The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3083: Lawless

After Lu Li left the canyon for more than half an hour, the two elders were a little panicked!

Because they can't sense the breath of Miss Tanuki, the atmosphere of the desert people is very unique. Although the stones in this mine are weird, they can sense each other when they run close to each other.

But now that it has been almost half an hour, how fast are they running underground? But they never felt the breath of Miss Tanuki, which had to make them feel scared.

They are the lowest-level veterans in the desert, and there is almost no room for improvement in this life. Their status in the desert is very embarrassing. Normal things don't bother them, and big things don't bother them, so they become Miss Tanuki's followers, who are responsible for guarding and helping Miss Tanuki.

Miss Tanuki is not only distinguished status, the most important thing is that her qualifications are against the sky. For her age to reach this level, the deserted people have only three out of 10,000 years. Now these three have become one of the most powerful of the deserted people. .

Therefore, Miss Tanuki is very important to the barbarians. It is more important than them. That is to say, a hundred of them died, and the deserted people didn't feel bad. Miss Tan died, but it was a huge loss for the deserted people.

As veterans of the barbarians, they also know the importance of Miss Tanuki. Why can barbarians dominate this star field? Not by the number of veterans, but by the Xeon. One Xeon can reach countless ordinary emperors.

Now it seems that Miss Tanuki is missing?

If it wasn't for the fact that the fateful jade charms in the hands of the two desert elders were not broken, they would all ask for help with the family. The two elders searched at the fastest speed, and after two hours of fragrant incense again, the two elders arrived at where Lu Li was just now.

"The breath disappears here!"

A veteran sensed, his face became extremely dignified. The other elder did not feel it. The diamond-shaped sign on his brows lit up directly. Numerous pictures in his eyes swept and his complexion gradually became pale.

"Sixth, you immediately go to Yongan City to find Lord Qi, and the lady is caught by Lu Li!"

The veteran Shen sang and shot away, and he shouted, "He hasn't run far, I'll go after it, and you immediately ask Master Qi to come over."

"Brush ~"

Another veteran's face became difficult to look at once. He did not leave immediately, the diamond-shaped sign on his brows lit up, and countless pictures flashed in his eyes.

"Human race is fragmented, how dare you catch the lady? Lawless!"

After a while, the veteran growled and burst out, rushing out of the mine.

Two veterans rushed out of the mine one after the other. One veteran flew straight away and the other veteran rushed to the veteran of the Yue tribe and shouted, "The kid of the tribe hijacked my lady. , You quickly mobilize all sergeants to search nearby carpet-style, I will teleport to Yong'an City first. "

There is a teleportation altar in this gorge. The veteran rushed into the altar after roaring, teleporting to the moon city where the moon tribe is located, and then teleporting from the moon city to Yongan city.

The patriarch of the Yue tribe and the emperor peak were a little embarrassed, and they all choked, thinking that they had heard it wrong. The emperor peak peaked for a moment, and asked, "Veteran, what did the barbaric veteran just say? ? A emperor was hijacked by an emperor? "

The veteran frowned, some wondering what was going on? Miss Tanuki was held hostage? So why aren't these two veterans guarding Miss Tan and Lu Li? Instead, one flew north, and one teleported to Yuecheng? They have been guarding here, and did not find Lu Li and Miss Tanci coming out, not even a single creature.

In any case, the two veterans of the barbaric tribe cannot lie, which means that a terrible event has occurred, a major event that may destroy the moon tribe.

"After the news went on, we searched for thousands of miles on the carpet, and immediately signaled anything unusual!"

The Yue tribe screamed, and then he flew south. The veteran of the desert tribe had flew north. It didn't make much sense to go north. It was better to search south.

After flying out dozens of miles, the veteran's face became more and more ugly. If Miss Tanci really had an accident here, the desert tribe would be absolutely furious, and even Fuzu might be dispatched. At that time, a bad moon tribe would suffer from pond fish. Disaster.

Miss Tanuki is the best genius in the desert for thousands of years. It is estimated that the status of the desert is not much lower than that of Qiyuan. If it is killed, the entire desert will shake. And the Barbarians shook, and the Barbaric Star Field shook three times that day.

The elders of the Yue tribe flew at a high speed, and the army of the Yue tribe was also summoned, and the mountains and mountains began to search. The veteran of the Aborigines quickly searched away from the north. The reason he searched north was a sixth sense of the Aborigines. He felt that Lu Li must have fled north with Miss Tanuki.


The elders of the Yue tribe, tens of thousands of troops, and the elders of the desert tribe searched nearby for several hours, but Mao did not find them. I didn't see a strange figure, let alone see the dwarf incarnation of Lu Li.

"call out!"

The desert veteran flew back, and then he began to tear all the dwarves violently. Here, the dwarves and the rest of the slaves were as many as 100,000. All of them were torn under the fury of the desert veteran, and none were left.

Unfortunately, none of these slaves were real slaves, and none of them were disguised. The entire camp was destroyed, with numerous limbs and broken arms spilling over the entire canyon. UU read the book www.uukanshu. Com blood gathers into a river, and the Earth Dragon Canyon is like hell.

"Om ~"

The teleportation altar in a castle shone, and then more than a dozen powerful figures appeared on the altar, and the desert veteran's gods swept away, and his face became ashamed.

The emperor peak leader was still in the canyon. He glanced at him and his face changed greatly. He flew over at once, sinking down on one knee and drinking: "I've seen the king of the clan, I've seen you all."

The barren veteran flew over and bowed bitterly, "Master Qi!"

"What is it?"

There was no nonsense in Qiyuan, and the elders of the desert tribe lighted up a heart, and then a picture appeared in the air. It was the image of Lu Li throwing the Emperor Yongji, attacking Miss Tanuki, and escaping Miss Tanuki into the holy mountain.


After watching the veteran, he swept away with a slap on his backhand, and swept away the veteran veteran with slaps. He was full of furious killings, and glanced at the dozens of strong men behind him. My favorite ancestor, my clan king is also very optimistic about her. If something really happened to her and the clan king is angry, you can think about the consequences, so ... please immediately mobilize the army and the strong, even if it will be around 100 million You have to dig thousands of miles to find this Terran and Miss Tanuki. "


A group of holy emperors stood in front of Qi Yuan, many of which were the chiefs of the twelve major tribes of Liangyi Realm, and their looks became extremely ugly. If the desert kings were furious, they would be in great trouble.

"Dog ~ shit!"

The King of the Tribes yelled angrily, thinking that Miss Tanuki could easily find Lu Li this time, but did not expect to find it, but did not win Lu Li, but was taken by Lu Li ...

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