The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3103: Weeding and rooting

?"call out!"

A white shadow came flying and fell out of the cave where Lu Li was. Lu Lu flashed out of the holy mountain and asked, "Come?"


Guan Yang bowed down, "Twenty blood races have arrived, all of them are emperor-level. Unsurprisingly, the three emperor-level peaks of the blood race have been dispatched, but this time no army has been mobilized."

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li smiled and said, "They are not stupid as long as the army comes. If there is no problem with the route, if you don't go here, you will find a way to draw them over. As long as I get here, I can easily kill them."

"it is good!"

Guan Yang nodded, although he was a little puzzled, why did Lu Li choose to go to war here? In his opinion, Lu Li should be the emperor. The emperor can easily suppress the emperor. Why is Lu Li so troublesome? But Lu Li's words did not dare to question and could only execute.

According to Guan Yang's obituary, the blood race is estimated to arrive here five days later. Lu Li will leave it anyway and wait here. If the blood race does not go from this side, then Guan Yang will have to draw the blood race.

Five days passed quickly!

There were no accidents. Twenty blood raced on the warship and flew all the way to this side, but the route deviated slightly, and Lu Li let the Guan Liu, who was lurking nearby, tow a little.


After waiting for a while, Guan Liu Lao Liu came flying, Lu Li, who was standing on the top of the mountain, immediately released the hermit technique and disappeared. The old Liu family turned into a white light and flew towards Qin Yunshan, followed by four emperor classes, and behind it was a huge cold iron warship.

Lu Li ignored the four emperor classes in the front, locked his eyes on the warships behind him, and when the warships arrived over the sky, the Emperor Yongji appeared in his hand, and the source of power suddenly slashed into the sky.


The defense array of the warship was not strong. This attack was unexpected. Although the strong inside had reacted, it was too late to protect the warship.


The battleship was torn apart, and Lu Li showed up because of his attack. A dozen powerful thoughts locked Lu Li. At this moment, Lu Li's appearance is like that of the Guan family, and his breath is also the beginning of the emperor class.

"court death!"

An extraordinary imperial peak hummed, his eyes became blood red, and the power of his hands shone, and the attack was about to be released.

Lu Li's body disappeared again, he moved quickly to the side, and at the same time ordered Xuelinger: "Start!"


A dozen nearby hills lit up at the same time, and then a ray of light rose into the sky, intertwined in the air, forming a prison cage. There was a billowing white fog under the ground, covering the entire square mile.

"Disappeared? Where have you been?"

"There is a magic pattern!"

"First break!"

A group of blood races were suddenly shocked. However, there were emperors who had fought with Lu Li before. They saw Lu Li disappeared, and they were all frightened when a large array appeared nearby.

Lu Li also moved at this moment. His body rushed up like a sharp sword. Yong Huangji severely slashed towards an imperial peak of the blood family. This attack attacked the outback and merged two drops of enhanced black and gray poison liquid.

After the halberd was split, Lu Li ignored the imperial peak, and backhand hacked at another imperial peak. At the same time, he released the spirit array to attack the third imperial peak. As long as all three of the three imperial peaks are killed, the rest of the imperial ranks will not care.


The first emperor peak, a scream, his body was quickly corroded, his body flipped up in the air, screaming endlessly, and scared the rest of the emperor nearby.

The other imperial peak was the blood patriarch. He didn't go to see the imperial peak, but a rolling blood mist burst into his body, forming a **** aperture to encase him.


Lu Li's attack split into the aperture, and the poisonous liquid stuck to the aperture, quickly corroding the aperture. Seeing this scene, the blood patriarch suddenly became extremely difficult to look at. He stepped back quickly and glanced around, but couldn't see that the two elders in the clan had been killed, but the elder was standing stupidly in the air at the moment, and the other side was deserted. However, he released another attack and attacked the elders.


The elder was hit, and then the body was covered with highly toxic liquid and began to corrode quickly. The elder finally came to his senses, his pain roared, and the flesh melted at a horrible speed.


There was a horror of fear in the blood tribe king's eyes. He didn't believe the elders when he heard that, so he led the team in person. Now he saw that the elders and the second elders were instantly spiked, and he was completely frightened.

"Hey ~"

He didn't hesitate, there was a holy soldier in his hand, and his body flew towards the sky like a sharp sword, releasing a powerful attack that tore the **** child's trapped array directly.

"call out!"

The blood king rushed into the sky, and he roared: "Withdraw!"

The emperor class followed him one by one. Lu Li saw that the emperor classes were about to run away. His Yonghuang halberd suddenly slashed towards the exit. This time, the halberd fused more than ten drops of highly toxic liquid.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

This halberd contains the laws of time and space. Seven or eight emperors can't run at once. They are swept away and the venom spreads. Everyone has a share of these seven or eight emperors.

"Ah, ah ~"

Seven or eight emperors died on the spot, and only a few emperors escaped. The emperors who chased the Guan family's sixth son over there heard the roar of the clan kings and immediately retreated.

"Escape ~"

The blood clan king saw Lu Li rushed up, didn't dare to stop to turn into a red light and fled away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Lu Li used the Emperor Yongji this time, but exposed some things, naturally he did not want to let the emperor class escape. He continued to use spirit array, leaving two emperor levels.

"You stay behind, I'll go hunting!"

Lu Li spoke to Guan Yang who followed them, and he took out the holy mountain and quickly chased after him. Yong Huang Ji is still very famous. Since they are all used, that one cannot escape for them.

Part of the holy mountain **** pattern was repaired, and the speed has no effect. Emperor level is like a dog slaughter.

After an hour, all the emperor classes were killed by Lu Li except the blood clan kings. This blood king is very abnormal, and he is not slower than the ordinary holy emperor. He also has a strange puppet technique. When Lu Li approaches him, he will flee through the void.


Lu Li Leng hummed a few times. Although the blood clan king had a weird puppet technique, the sacred mountain was too fast. Although Lu Li went around a few times, he could easily find him.

Lu Li made up his mind, even if it was catching up for a few months, he must kill the blood tribe king. Cutting the grass without removing the roots will cause endless troubles. Even if the news is not leaked to the deserted people, if it is passed to the old devil that he has the treasure, he will die very badly.

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