Lu Li's speed of passing through the Lost Realm was really fast. The Ghost Taoists studied it for three thousand years, and they were very familiar with it. It took them a few breaths to get out of the Lost Realm.

"Will the meeting be a magic array, will the master enter my space artifact?"

Outside the mystery, the ghostly man asked. Because he had the experience of cracking the magic array, he was afraid that Lu Li would be trapped by the magic array after entering, and then he would be killed by the strong man who chased after him.

"No need to!"

Lu Li shook his head and said, "I'll follow you, will there be no problem? How long will it take you to pass through this array?"

Lu Li does not like to put his own destiny in the hands of others. In case the Xeons catch up behind, how can the ghosts resist? He can at least enter the legal realm, so it is naturally impossible for him to enter the space artifact of the ghost Taoist.

"do not know!"

The ghost Taoist shook his head and said, "I said before that this magical array is strong when it is strong, and it will continue to change, so I am not sure how long I can pass through this array. Following me, I am also afraid that we will be lost separately because Illusions have an effect on individuals individually. "

"Well, I get it!"

Lu Li followed the ghosts and asked, "What's the core element of this fantasy array break? Rest assured, my ability to break array is much stronger than you think."

The ghost Taoist marched while groaning. After entering the fantasy array, he preached: "Between reality and reality, reality is reality, reality is reality, reality is reality, and reality is reality. This is the core of this fantasy formation. . "

Lu Li thoughtfully. The two stepped into the stone bridge and entered between the mountain roads in front of them. Before they moved forward, they felt the white light shone, and then the picture in front of them changed and entered the illusion.


After Lu Li went in, he found that the Ghost Taoist was gone, not only invisible but also the spiritual connection disappeared. The whole world felt that only Lu Li was left.

"This magical array is amazing!"

Lu Li urged the trace of the avenue, and then quickly flew forward. He didn't dare to stay in place, what if the most powerful man caught up?

He was fast, flying for an hour, the world was still vast and there were no scenes. Some are just endless white mist, you can't see the bottom, you can't see the top, and there is white mist on the left and right.

"Between reality and reality?"

Lu Li is a little confused. What is false and real? All are false and there is no real thing? How does he break the line? He could only use the simplest method, a red light flew from his body, and Xue Linger began to probe.

With Xuelinger's ability to break through the array, the magical array will not be too difficult, and this is only a single magical array, not a fusion of magical arrays. Lu Li believes that it will take too long for Xuelinger to break open.

After half an hour, Xue Linger said, "Master, this time ... can't be broken!"


Lu Li was shocked, and there was a magical array that Xuelinger couldn't break. Isn't this a joke?

Xue Linger explained: "This is not a magic circle, but a spiritual idea. It is a super strong spiritual idea that directly enters your soul and makes you hallucinate, so I cannot break this magic circle. You can only come out on your own. "

"So it is!"

Lu Li suddenly realized that the magical array here was really powerful. The flame emperor was afraid that he was a perfect man. It has been here for so many years, how can his spiritual thoughts still exist? This is a miracle.

Xue Linger flew back, and Lu Li did not move. Since it is not an ordinary magic array, it is useless to use the usual method of breaking the array. It is meaningless to fly forward for ten thousand years. . Maybe he seems to be flying, but he hasn't moved?

"Spiritual thoughts? Imagination formation in my mind?"

Lu Li groaned, in other words-at this moment his spirit and physical body should be detached. If his spirit does not get rid of this illusion, then he has no way to control the physical body, and he may be trapped here for a lifetime.

"So ... the key point is how to connect the spirit and the body?"

As soon as Lu Li moved inside, as long as his spirit and body were connected, he would get rid of this illusion and see the real road before him, instead of seeing the illusion at this moment.

"That is to say, my soul may be enveloped by a powerful energy? Isolate the connection with the physical body? And this energy has a strange ability that makes me have some hallucinations?"

"How can I make contact with the body?"

"Right ... Legal!"

Lu Li quickly thought of a way. He could sense the existence of the legal realm. As long as he entered the legal realm, he would be connected with the physical body, and he might get rid of this illusion.

As soon as he thought, the picture in front of him disappeared, and he appeared in the legal realm. He was secretly pleased that this fantasy array had broken so easily? He thought for a moment and then appeared outside again.

As a result, his body flashed, appeared outside, and then a white mist appeared in front of him, still the same as the previous illusion, he did not break the illusion.

He didn't panic, because he was quite sure that he had just entered the legal realm. The reason he fell into this illusion again was that he came under the powerful mental and mental attack after he came out.

"Virtual reality, false reality? It's false at the moment, just now, I actually switched between reality and reality?"

Lu Li's heart moved again, which fits perfectly with what the ghost Taoists say about the truth and reality.

He groaned for a while, with a smile on his face, saying: "Originally this means that the imaginary is the real, the real is the imaginary, the imaginary is always the imaginary, and the real is always the real, break me!"

The white mist in front of me suddenly disappeared, and several mountain roads appeared in front of Lu Li, while the ghost road man next to him was still standing, his eyes were confused, and it seemed that he was still in a magical array.

Lu Li thought for a while, holding him directly with the ghost Taoist, and flew forward quickly. This cave is very long, and rushed for half an hour, the terrain in front changed, and an underground square appeared, and there were more than a dozen corridors at a glance.


When Lu Li entered the square, the ghost Taoist suddenly awakened. He glanced around, and said with shame, "The master is terrific. I thought you would take a long time to break the line. I also wanted to take you away. The thought that you broke in such a short time, the subordinates talked loudly and made the host laugh. "

"Don't say that."

Lu Li doesn't have the slightest complacency, UU reads because he doesn't rely on himself, after all, because he has a strange legal realm. Without this legal realm, he would n’t be so easy to break the battlefield, and there would be no ghosts faster.

He looked at the numerous corridors in front of him: "Which one to take? Let's go to the one that has the teleportation altar. It's too scary here. Let's not search."

"This way!"

Ghost Taoist nodded slightly, took the initiative and led Lu Li to explain. He had entered three corridors in this place, one of which contained endless flames, and if he dared to enter, he would be burned to ashes. There is also a strong puppet inside. He feels that some puppets are even closer to the Great Perfection.

Lu Li didn't have any thoughts about this treasure land, so he didn't care too much at all. He followed the ghosts and rushed forward. Soon they reached a small underground plaza with a teleportation altar ahead.


Before entering this place, Lu Li's eyes narrowed suddenly, he almost did not hesitate, while backing up quickly, while transmitting a voice to the ghostly humane: "Put the skeletons, all the powerful skeletons are released, otherwise we will all die, fast!"

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