crack some **** patterns. As long as he enters a certain hall with a powerful **** pattern, he can rely on those **** patterns to block the pursuit of the strong.

After traveling for tens of thousands of miles, he crossed over a dozen mountains. Lu Li found that many **** patterns had not been broken, and some **** patterns had powerful power. There are more and more bones here, and many of them have exploded in half of their body or head, apparently killed by the **** pattern.

"Master, next you have to follow me. If you make a mistake here, it is very likely to trigger the **** pattern. And the **** pattern here is still chain **** pattern. Touching one will cause the remaining **** patterns to continue to attack."

The rumors of Xuelinger sounded, Lu Li nodded slightly, and he felt unusual. The mountain here is like a giant beast entangled in the ground. It feels that there is an invisible potential permeating out of it, which can cause a lot of pressure.

"Huh? It's foggy!"

Walking forward thousands of miles again, Lu Li found that it was foggy here. In this kind of mountain, fogging is not a good thing. This fog is a kind of **** pattern, which means that many **** patterns on this side have not been broken, and this side will be more dangerous.

Xue Linger led the way, Lu Li followed, and after walking for a while, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lightened. Because a palace in front was looming, the hall was very magnificent, and at a glance, there was definitely a treasure inside.

Lu Li has no interest in Supreme Treasure. He just wants to find a safe place to practice. If he can enter this treasure hall, maybe it is a good choice?

The gods here are limited. Lu Li can only see by his eyes. The fog here is really a powerful **** pattern. After carefully observing the hall, Lu Li subconsciously wanted to walk forward.

"Master, wake up! This hall is not a real treasure hall, but a hallucination!"

The voice of Xue Linger made Lu Li sweat coldly on his forehead. He did have an impulse just now, and he wanted to walk towards the treasure hall.

But did not expect this treasure hall to be fake? If he goes down, he will surely step into a trap, trigger a powerful divine pattern, and eventually be killed directly.

"Step by step!"

Lu Li didn't dare to look at him chaotically. He followed Xuelinger and walked forward. The path that Xuelinger took was not a straight line, but a roundabout. Both of them fainted, and the fog here was too heavy. Can't tell the northeast and southwest.

"Master, there is no way ahead. There is only one hole in the hole. You can either walk into the hole or you can only go back!"

After half an hour, Xuelinger made a sound. Lu Li stunned slightly and waved, "Go into the hole."

Since he walked all the way to the burrow safely, the burrow must lead to a tomb nest. He was looking for the tomb nest and relying on the divine patterns in the tomb to block the enemy.


After walking for a long time, a burrow appeared in front of it. This burrow seemed to be natural, but Lu Li saw a lot of arranged **** patterns inside and outside the burrow.

"Someone once went in here, and the gods around UU Kanshu were broken!"

Xue Linger explored the voice channel for a moment, and then added: "Although it was broken, there are still a lot of **** marks. The master ... I have a feeling that if we go in, I am afraid it will be difficult to return. There is a special divine pattern here that will break your path. "

"Come in!"

It ’s all here. What hesitant about Lu Li? Even if there were swords and mountains in front of him, he had to break through. The strongman of the Tengu tribe and the four-armed tribe should soon come after him. He has no time to delay, and he must find a safe place as soon as possible.

Lu Li followed Xuelinger into the cave and just entered Baizhang. A light came on. Lu Li felt a suction coming from him. With his fighting power, he couldn't stop it. He was sucked and flew towards the depth of the cave. .

"Master is not panic, don't move!"

Xue Ling'er turned into a streamer and rushed into Lu Li's body, sending a voice to Lu Li and explaining: "This **** pattern just **** you in. If you move it, you may be strangled."


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