The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3088: Havoc through

? Leaving Tianhuang Starfield, Lu Li did not relax his vigilance, but flew all the way at the fastest speed, and he entered several void voids, stayed in it for a while, and made some arrangements.

He rejoiced to find that the chasing behind seemed to stop because his several arrangements had not been moved. Of course, he did not stop, and continued to control the Holy Mountain to fly quickly over the second star field.

This flight lasted for a few months. During this time, he entered many places again and stayed in each place. He even left his breath and arranged a lot of bright and dark godliness.

But knowing that when he arrived outside the second star field, his layout was not passive, and the pursuit seemed to stop?

"Why not chase it?"

Lu Li was a bit puzzled, and his heart was a little emotional, maybe ... he could go back to Zhongwangjie, can he go back and see?

In the end, he resisted this impulse. He didn't want to bring disaster to Mie Tian. In case the barbaric strongman followed his breath and went to Mie Tian, ​​it would be a nightmare for Mie Tian, ​​and all the people related to him would Erased. Even if the strong people who go to the barbarians are tyrannical, perhaps all the races will be destroyed.

"I don't know if they are dead?

Lu Li was a little worried, thinking that the four-armed family seemed to be hunting down the Heavenly Ancestors, and the starry sky was so chaotic. It is not easy for these emperors to live in peace. Lu Li can't go back now, he can only pray in secret.

"Go to this star field for a while, if the barbarians don't chase me, I will go back secretly!"

Lu Li secretly took notice, then quickly flew towards the aperture, and soon disappeared into the sea of ​​fog.


There has been some recent commotion on Mie Tian ’s side. It ’s been a few years since the soldiers retreated from Moyuan, but there is still no move on Moyuan, and all the Sergeants of Moyuan have contracted to the holy devil ’s nest. .

The scouts of the human race searched on all continents, and none of the sergeants were found, and none of them were. At first, the people were afraid to move. Recently, many families began to scout scouts.

There is no way not to riot!

If there is nothing wrong with Moyuan, it won't be so weird. For so many years, even if something goes wrong on Mo Yuan, Yuan Shengzu would have flattened it out, right?

Mobuchi has the absolute advantage, and there is no need to use any conspiracy on the human side, so the only explanation is that something has happened to Mobuchi, their base camp is not guaranteed, and their strong men have returned.

Such a god-given opportunity has to impress the powerful men. If the holy magic cave is broken, the army of Moyuan can be driven back, and then the channel will be destroyed or sealed, and the human calamity will pass.

Recently, many emperors have come to the battle, and the real sinners and the imperial emperor are a little moved. In case these opportunities are wasted, and the opportunity to return to the water over Moyuan is returned, they are the sinners of the human race.

"Well ... I'll take someone to try?"

The Emperor Xiaoyao put forward an opinion, and a group of emperors immediately sought war, and the real sinner thought about it and finally agreed. After all, Moyuan is too quiet, and it is always uneasy not to investigate the real human being.

The Emperor Xiaoya set off with a dozen emperors, and nearly 10,000 scouts also went to the northern plains mainland to monitor everything on the northern plains mainland.

More than a month later, the Emperor Xiaoyao arrived outside the holy devil's nest with a group of emperors. As soon as they appeared on the holy devil's nest, there appeared changes, countless forces of the magic abyss, and many deities, a demon Zu is also lurking in the army, ready to sneak attack at any time.

The Emperor Xiaoyao started a war for a while, and all retreated. Many emperors were frightened, thinking that the army of Moyuan would dispatch again and swept the triple sky.

The Emperor Xiaoyao was overjoyed. From the perspective of Moyuan's reaction, he felt that Moyuan should be a strong foreign player, otherwise there would not be such a fierce reaction.

He took a group of emperor class, attacked continuously, and evacuated each time after a war. There is indeed a demon ancestor, who is left behind, but only this demon ancestor has been fighting for many times. The rest of the demon ancestors have not been seen.

After dozens of further attacks, the Emperor Xiaoya retreated with all the emperors. Then he sent scouts to call back for the first time, asking the real sinner to bring all the strong men and the army to prepare for a large offensive and drive Sergeant Moyuan back.

"Ready to evacuate ..."

After the empty emperor in the holy devil's nest retreated, he waved his hand helplessly, and ordered Sergeant Moyuan to evacuate back. He knew that the Emperor Xiaoyao had already found out the truth and the truth. The next offensive would definitely be the power of the three heavens. With his one ancestor, it could not be stopped.

Yuan Shengzu disappeared, and there was no news at all. This made Kong Shengzu very desperate. The most important thing was that the holy mountain had never been retrieved, and Mo Yuan was paid a salary by Lu Lifu.

The other emperors do not come back. One emperor can't stop the two emperors on the human side. What is he doing here to support? Now he is not only thinking of smashing the kingdom of the king, but he is worried that the real sin and the emperor Xiaoyao led the team into the abyss.

Many deities are unwilling to reconcile, this time they will occupy the Triple Sky, but they did not expect to be defeated in the end, even the Holy Mountain was taken away, and the whereabouts of several of their ancestors were unknown, and their lives and deaths are unknown. .

Many deities are thinking about breaking into the Ziyang continent and washing most of the human race over there. It doesn't matter if they die there. However, the Emperor Kongzu suppressed their impulse, and Moyuan is now in such a bad situation that it is better to retain some vitality.

Countless Moyuan army quickly evacuated. When the real human beings led by the sin, the holy devil's nest had become an empty nest. There are only tens of thousands of Sergeant Moyuan remaining patrolling the perimeter. All the Sergeant Moyuan in it have fled back to Moyuan, and the connected channel was actually destroyed by the empty ancestor ...

In order to open this channel, it took hundreds of thousands of years and paid a great price, but now Moyuan is actively destroying it? This made God's sin really overjoyed and couldn't figure it out.

Tens of thousands of Sergeants of Mochiyuan were killed, and there was no one left. In addition, the real sinners and the Emperor Xiaoyao personally explored throughout the triple sky, and sealed the places where the passage might appear. The passage on the winter continent side was Totally ruined.

Mie Sky Havoc has passed!

The news spread to the Ziyang continent ~ ~ The entire Ziyang continent is silent in the ocean of joy, cheers from people and people everywhere. Countless people shouted loudly for the name of the true emperor and the emperor Lu Li.

Of course, there are more people who are a little embarrassed. This victory seems to come too easily, and it is easy to make them all feel less real. Seeing that the triple sky is about to be destroyed, but the peak turns, the army of Moyuan suddenly retreats, and now it has completely withdrawn from Moyuan.

The entire Ziyang continent is happy, but there is nothing in the backyard where the Lu family is located. All the people in the Lu family are worried about one thing-the channel connecting with Moyuan is ruined. How can Lu Li come back?


PS: Chapter 4.

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