The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3017: Destroy the blood

Lu Li transmitted continuously for more than ten days and returned to Qin Yunshan. Guan Yang immediately ecstatically welcomed them.

"My lord, the **** strongmen have been killed?"

Guan Yang inquired with concern. The other imperial ranks were also nervous. If the blood race did not die, they would not be safe, and the blood race was particularly vengeful.

"All are dead!"

Lu Li said indifferently, then asked: "Do you understand the blood race? What is the blood mark?"


Guan Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked, "Sir, you have been planted with bloodstains? But that's okay, the **** strongmen have been killed, and it doesn't matter if you plant bloodstains."

Lu Li said impatiently, "I ask what is your blood mark?"

"That's a tracing magic of the blood race!"

Guan Yang saw Lu Li's face was not good-looking, and quickly explained: "At that time, the blood race was very powerful in the Fourth Heaven. It is a blood mark. As long as the blood mark is planted, the blood can sense it and track it all the way. Once the blood mark is planted, it will be continuously hunted by the blood, and it will never die. , Ordinary ethnic groups and strong people dare not provoke the blood race. "

"Can this bloodmark be resolved?" Lu Lining asked, "Can the bloodmark hurt the soldiers?"

"No way to resolve!"

Guan Yang spared his head and said: "It is said that in order to dissolve, you must reach infinite perfection, otherwise it will only take time to melt away, and it will take decades. The blood mark has no effect on the warrior. They can kill warriors. "


Lu Li's face was gloomy, and he had a headache. The blood clan king said that although their blood clan has fallen, there are still several branches in the sky chaos. The blood clan king said that there are more than a dozen emperors in this vein, which makes people feel a little bit painful.

Lu Li groaned for a moment and asked, "Do you know the situation outside the Green Tiger Realm? Have you heard that the blood race has branches in the rest of the interface?"

"It's ... not particularly clear!"

Guan Yang and the others looked at each other and explained: "Sir, our brother has been in the green tiger world for many years and has never left, so the situation outside is not particularly clear."

"Go and inquire!"

Lu Li threw out two space rings and said, "Here are some gods and treasures, as well as sky stones. You sell them, and give me a clear picture of the entire Celestial Blood Race."

A bloodmark was planted in his body, so his divine magic was useless, and the strong blood tribe could easily find him.

At that time, he may not be able to stay in Tianran Starfield. How many years have he stayed here? Who knows whether the barbarians will be arranged outside the sky chaos? Lu Li now dare not leave the sky chaos.

He sat in the hall waiting for the news. Only half a month later, Guan Yang and they returned and brought accurate news. There are large chambers of commerce in the Qinghu sector. Those chambers of commerce have branches in many interfaces, and they also sell news. As long as there is enough Tianshi to probe the news, it is still very clear.

It's bad news to come back!

The blood race does have branches, and a total of fourteen branches, three of which are particularly powerful, all have the emperor seat, and the other branches are much weaker, and the strongest is similar to this.

"That means ..."

Lu Li murmured. If he wanted to stay in the heavenly star field comfortably, he must find a way to destroy the three blood emperors, otherwise he might be assassinated at any time.

"No, you must find a way to get rid of all blood races!"

Lu Li suddenly thought of a problem. If the barbarians came here, found the blood race, and used the blood race to chase him down, then he would die if he escaped.

"Guan Yang!"

Lu Lishen yelled, "I have been killed by all the emperors who came here this time. You immediately rush to the blood race and kill me all the blood races over there. There is nothing left!"


Guan Yang did not have any doubts about Lu Li's order, and they also hated blood into the bone marrow, so without any hesitation, they rushed out aggressively.

The three imperial peaks of the blood clan are dead, and two dozen attacks have been killed by Lu Li. Dozens of emperor levels have been killed. Now even if there are still some imperial classes over the blood clan base, Guan Yang doesn't care and can easily kill them.

Guan Yang are also vicious characters. There is no pressure on them to destroy the clans, and they have not done much before. For them, cutting the grass is essential.

Lu Li sat up inside the hall. After an hour, he made up his mind. Originally, he was not firm enough, not sure whether to leave Tianran Starfield, but now he definitely can't leave.

Without destroying all blood races, he is very dangerous. The blood vengeance was so strong that he had asked Guan Yang to kill them. This matter was known to the blood lords and would surely chase him to death.

Therefore, his enemies with the blood are inextricable. Either he dies or the blood is completely destroyed.

Lu Li now has a great change of mind. He used to have some kind thoughts. Now, destroying all blood races has no psychological pressure on him.

Destroy the blood race!

Lu Li made up his mind. He now has so many venoms. As long as the Holy Emperors of the blood race are destroyed, it will be easy to destroy all the blood races.

After Lu Li made up his mind, he stopped thinking about it. He began to think about how to strengthen his strength and ensure that he could completely destroy the bloodline.

He doesn't have purple **** fluid. If there is purple **** fluid, it is easy to kill the emperor. There are eleven emperors in the three bloodline branches, which are basically the early emperors, because the strong ones died in the Fourth Heaven, and the ones who can escape are not strong. The strongest one is stronger than the ghost dance ancestor a little.

So if there is purple **** liquid ~ ~ Lu Li would be very easy to destroy the blood race. Without purple **** liquid, it would be very difficult to kill eleven emperors.

So he has to find a way to get some purple Shenye out. Where does the purple Shenye come from? It was smelted by absorbing Tianchi's ability. Tianchi hasn't recovered the impossible of absorbing energy now, but from the legal realm, he can melt the poisonous mist in the ancient poisonous swamp, and Lu Li saw hope. He can go to strange places and look for the absorption of divine fluid similar to the energy of Tianchi.

On this day, there are many treasures in the chaotic star domain. There are always places like this. As long as some treasures similar to the purple **** liquid are smelted, it will not be difficult to kill the blood race.

"We should also look for the rest of the strange energy. If we can smelt out the remaining divine fluid with special energy, we have a better grasp!"

Lu Li secretly thought, he let Xuelinger go all out to start repairing the Holy Mountain God Pattern, and the Holy Mountain God Pattern Repair, at least he will be invincible. There is a holy mountain, at least some blood emperors come to the emperor and he can escape.

"Wait for Guan Yang to come back? Let's do it!

Lu Li entered the underground practice, and the blood race is not too far away. They should be back in a month or two, and then move on to the next step.

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