The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3376: Breath of the way

Duan Ni's face changed completely. Who are the law enforcement elders of the Yun family? If the words were spoken in public, it must be Jinkouyuyan. It is absolutely impossible to change this matter, so he will certainly die.

Don't worry about him dying, the Yun family still has trouble with the Duan family? This Yun family is indeed arrogant. It is indeed the largest group on the east side of the southern border. It is extremely powerful.

He was inwardly stricken, but he was dead anyway, so he always pulled back, killing the rest of the warriors is meaningless, why not kill Lu Li? All things are caused by Lu Li, killing Lu Li can at least relieve his hatred.

Thinking of this, he looked away at Lu Li, and his body rushed towards Lu Li like a ghost. Unexpectedly, a strong man was faster than him. He stood in front of Lu Li with a flash of his body, and then with one hand, he patted it with one hand!


It was as if a nebula swelled and opened, and a dark moment shrouded Duan Ni. At that moment, the momentum was so tight that it couldn't breathe, and the pressure was so pale that countless warriors outside all felt difficulty breathing.


Duan Ni flew out like a sack. The whole man's bones were broken. He looked at the elder of law enforcement with a shocked face and stretched out a hand and said, "Big, big? You ... actually reached the great circle ... "


Duan Ni's body fell suddenly, and she lost her breath. There was silence all around, countless lights were staring at the law enforcement elders, her eyes were horrified.

There are countless warriors in the eyes of ecstasy. The Yun family originally had only two great consummations. Now it is very likely that there will be one more, and the Yun family has become much stronger.

"Converge his body well and send it to Duan's home!"

The law enforcement elder waved his hand, and then looked at the landing and said, "This little friend, my tribe has some scum, causing you to be aggrieved, so my tribe can give you some compensation. Either give you trillions of skystone, or … You can go to the ancestral land of my clan for enlightenment for a year, and you can choose for yourself. "


It was boiling again, and the law enforcement elder actually gave Lu Li so much reward? Trillion celestial stones are nothing, Xunlong ancestral land is the sacred place of Yun family. There are countless stone monuments left by the ancestors of the Yun family. Those stone monuments record cultivation experience, and even secret methods. The law enforcement elder actually let a foreigner enter the Yun family's ancestral land.

"Oh my God, it's the land of the dragon?"

"But the elders can only go in for one year every thousand years. Elder law enforcement is too ..."

"Looking for the ancestor of the dragon, if I can go in, it will make me worth a short life!"

"The alien martial artist is so lucky, hey, why don't I have this life?"

"You? Don't dream anymore. Can you let the elders of Duan's family count you? Are you worthy?"


There was a continuous rumbling outside, and Lu Li barely hesitated, bowing and saluting, "Thank you, Lord, Lu Li is grateful to my heart, I choose ... to enter the land of the dragon ancestor!"


The law enforcement elder Shen sang, and a strong man stepped out of the corridor next to him. The law enforcement elder said, "Let's handle the next thing."

The elder of the law enforcement body disappeared, and Lu Li was taken by Yun Yu to a small manor house of Yun's family.

Yun Yu said very politely: "Since the law enforcement elders allow you to go in search of the Dragon Ancestral Land, then you are our distinguished guest of the Yun family. You can live as long as you want to live here, what you need to say to the housekeeper inside."

"Thank you Lord Yunyu!"

Lu Li was touched a little. The Yun family was kind to him, which made him feel weird, but he was always grateful. This is how he is. The grace of dripping water is reported to Yongquan. Others are good to him, and he is better to be victimized.

Yun Yu said slightly, "You take a break first. I'll come over three days later and take you to find the ancestral land of the dragon. You can rest assured that this little girl lives here. No warrior dares to hurt her."

"it is good!"

Lu Li lived in with Zi Xi, there was a housekeeper, five maids, all kinds of costs. As soon as Zi Xi went in, she was moved with emotion: "The Yun family really is a million-year-old tyrant, it's heartbreaking!"


Lu Li was sighed. If he must choose a loyal loyalty in Xianyu, then Lu Li will definitely not hesitate to join the Yun family directly.

However, he does not plan to stay in Xianyu for too long. After finding Xiaobai, he may turn around in Xianyu to see if there is a chance to break through. Regardless of whether he can break through, he will return to the sky chaos.


In the huge manor house in Yun's backyard, the law enforcement elder of the Yun family walked in. There was an old man sitting here, who was more aggressive than the law enforcement elder, as thick as a mountain.

Standing next to him was a boy who was just talking to Yun Zhongtian. This boy has been with the King of the Yun family, so this very domineering old man is naturally the king of the Yun family.

The boy was polite and said, "Yuezu!"

The law enforcement elder slightly nodded, and the King of the Yun family opened his eyes and glanced at the law enforcement elder and asked, "What's the situation? Why do you favor the Terran boy so much?"

The King of the Yun family knows the elders of law enforcement very well. He has a very old-fashioned personality and is meticulous in his work and life. The King of the Yun family will not object to this, but is curious as to why the law enforcement elders did so.

"This kid ... somewhat interesting!"

The law enforcement elder took a cup of tea and drank it, thinking for a moment, and said, "On this boy, I feel ... the breath of Tao!"


The king of the Yun family raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "You must be correct, he is in the imperial rank."


The law enforcement elder said with certainty: "It's the breath of the Tao. You can sense it in the past, and it can be vaguely felt around him. I can't figure it out. Why can an emperor class have the breath of the Tao?"

The boy next to him asked curiously: "Two ancestors, what is the Tao? Right ... it seems like every emperor emperor must feel the Tao? Is this the Tao?"

"That's the trail!"

The King of the Yun family reached out and touched the boy's head and said, "You are still young, it doesn't make much sense to understand these now ~ ~ you will understand when you become a strong person who is infinitely close to great consummation."

"I went to see!"

The King of the Yun family thought for a while, and disappeared in place. The next second he appeared next to Lu Li, but Lu Li didn't notice it, sitting in the manor with Zi Xi and resting, still thinking about what he had just discovered.

The King of the Yun family stood beside him for a moment, and flickered back again, without any perception from beginning to end, and there was no fluctuation in the space.


The King of the Yun family nodded and said, "It does have a scent of truth, although it is very weak, but it really exists. It is strange that an emperor-level, even a strong person who is infinitely close to the Great Perfection cannot have this breath, right? If you do the right thing, even if you can't solicit him, it is always good to make a good destiny, maybe there will be thousands of times in the future. "

"That's the truth!"

The law enforcement elder slightly nodded and looked away from Lu Li. He said, "There are a few monuments in the ancestral land that left the way of the ancestors. If it can help him, then he must read the grace of my clan. It's up! "

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