The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3368: Great fulfillment

There are at least hundreds of thousands of troops from the indigenous people. There are three ethnic groups. One is a giant, with a huge body and white hair, even with white hair on its face. The other group, like a raccoon cat, looks funny, with both hands and feet with sharp claws. Another group is ugly and looks extremely sloppy, like humanoid beasts.

The three clans gathered outside the mask, and all of them started to attack, but the ordinary sergeants attacked, and the Xeon did not do anything. This law formation has not been built for a long time, so the energy must be insufficient, so many army attacks can be broken without taking too long.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of thousands of warriors attacked at the same time, the scene was extremely spectacular, and the sky's streamers were as gorgeous as blooming fireworks. The mask was indeed a bit unbearable. It shook slightly, and the color gradually weakened. Although it became weaker slowly, it could feel weaker.

Three days!

Lu Li was quietly inducting, and at the moment, he was not afraid that a strong man would find it. He sensed it and made a judgment. If nothing unexpected happened, the mask would burst in three days.

What can I do in three days?

Can the great consummate at home within three days come over? If you can't come, then the end of these strong men will be three days later.

They were also very anxious, and they could n’t fight with the defense of the circle. The most important thing was that they could n’t contact the outside world, and they did n’t know if they were trapped outside.

Time passed day by day, and the mask really became weaker and weaker. Duan Gongzi took out a lot of sacred materials and strengthened the blessing.

During this time they have been discussing ways to break the game, but in the face of absolute strength, even if they want more ways, they are useless. The simplest point is that they can't break the law of the whole hardship. The law here is not without the strong and has not studied. With so many Xeons, there are some studies on the magic pattern of the magic circle, but none of them can be broken. Even if it can be broken, it will take a long time.

The legal array here is a combination of natural and artificial ones, and dozens of them are aggregated to form a super legal array. If you want to crack the law, you have to crack the main **** pattern. How difficult is it to join dozens of law mates?

Time passed quickly, and three days passed quickly!

The mask is about to be broken. Duan Gongzi and they are all on guard. They will fight to death the moment they break the battle. The three races also came with some strong men who were close to the Great Perfection. The number of strong men has exceeded this.

So they are determined to die this time, and made up their minds to kill one is one. Except for those ladies who were a little scared, the rest of the boys were calm and their psychological qualities were pretty good.

"I don't know if this group of powerful men will be killed, will this law formation be unlocked?"

Lu Li was also nervous. If the super-majors in Difficult Land could not be unlocked, he would not be able to go out. He could only rely on Xuelinger to break the battle, which would take hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years later, is Lu Xiaobai still in Shenjiacheng? What will happen to them? Lu Centrifugal is completely bottomless, so he still hopes to leave here sooner.


The French mask was finally opened, and all of Duan Deng's momentum was so strong that they took out their weapons and were ready to attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the sky, like a thunder sound on a sunny day, and then a clear sky suddenly formed a cloud of black clouds, which were very thick like a city wall and gave people a mountainlike appearance. The feeling can not be broken and cannot be split.

"Huh ~"

A cold hum rang, and then a golden fist appeared over nine days. This fist seemed to be torn from the void, and struck the dark cloud with a devastating breath.


At this moment, all the warriors, including Lu Li in the French realm, were all entangled. All the warriors were unable to move. The entire world scene in all the warriors' minds disappeared, leaving only that huge golden fist.

This is a very magical scene. For example, Lu Li was in the legal realm at the moment. He did not detect the god's thoughts, but just urged the trace of the road to quietly sense. But at this moment, his golden fist also appeared in his head automatically. His soul was trembling violently, and he felt like he would be shattered by the fist wind of this fist next second.

"Great success!"

Such a domineering attack, such a strange sight, such a terrifying momentum, in addition to the Great Perfection, the Outland can't figure out what else can do.


A terrifying explosion rang, and the souls of all warriors were trembling. Many warriors sprayed blood on the corners of their mouths, leaving no trace of blood on their faces. There are countless warriors paralyzed to the ground, their bodies trembling, their fear is extreme.

"Oh ~"

At this moment even Lu Li spit out blood, and his eyes were horrified. The boxing was just above the clouds and it was attacking outside, but he was also injured in another world?

This is almost incomprehensible. After all, Lu Li Shennian didn't send out. How did the Xeon attack him? An idea flashed in his mind, and finally he thought of a possibility, that is fisting!

It ’s just like swordsmanship. Xeon can carry swordsmanship in swordsmanship. Even if the swordsmanship does not use the power of divine power, a slash at will can hurt people with swordsmanship, and even give the enemy ’s soul to Shattered.


Lu Li was deeply shocked, he hesitated for a moment, and quickly urged the mark of the avenue to go outside. There was a long mess outside, and the three major indigenous clans fled. Even their Xeons did not resist, and they all fled.


Duan Gong laughed outside, his eyes glanced up at the sky, he drank and said, "My ancestor of the family has broken the line, everyone rushes with me, and kills all the remaining injustices of these three groups!"

More than a hundred strong men here are all morale, full of confidence, there is a great successful strong man here. The three races did not have a great conqueror, which is not an order of magnitude at all. So many sergeants were killed in the pit this time, and they were almost killed. They all breathed a sigh of relief and naturally wanted to vent.

At present, more than a hundred strong men are chasing away and going crazy ~ ~ The three clans have no morale and can only escape, and there is no more scruples here. Soon, hundreds of thousands of martial arts were originally gathered here, but it took only a moment to run out of time.


Hearing this sentence, Lu Li was in a spirit, and the big perfectionist broke a terrible battle here with one punch? Does that mean he can leave the land of disaster?


Lu Li didn't care about that much anymore either, he flew out in a flash, and then darted to run away. What if it was discovered by the Great Perfectionist? Will these other powers still embarrass him in a small role?


Above the void stood a brown-haired old man of great stature, but this old man couldn't perceive so many warriors just now. When Lu Li appeared, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Seeing Lu Li rushing away like a rabbit, he murmured: "This kid's hidden skills are very strong, this seat ... didn't find it just now?"

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