The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3286: Treasury

The rest of the elders of the Antarctic Wings did not hear it. Only the elders heard it. He knew about the Hong people before. The elder asked: "Is it Luli?"

The rest of the elders were shocked. One veteran asked: "Isn't Lu Li dead? How could it not die when he enters the eye of destruction? There is no news from the Hong tribe."

"not dead!"

Antarctic fairy Wong said with a black face: "I smelled his breath, and I know the origin of his soul, and he did it."


All the veterans looked at each other. At that time, this incident had a great impact. They all knew about Lu Li's entry into the Eye of Destruction. Can the place go out if it enters? Isn't the infinitely close to the great consummation going in and dying?

The elder veteran thought for a while and asked, "Father, what direction is the departure from now? Can you feel it?"

"I feel it!"

Antarctic fairy Weng closed his eyes slightly, the light in his eyes shone, and the scenes appeared. After a moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he cried, "No, he went to the Antarctic!"


The patriarchs suddenly changed their face, and then followed the Antarctic Wings towards the nearby city at the fastest speed. They entered the nearby city and entered the teleportation altar. They were just preparing to teleport, but found that the altar was faint.

"not good!"

The appearance of the patriarchs became extremely ugly. The altar on this side was dimmed, and the altar on the other side was destroyed. This meant that Lu Li was attacking Antarctica.

Just now the Antarctic Xianweng brought out most of the patriarchs. There are only three patriarchs left in Antarctica. Although there is a late emperor, who can guarantee to block the land? This is the evil that can come out of the eyes of destruction.

"The five of you are sitting here!"

The Antarctic Weng ordered that he let the five elders sit here and let the other five elders sit in the main interface of another interface. He explained: "You all sit in the main city and bring all the people back to the main city. The city ’s moat opens. If Lu Li strikes, you will rely on the main city to block it. I will do the pursuit of Lu Li! ”

The Antarctic Xianweng's strategy is very proper. There are not many people of the Dai nationality, and all that is lost is a loss. As long as the Wa people are kept, the rest of the losses are not important.

The rest of the elders didn't make much sense to follow Lu Li, but Hong Li was killed by many emperors. The reason why the Hong clan lost so much is also because the site is too large and the strong are too scattered. They only have three interfaces. As long as the main city and the Dai people are kept, it doesn't matter if the rest of the warriors die, even if all the cities are destroyed, he doesn't care.

He flew directly out of the South Cloud Realm and flew towards the Antarctic Boundary at the fastest speed. Although the two interfaces are next to each other, it will take at least four or five days to get there. He can only secretly pray that Lu Li has not completely captured Antarctica.

This Antarctic city has been run by the Qiang people for more than 400,000 years, and there are also the ancestors of the Qiang people, the ancestral temple of the Qiang people, the largest treasure of the Qiang people, and the treasure house in the Antarctic city. That Dai people's loss is great.

The most important thing is the treasure house!

This treasure house contains the numerous warrior armors refined by the Dai people over the years, as well as many refined treasures, the library of refiners, rare gods, and so on.

Part of it was brought down from the Four Heavens, and part of it was accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years. If it is taken away by Lu Li, or destroyed, then the Dai people will be greatly injured and it will also be a devastating blow to the Dai people.

The treasures of these refiners have been destroyed, so the loss is really great. The Dai people can only rely on the refiner to exchange a lot of resources and treasures for development. The three interfaces are not particularly rich. It is impossible to grow and develop by these three interfaces. It will only cause the Dai people to become weaker and weaker. Eventually when he dies, maybe the Dai people will perish ...

Rare gods and refined soldiers are not important. The most important are the secrets of the refining equipment and the equipment of the refining equipment. That is the most important. Many of the unique equipment of the refiner are left over from ancient times, and now I do n’t know how to make it ...

"You must hold on, you must hold on!"

The Antarctic immortal murmured in his heart, and he also regretted it. Why did he help the Hong clan to hunt Lu Lu for some talents, which now led the Dai clan to suffer such a great calamity.

Four and a half days later, the Antarctic fairy wing finally rushed back to Antarctica. When he went far away with divine thoughts, he detected a scene that made him tremble with anger.

The huge Antarctic City has become a ruin, with refugees both inside and outside the city. But the refugees were not crying at the moment, but were searching around. They opened the ruins and searched for the corpses, and some of them were stripped of the missing armor.

These are not refugees, but people who are dying, they are robbing.

The Antarctic **** Weng ’s thoughts swept towards the North City, and the anger was extremely extreme. The North City was the place where the Dai people lived. There was not only a ruin, but also corpses. There are countless Dai people and many excellent descendants, at least four or five thousand died.

The Wa ethnic group is an ancient race. Unlike the Hong ethnic group, they belong to the kind that is extremely difficult to conceive offspring. There have been few ethnic groups. Millions of years ago, when they were at their peak, there were only 800,000 people. There have been very few people who have undergone great changes in the future, and have never exceeded 100,000. After coming down from the Fourth Heaven, their clan has at least a few thousand people. After so many years of development, it has reached 20,000 or 30,000, but now they have died 4,000 or 5,000? How can you make Antarctic sages not furious?

There were three corpses of the Holy Emperor in the city, and two of them were smashed. The Antarctic Wings judged from the robe tokens. But since the city has been destroyed, the three holy emperors must not be able to survive.

"Dead, all die for me!"

He went mad, rushed over in anger, and killed the refugees who had been corpse one by one. The refugees inside and outside the city immediately fled in horror, but were still killed by the Antarctic fairy.

There are no more Dai people here in Antarctica. It is estimated that the rest have run away, so the refugees dared to rob in the city.

The Antarctic Whale flew back for a while, and went directly to the treasure house of the Dai people. This treasure house is also in Beicheng, under a castle, the entrance is in a very hidden place, and the entrance has a **** pattern. He secretly prayed that he should not be destroyed?

"OK ~ ~ OK!"

He deliberately locked the entrance to the treasure house and exhaled slightly. Although the castle was destroyed, the **** mark on the entrance was still there. Does this mean that the treasure trove was not found? Or did Lu Li leave in a hurry without searching?

"call out!"

He arrived at the entrance of the treasure house at once, and shattered the nearby stones with a shake of his hand.

"Ah, ah--"

After entering, his eyes swept away, and he immediately made a loud roar. There was a hall inside, and the radius reached tens of thousands of feet. Originally filled with babies, but now empty, nothing is left.

The treasure house has not been destroyed, and even when Lu Li left, the **** pattern continued to open. However, all the secret soldiers, armors, and artifacts in the treasure house were taken away by Lu Li. None was left, even if it was a spar.

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