The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3277: Peerless

Lu Li's situation is very complicated. After practicing ten years of soul-mind, he has made great progress. At this moment, Soul Mind can easily fly 100,000 miles away. Soul Mind is also fast and can easily escape the force of destruction.

The power of destruction is also much less. Now there is a ray of destruction coming almost every few dozen breaths. Lu Lihunnian can now easily explore nearby.


There is nothing except the bones and insects in the 100,000-mile radius nearby. Lu Li didn't find any magic materials, and there was no magic medicine, let alone the top-level magic materials.

Lu Li is a little worried, how can he shape the body without the top talents? All of his space or space artifacts have been destroyed, otherwise you can find out if there is a suitable artifact in it.

"How to do?"

Lu Li felt a glimmer of dawn, but found that the dawn was false, and his heart was extremely depressed. He could only think of other ways, and after thinking for a day or two, he came up with a bold idea.

That is to find a way to control the flight of Shen Dan!

His soul is able to explore 100,000 miles, which is the limit. Therefore, if he wants to continue the investigation, he can only control the soul-stealing beads to go out to investigate. Although there is no power of destruction nearby, once it is far away from here, the power of destruction may increase. If the Soul Devourer flies out, once he is attacked by the force of destruction, he will completely lose his soul.

How to urge Shen Dan to fly? Ethereal is his elixir. The question is now that he has no physical body? There is no way to control the flight of Shen Dan.


As soon as Lu Li moved inside, he controlled the Life Devourer to fly out, and then turned the Life Devourer into an entity, and then he controlled the Life Devourer to hit the god.

"call out!"

Let Lu Li's ecstatic situation appear, and Shen Dan was easily hit by the soul-stealing bead. Don't look at the infinite legal world in Shen Dan, but Shen Dan is very small. As long as you control the movement of Shen Dan, it is equivalent to moving the entire legal realm.

In fact, it is wrong to say this. The legal realm should be in the Sumitaka sky, and the **** elixir is just the entrance to the legal realm.

Lu Li quickly controlled the Soul Eater to fly past, and continued to hit Shen Dan, which was pushed by the Soul Eater and began to fly. Soul Eater can be urged with soul power, but Lu Li has a lot of soul power. After all, his soul is comparable to the middle emperor, and is very powerful.

"Woohoo ~"

In the distance, a force of destruction floated, and Lu Li quickly controlled the Soul Devourer into the legal realm, and the power of destruction was easily absorbed by the legal realm.

After the power of destruction was absorbed, Lu Li controlled the emergence of Soul Devourer, and then continued to urge Soul Devourer to propel Shen Dan forward. Although not very fast, he kept on moving.

There was not much destruction nearby, and Lu Li quickly controlled the Soul Devourer to push Shen Dan forward more than 100,000 miles. The destruction here was slightly more, but it was also very thin.

move on!

Lu Li pushed Shen Dan to continue his journey. After traveling tens of thousands of miles again, he controlled Shen Dan to stop, and then he released the soul study to search for the treasures.

Soul mind is exploring nearby, but before it's time to explore all, don't destroy it with a ray of destruction. Lu Li released a ray of soul again, this time it was clear that there was no fetish in 100,000 miles, except for some bones, only some bugs.

There is no way, Lu Li can only continue to push Shen Dan forward and start the journey of searching for natural treasures. The world in this Eye of Destruction is estimated to be very large, just do not know if there is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Half a month, one month, three months!

Lu Li searched the entire nearby space for millions of miles, and there was still nothing to gain, even the bones in the depths were gone, the bugs were gone, and there was nothing except the force of destruction.

The whole world ’s power of destruction was absorbed a lot. Lu Lifei flew millions of miles. The power of destruction here was also very thin, and it did n’t have a great impact on the soul.

Lu Li felt a headache in his heart. He searched so far and found nothing. Does that mean there is no treasure in it?

However, apart from continuing to search, Lu Li had nothing else to do. He could only continue to push Shen Dan to fly. If he could find it, it would only depend on his life.

Three months, five months, one year ...

Lu Li didn't know how far he had searched. The world in the Eye of Destruction was really big and boundless. Lu Li had been flying forward without turning. He didn't see any familiar scenes, and he didn't feel like he was in the fantasy.

Lu Li's spirit appeared confused and tired again, and there were some signs of collapse.

He really can't hold it anymore. After so many years have passed, his soul is very weak. Such a boring search, disappointed again and again, can easily lead to mental breakdown. This is also the nature of Lu Centrifugal, if you change to other warriors of the same level, I am afraid that the soul will be gone.

"Stop and take a break?"

There was a thought in Lu Li's soul, wanting to sleep and rest. But he knew that he couldn't sleep, and the more this situation, the more he should not go to sleep, otherwise he would probably never wake up once he slept.

He has been in a state of soul for 20 years. The three main souls are already very weak, and it feels that they are about to dissipate. How dare he fall asleep at this moment? This sleep really has the possibility that the main soul is gone.

Since he can't sleep, he can only continue to urge Shen Dan to continue his search. Lu Li still does not believe in this evil, he still controls Shen Dan to fly forward, and he still does not believe that the world in this eye of destruction is really endless. .

Three months, five months, nine months!

Lu Li's soul was getting weaker and weaker, and he had a vague feeling that perhaps in two or three years, his three main souls would completely dissipate, and then there would be only seven souls left, and the main **** could not save him.

The human soul is divided into three souls and seven souls. The three souls are the main soul and the stent of the soul. Without the three souls, the souls are scattered. In the seven spirits, it is the leaves of the soul. Even if the main soul dissipates, it will not dissipate for a short time. As long as the soul power is still there, it can support for many years.

Lu Li ’s soul is very tired. He has n’t slept for a long time. The more so he is afraid to fall asleep, he is afraid that he will never wake up once he sleeps. It's like in the endless void, there is nothing, and no bug can see one.

Keep going, keep trying ...

Three months, five months!

When Lu Li's soul was so exhausted that he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly discovered a trace of strangeness. He seemed to feel the nearby Reiki fluctuated, or was it a very big one? It seemed that the nearby Reiki was flowing in one direction?

"what's the situation?"

Lu Li's soul was shaken slightly, and his tiredness was swept away. He quickly pushed Shen Dan to fly in the direction of the aura fluctuations. After flying for three hours, he finally discovered where the aura converged.

He deliberately explored the soul. The soul was shocking. If he had a physical body at this moment, he would probably be crying with joy.

He found a magical material, and at first glance it was a top-level magical material, a peerless magical material!

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