The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3100: Unheard of

? The conflict between Guan Yang's brothers and the blood race was actually due to the magic medicine given by Lu Li. Guanxi went to sell some magic drugs, because some magic drugs are relatively scarce and the price is more precious. The blood son wanted to buy some magic pills, and the price conflict finally caused a verbal conflict, and then Guan Shi was intercepted and killed after leaving the city.

The blood race is not a particularly strong ethnic group in the green tiger world, but it was also one of the big family of the Sizhongtian. Their children are very proud. What do they think is an emperor? How dare to insult the blood race? Kill it and kill it.

Unexpectedly, there were twelve brothers in Guan Shiyi. Guan Yang all dispatched to kill the **** son and killed them three emperors.

This time the horse honeycomb was struck. It happened that the grandfather of the blood clan was nearby, and he also carried a group of emperors. After receiving the news, he sieged around. In the end, Guan Yang was defeated, but they escaped. !!

Although Guan Yang escaped by using the secret method, the blood race planted a blood mark on them, and they could follow wherever they escaped. Guan Yang couldn't help it, knowing that if they didn't ask for help from Lu Li, they wouldn't even want to live.

Lu Li asked Xuelinger, the sacred mountain has not been repaired, but half of the **** pattern has been repaired. Lu Li asked Xuelinger not to control the sacred mountain, and arranged some **** patterns in Qinyun Mountain, the most important thing is to arrange the fan. The more fans, the better.

The time was too short. Xuelinger had just had time to set up a mysterious array, and a team of sergeants screamed. The blood race is actually preparing to attack a nearby clan this time. The blood son's son comes out to buy magic medicine in preparation for the war.

Ships screamed, and the ship was full of people, and there were Emperor-class powerhouses. A blood-colored claw was flying above the military flag on the battleship. This flag has always been the pride of the blood race. It was frightening to see this flag in countless clan in the Fourth Heaven.

A dozen warships surrounded the Qin Yunshan regiment. An old man in a blood-red shirt was standing on the deck of the warship with his hands on his back.

He stared at Qin Yunshan coldly, and hummed coldly: "Hiding in this mountain thought it was safe, all attacked, and blasted the mountain away to me."

Thousands of blood races flew out of the battleship and stood in mid-air. The blood race was almost as tall as a human, but it had a particularly white complexion, pointed ears, wings behind it, hands like claws, and a pretty face.

This group of sergeants are basically the peak of the fifth and the last five calamities. There are also hundreds of lords and about thirty emperor-levels.

The emperors did not do anything, the sergeants began to attack madly, and various attacks poured down. A mask lit up, blocking all attacks. This mask is extremely powerful, not only has no fluctuations, and even the color has not faded.

"What a powerful magic circle!"

A group of emperor level secretly marveled, thousands of blood races attacked, this is the general emperor level did not dare to resist, this law formation has no trace of fluctuation.

"You go too!"

The blood elders waved their hands, and the emperors followed suit. This time they reacted a little, but they only fluctuated slightly and were not broken.


Guan Yang was shocked in them, all of them were shocked. This law team was arranged by Guan Yang. Guan Yang himself was baffled. When was his law team so strong?

"It's an adult!"

Guan Yang suddenly looked at Lu Li, who was sitting in the hall. It must be that Lu Li quietly changed the law formation and strengthened the law formation. Otherwise, if it was the law formation he arranged, he might be blown away in the first round. .

"As soon as the battlefield is broken, Guan Yang, you attack the elder elder!"

Lu Li ordered, and he said, "You just need to cling to that elder, and leave the rest of the emperor class to me, and I can end the battle in a short time!"


Guan Yang was stunned, then exulted, and when the emperors were killed, there was only the words of an elder. This elder doesn't say Lu Li, but they can easily kill them, so their brother's vengeance must be reported.

A group of emperor level bombarded with thousands of warriors. When the French array was about to be broken, Lu Li suddenly drank and said, "Xue Linger, do!"


The French array suddenly burst at this moment, and the billowing smoke swept across thousands of miles, covering all nearby warriors. In addition, the magical array arranged by Xuelinger secretly started, and a giant monster roared in the smoke, looking very realistic, as if a super monster really came.


Guan Yang stared at the elders of the clan, snarled and flew out, and reached the elders of the clan in an instant. These illusions can't hide the eyes of the elder elder, he snorted coldly, "Look for death!"

At the moment Lu Li released the magic array, the body disappeared, releasing the hermit technique. He quietly flew up, and then mixed with the blood race, his body flashed white, and turned into a blood race. At this moment, all the emperors were staring at Guan Yang. Naturally, no blood clan paid attention to Lu Li.

Ordinary blood races were frightened. At this moment, they were in a mess, and many blood races attacked madly, hitting blood race compatriots. The blood race was attacked, thinking that a beast attack had begun to fight back. Why wasn't the scene chaotic?

"Don't move, all you see are illusions!"

An emperor roared loudly, Lu Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he flew towards him quietly, but his face was frightened, and he released a few magical attacks indiscriminately, but a drop of poison was incorporated into these divine attacks Of the liquid.

The emperor didn't care, but when the divine attack was about to hit him, his face changed greatly and he felt a fatal danger.


It was too late for him to react, and the divine attack hit him, and the venom of the poison was instantly hidden into his body, and then his body melted at an extremely exaggerated speed, and it turned into a skeleton and fell down.

"Well, this poisonous liquid is much stronger than before!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Li was overjoyed and had no jealousy. He shot violently, locked several nearby emperor levels, and attacked separately.


Those emperors were still watching the emperor who had become a skeleton at the moment. The mind was filled with shocking colors. I don't understand why the emperor suddenly became a bone.

"Uh, how brave!"

"No, danger!"

"This is not one of our bloodlines!"

"Yuanli, he is Emperor!"

Several emperors responded, and Lu Li's attack mode was still different from that of the blood clan. Especially Lu Lu released a source attack, but Lu Li's camouflage blood clan was just an ordinary sergeant, which was obviously false.

Two Emperor Classes were hit too late ~ ~ The other two Emperor Classes released the attack, but the venomous liquid spread out and spread on them, only two An emperor-level reaction was about to escape.


Several screams sounded, and then the four emperor classes quickly turned into bones and smashed to the ground. Now I know why the Emperor Class just turned into a bone. It turned out that someone secretly started.

"Who is this?".

All the strong blood races looked at the blood races that landed in the incarnation, and they were even more shocked when they found that the land and the blood race were exactly the same and the same breath.

Who is this? Why has such a strange magical power, the most important thing is what magic he released? Why did the Emperor Class instantly become bones? It's unheard of.

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