The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3323: Deputy Commander

Everyone began to discuss whether to join Yan Wu Dian or to ask Xianxian Palace. Both forces have similar strengths and are hostile to each other. The two forces can only join one.

In the end, everyone voted that seven of the ten people chose to ask Xiangong, because the name of this force is better than Yanwudian ...

There was a son who said that if he wanted to join two different forces separately, Lu Li and Yu Yang had stopped. Only by holding a group can you warm up and join different forces separately, and they are still hostile forces. Once something happens, you can only watch and die.

Now that it's decided, there's nothing to say. A group of people ate a beautiful meal, and then a group of people walked toward Wenxian Palace. The main hall of Wenxian Palace was easy to find. It was a very large palace.


A team of sergeants stood outside the main hall, led by two emperors. Although the emperor was in its early days, it was too luxurious for the emperor to use it to look at the door.

It was Yuyang who went up to negotiate and heard that he had come to ask Xianxian Palace, and his attitude was much better immediately. A holy emperor landed and walked inside them, this palace is very elegant, can be described as brilliant.

Of course, instead of staying in the main hall, they went directly into the side hall next door. There was a huge case on the back, and behind it there was an old man in a gold robe with golden hair, like a lion.

The emperor bowed and confessed: "Master Jin, these are here to join us and ask the imperial palace!"

Master Jin raised his head and glanced at Lu Li for a few glances. There was a gleam of luster in his eyes, especially when looking at Li Yan and Mo Yan, he felt like seeing a baby.

He waved his hand, the Holy Emperor stepped back, and Lord Jin stood up and said with a smile: "How many people have just come to Xianyu? Are they from the Eight Stars?"

Li Xun nodded and said, "Master Jin, we have just entered the fairy realm, we are from the sky disorder star domain."

"Heavenly Starfield!"

Master Jin nodded and said, "Tianran Starfield is said to be the most disordered place in the Eight Starfields. There really is a genius out there. You are considered young talents. Ask Xiangong to welcome you. I also assure you that when you ask You will get the treatment that matches your strength. You will also get a great development in Wenxiang Palace, and may become the top level of Wenxiang Palace. You will grow and grow together with Wenxiang Palace. "

King Jin's combat power is very strong, which should be stronger than Li Yan, but his attitude is very friendly and friendly, even a little too friendly.

Of course, if you change to any small force, you will be ecstatic to see Li Yan joining them. The late emperor of Li Mao, the late emperor of Mo Yan, and Yu Yang are both the middle and early emperors of the emperor. Only Lu Li is still in the emperor level.

None of this matters, what is important is that they are very young. There is a lot of room for growth. Giving them a few hundred years, maybe two or three powerful men who are close to the great consummation will be born. By then, they will really be able to lead the fairy palace to take off.

Master Jin is very clear that many of the eight big stars are likely to come here to experience it, and once they break through, they may go back. But it doesn't matter that adults Jin, because this group of strong men will be here for one day to ask Xiangong. Maybe they think that Xianyu is good, so they won't go back? Many geniuses of the eight major star domains eventually stayed in the fairy domain and became one of the hegemons of the fairy domain.

Mr. Jin's so good attitude made him feel a little bit sloppy. He waved his hand: "Master Jin is polite. We have just arrived, and we need a lot of guidance and support from adults. It is not important to be a senior or a senior. It is important to be friends A group of good friends, isn't it? "

Master Jin didn't care about the expansion of Li Shao. He asked with a smile: "Several people are sure to join us and ask the imperial palace? Our palace lord is in retreat recently, and I will take you to see our second house lord."


Li Yan did not ask Lu Li's opinions, and answered directly, as if he was the leader of this team. Lu Li didn't say anything, his eyes flickered a little, and he always felt that the adult Jin seemed a little too good.

He didn't say anything, a group of people followed Jin Jin out of the hall, walked towards a palace behind, after a dozen laps, arrived in a relatively small, but exquisite ornate palace.

Lord Jin advanced, and waited for a while before coming out to let everyone in. There was a hall inside, a man wearing a mask of a beast. The man did not know what race he was. He was huge and looked like a human beast. He sat there without anger and blood, and his blood was amazing.

Infinitely close to the great perfectionist!

Lu Li recognized it at first glance, and the other warriors also sensed it, showing a solemn face. The strong are worthy of respect, not only for the strong, but for martial arts.

Everyone bowed and salute. The owner of the second house has blue eyes and has a captivating power. It seems to be able to see through everyone's heart and all secrets at a glance.

The lord of the second house didn't speak, so he kept watching them and watched for a long time, and then said, "Name!"

His voice was low, and there was an invisible magic that made everyone irresistible.

"Master, my name is Li Yan!"

Li Yue came out of the crowd, first replied, the others also went out, reported his name, and Lu Li did not come out until the end, and said his name.

The leader of the Ninomiya slightly bowed his head, and then ordered the adults: "Lao Jin, place them in the fifth team, Li Li and Lu Li are the deputy commanders of the fifth team, the rest are members. The two of them are treated as eighth level, the rest are For seventh-level treatment, tell them about the conditions and rules of the palace! "

The Jin people are slightly wrong. It is understandable that Li Ye was appointed as the deputy commander, and Lu Li was also appointed as the deputy commander? Also enjoy the eighth level treatment? Is there anything strange about Lu Li?

Yuyang, they didn't have many surprises, but they admired the vision of this second house lord.

The second emperor did not explain it ~ ~ Looking at the crowd and saying, "I joined the Asking Palace and everyone is a family. If you do n’t understand anything or need anything, you will go to Lao Jin. Hope You can all live and grow happily in Xianyu. "

"Thank you Ninomiya!"

Lu Li saluted them one after another, and Lord Jin took everyone out and entered a large palace behind. He pointed to the Grand Palace and said, "There are more than a dozen rooms here, you live in one of them, and then a maid will bring over all the supplies such as the badge of the robe. There are palace rules and so on. The maid will explain to you that we will ask the fairy palace. Situation, as well as the situation in Tianhe City. You have lived in the city for three months, you are familiar with the situation in the city, and then you will be assigned to perform tasks. "

"Rustic ~"

Ten maids came in and walked behind each of Lu Li, each of them cleverly standing. These maids are all race-like, like catwoman, not strong, only five calamities, and seem very obedient and obedient.

"Master, please follow me!"

The maid's soft voice sounded, guiding the landing and walking towards a room. The maid's appearance was top-level, and she was very thin and seductive.

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