The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3399: Bamboo basket fetch

Everything has a cause and effect. It can't happen for no reason. There must be a reason for the violent beast and fairy beast, but Lu Li didn't know the reason, and he didn't have the time or mood to explore it.

If there is a purple road, any fierce beast and fairy beast is not a concern. There can never be a great beast of perfection level? There are too few fairy beasts of this level, and there are only a few in the whole fairy realm, and one is still the king of the east.

Moving forward, it took more than two months. They successfully crossed the area where the ferocious beast and fairy beast rioted. Lu Li looked at the map and smiled. It is not far from Shenjiacheng. If it goes well, it will be three or four months.

This is also about to reach the core area of ​​the eastern border. Shouldn't it be so messy here? After all, it was close to the area where the King of the East had lived. Lu Li also prayed secretly, hoping that he would not be in chaos. He did not want to be chased and killed again by a strong man who was close to the Great Perfection.

Therefore, along the way, he became even more low-key. He did not dare to enter the cities he met on the road, and he was not close to the mountains, mountains, rivers and mountains. He knew that the more such a place, the easier it was to lurk the old demon. Especially the kind of caves, heavens, heavens and earth, where he has strong aura, he walked away early.

The place where the most powerful man hides must be a place full of aura and horror, or a horrible place. In the small mountains, they don't bother to hide, and they don't look at it.

Adhering to this view, Lu Li's journey went smoothly. Although he also encountered some warriors and some fierce beasts and immortals, none of them appeared dangerous.

After traveling for more than two months, he was very close to Shenjiacheng, and Lu Li encountered another crisis. He passed by a small lake and thought it was nothing, but when he flew over it, the water below swept up.

"There are fairy beasts!"

For a moment, Lu Li felt that his whole body was entangled in the lake, and the lake became a vine, and he would be entangled and pulled down. He swept down, and found a vortex appearing at the bottom of the lake, with a strong beastly power inside.

"Om ~"

Lu Li didn't take the risk, and he flew into the French realm. Then he urged the trace of the avenue to investigate the situation outside. He found that there were more than a dozen tentacles in the vortex, there were eyes in the tentacles, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes. .

The tentacle searched nearby, and then the tentacle actually gave off a rolling green mist, covering the whole small lake, and the lake water also violently surged, condensing into a small beast, flying around. Seems to be looking away.

"This fairy beast is very intelligent!"

Lu Li looked secretly surprised, and was not in a hurry to stay in there anyway, waiting for the fairy beast to completely stop talking. The immortal beast was full of patience. After a long toss, he disappeared, and the vortex at the bottom of the lake disappeared. The immortal beast disappeared without a trace.

Lu Li still didn't move. After waiting for more than half a day, he flickered out, and entered a hidden state, and flew away quickly.


As soon as Lu Li came out, the lake swelled up, and then the tentacles also protruded out, lingering towards Lu Li over there like lightning. Lu Li gritted his teeth and released the magic, the speed soared, and he disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.


The tentacle disappeared, but the lake was condensed into a strange figure in the air, a little fuzzy. He looked at the landing and disappeared, sighing: "This human race is very weak, but has such a weird magical power, but unfortunately it didn't catch Or it would be a great supplement ... "

Lu Li has already released the magic, and naturally he will not stop. He tried to urge the mark of the road to be felt all the way, and at the same time he released the magic of Yishu and disguised himself as an infinitely close to the great consummation. Of course, he did not dare to fly at high altitudes, but flew against the ground.

The journey was smooth. Lu left for half an hour and ran away without knowing how far he was. He found that it was not far from Shenjiao City, and the sergeant scouts had increased, and he stopped.

He went to rest in the legal realm, he was a little excited, and he was about to arrive at Shenjiacheng. He hoped that Lu Xiaobai would not run around.

After just resting for more than a day in the legal realm, Lu Li came out and quickly marched towards Shenjiao City. There are indeed many scouts nearby, all kinds of races, Lu Li carefully avoided, just want to sneak into the city to find Lu Xiaobai.

He used Divine Hidden Art, and the general scouts couldn't find him at all. He walked all the way easily. After spending half a time, he stood near Shenjiao City.


He exhaled for a long time. He stood on a hill and looked at the huge city from afar, his face was filled with relief. Starting from the sky disorder star domain, arriving in the south, crossing the Vietnam, and then crossing the east, this journey has been painstaking, a lifetime of nine deaths.

If it weren't for his possession of magic and magical magic, he wouldn't have been able to go that far, let alone cross the east, and the south would have to be suspended.

Fortunately, all the suffering has passed, and he finally stood outside Shenjiacheng, and will soon see Lu Xiaobai. If it is Xiaobai, his trip will be completed, and he does not need to worry about the way back. Isn't it easy for the son of the King of the East to arrange for him to return to the Sky Chaos?


When Lu Li space artifact flashed, he released the ghost Taoist, and then the eyebrow light shone ~ ~ He returned the soul stamp of the ghost Taoist to him. The ghostly man accepted the soul mark, his face showed joy, and it was good to restore freedom.

"Om ~"

Lu Li's ring shone, and he took out the top five magic potions obtained in the flame emperor's tomb, and he handed it over: "Ghost Taoist, you have lost a lot of corpse emperors along the way, these can be regarded as compensation to you. Okay ... I'm here The city of magic armor has returned to your freedom, wherever you want to go. "

"This magic potion ..."

The Ghost Taoist glanced at him, and his face was full of surprise. He had lived for so many years and was considered to be well-informed. He had never seen such a super-elixir for such a long time. These five elixirs were of great value.

"Thank you, master!"

He also used to call his master habitually, and Lu Li waved his hand and said, "Well, you can go."

"Thank you ... sir!"

The Ghost Taoist bowed deeply, seeing more betrayal and abandonment in Xianyu, and more ghost charms. He met Lu for the first time, and Lu Li was a clear stream.

He dare not stay, what if he changed his mind? He flickered into the distance. Lu Li Shennian looked into the space artifact, Zi Xi was still asleep, and it is estimated that it would take several months to wake up.

He groaned for a while, then changed an appearance, disguised as a holy emperor and walked towards the gate of the city of Shenjiao in the middle.

Lu Li walked to the gate of the city and was stopped. The guard asked Lu Li for a token. How can Lu Li have a token? He smiled and said that he wanted to buy tokens from Tianshi, but a sergeant waved his hand: "Tokens cannot be purchased, no tokens are allowed to enter, walk away ... otherwise we are not welcome!"


Lu Li Yiyi, Tian Shi can not purchase tokens, how is the token issued? When he reached here for thousands of miles, he couldn't enter Shenjiacheng, wasn't that a bamboo basket to fetch water?

. m.

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