The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3378: Haotian Road

When Lu Li saw the chaos, he felt in a dark mood. The surrounding sceneries were all misty, like real and illusory. A mysterious and mysterious feeling pervaded the surrounding ...

Lu Li looked around blankly, feeling the mysterious feeling quietly. He didn't know what the scenery inside was useful, but he knew that there must be a very powerful thing in it. The Word of the Xeon.

The emperor must perceive his own way. Lu Li pursued his own way for a long time, but he did not feel it, and he did not feel any way.

With such a good opportunity at the moment, he naturally wanted to feel it. Perhaps the Tao could have a qualitative leap in understanding the Tao.

"Chaos, solid, heavy, tough!"

Lu Li felt these breaths in the surrounding scenery, but he didn't know what they were useful for. He could only watch quietly, only to be quiet inside, and slowly realize.

Time passed little by little, and Lu Li felt very slow, but in fact he passed quickly. He himself also knew that this perception time passed very fast. Maybe he felt it was only a moment, but one year passed in fact.

If there is no way to comprehend it, then he may miss the opportunity and waste the opportunity to enter the dragon ancestral land. However, at this moment, Lu Li is not ready to change. This world makes me feel very strange. If I can sense something in it, it is definitely a worthwhile trip.

So he didn't care about that much anymore, so he could feel enlightened and feel everything in this world with his soul. In the vagueness, Lu Li perceives something, but this thing is somewhat unclear and he does not know what it is.

Four months, five months, half a year!

Time passed so fast that Lu Li didn't feel anything at all, and he didn't understand clearly what he saw in his vagueness. He didn't know if it was useful for him to feel it. He just like a man walking in the dark, instinctively running towards the dim light in the distance.

Six months, eight months, ten months!

The blink of a year is about to pass, but Lu Li still does not know what he is looking for, what he is chasing, or what he is exploring.

He is very confused at this moment. In this chaos, he feels like a drop of the sea, and feels very small. If this chaos is heaven, then he is a ray of smoke in the chaos.


At this moment, Lu Li is in awe of Tiandao inexplicably, even a little scared and a little scared. The question is how do we feel the heavenly awe, since it is in awe of it? You fear him, you are afraid of him, how do you get close to him, and how do you integrate with him? There is some contradiction here.

Lu Li also found it very contradictory, and he didn't even dare to continue to feel it at this moment. He was afraid that the more he felt, the more terrifying the heavens would be, and the smaller he would be, the farther he would be from the heavens.

This is like the chaos in front. The alien feeling in the chaos may contain some magical existence. Maybe he separated the chaos and found that there was a treasure inside. But that piece of treasure could be very powerful, Lu Li could not bear it at all, and would be crushed to death by the power of this treasure.

This is how Lu Li felt at this moment. He wanted to open the door in front of him, but he was afraid that after opening, there was a world in him that made him feel scared.

Do not dare to bear its weight!

This is Lu Li ’s mentality, and perhaps his own strength is too low. He himself looks like a child and sees a super sword in front. He is afraid that he cannot lift the sword. Cut yourself.


Lu Li suddenly woke up, why did he feel this way? He is not comprehending the Tao of Heaven, he is just comprehending the Tao contained in the world in front of him. Why does he suddenly feel that he cannot bear the weight?

"This is the idea conveyed by the Tao here, and it deliberately affects me!"

Lu Li came to his senses, this is the Tao here deliberately misleading him, deliberately causing him to be in awe, fear, and rebellion, and this Tao cannot be felt here.


When Lu Li moved, why does the Tao here release this meaning? Does this mean that he has approached the truth infinitely? Does it mean that he is going to grasp the core of this rhyme? Does it mean that he will soon be able to understand the Taoism here?

"Chaos, heavy, solid, vast, vast ..."

There was a word flashing in Lu Li's mind, and he vaguely understood the Tao inside, and he became extra firm in his heart, urged the trace of the avenue, and tried to explore the chaos ahead.

"No matter what's in it, whether it's going to break my bones, I have to take a look!"

Lu Li's mind was full of such crazy thoughts. He tried his best to explore the chaos ahead, "look at" the core of chaos, and find the truth. It was unbearable, even if the soul was annihilated.

"Om ~"

At this moment, the stone monument in front of Lu Li suddenly lighted up, getting brighter and brighter, a vast breath permeated and the entire valley space was shaking.

"call out!"

There were several guarded elders here, all of which were alarmed and flew towards this side.

However, they found that the law enforcement elders were here. They first saluted with the law enforcement elders, and then looked at the monument. An elder said, "Elder law enforcement, the heavenly **** monument has changed. Can this kid realize ... How is this possible? ? "

"Yes indeed!"

Another elder said, "This is Haotian Tao, one of the strongest Taos in the history of our tribe. How could a human tribe be aware of it?"

The third elder said, "The most important thing is that this is less than a year. Even if the clan king had enlightened Liu Midao, it took fifteen years?"

The law enforcement elder did not speak, but stared at the characters walking on the monument. He watched for a long time before he said, "I should just have learned some fur, and in his realm ~ ~ At present It's impossible to truly understand Haotian Tao. "

"Hoo ~"

Hearing the words of the law enforcement elders, several elders exhaled a long breath. If Lu Li really learned the Tao in the Xuantian God Monument within one year, the warriors of the Yun family would just run into the wall.

It ’s just a little bit of fur, it ’s nothing. After all, it ’s still a long way from the real enlightenment of Haotiandao.

The Yun family is not a warrior who has n’t realized Hao Tiandao's fur, but unfortunately, he has never realized the real Hao Tiandao.

At first, the elders felt awkward in their hearts. They felt that their girls were slept by strange men. Now they found that they were only touched, and they were naturally more comfortable in their hearts.

"In one year, an emperor could actually touch the fur of Haotiandao!"

The law enforcement elder was sighed. He murmured in a voice that he could only hear: "Is it because of the flavor of his body? This kid's body is not strange, it's just a warrior who cultivates and cultivates souls. Why is there a sense of Tao? Weird, strange! "

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