The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3408: Original you

The ghost mountain changes, and the surrounding area shakes hundreds of thousands of miles!

All nearby big power clans and old demons have received help-seeking information. Countless strong men have come here, including three Great Satisfactory strong men.

However, something that shocked countless powerhouses occurred. A black mask appeared outside the mountain, and this mask possessed an interest-free magic power.

This is not a divine mask, but a special power, the power of heaven and earth!

This is a powerful shield formed by the power of heaven and earth. The three great perfectionists may be able to break, but it also takes time, at least half a month.

Many powerful men who approached the Great Perfection began to attack, releasing various violent attacks. The three great consummates did not take any action, but they also began to observe the condition of the mask, and secretly used means to prepare to break the mask.

Dozens of powerful men who are close to the Great Perfection and thousands of Holy Emperors are attacking. The color of this mask gradually fades. Even if the Great Perfection does not attack, it is estimated that the mask will disappear for more than one month. .

Half a month later, a great perfectionist couldn't help but he walked out of the void, but he could only see one light and shadow. He stuck one hand behind the mask, and then the mask fluctuated sharply. , Just like water ripples.

At this moment, there are millions of warriors gathered around, and countless warriors of all sizes and nearby forces have come. They are all looking at the great and powerful man. My heart is both anticipating and a little uneasy. What is going on here? Why so much help? Why is the mask here so powerful? Is there a great conqueror who fails?

Just half a day!

The mask trembled suddenly, then disappeared without a trace. The scene inside also appeared in front of all the warriors, and countless divine thoughts swept away, but the soul trembled violently.


The unexpected appearance did not make the outside warrior angry, but felt thriller. There were more than 100,000 martial arts soldiers dead, and there was no one left. The eight powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection also died, their faces were distorted, their eyes widened, and they were filled with fear. They seemed to see the most terrifying picture in the world before death.

Infinitely close to the great perfectionist, how stable is the state of mind? Death was nothing to them, and he had such an expression before he died. What did they experience? What did you see?

What most surprised the warriors outside was that this group of strongmen had never resisted, there were no traces of large-scale battles nearby, and all the warriors had no scars on them, and they felt inexplicably dead.

"All their souls have collapsed!"

A holy emperor exclaimed, not only this holy emperor, but also many holy emperors and powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection. More than a hundred thousand martial arts soldiers died because of soul collapse.

"Their souls have dried up, and all their souls have been drained!"

Another strong man exclaimed. In fact, many strong people also found out. More than one million warriors outside looked at me and you, and they were shocked.

"Is there a great old demon here who **** all the souls of the warriors?"

"Perhaps there is a peerless murderer? A wicked ghost who **** the soul?"

"Ghost God Mountain, Ghost God Mountain, there are gods and ghosts here. There must be a ghost king here, the ghost king is alive, and the whole immortal realm will be ruined."

"Unparalleled ghost king, the world is in trouble, will Xianyu be the same as the Four Heavens?"

"If that's the case, where else in the world is safe?"

Countless discussions sounded around, and many martial artists were shocked.

In particular, when talking about the ghost king, many warriors were panicked. The most important thing was that the world above the quartet was inexplicably collapsed. Many warriors thought of this and were naturally disturbed.

"Don't make a rumor!"

A cold drinking sound rang directly in the ears of all warriors. This sound possessed an inexplicable magic that calmed down the martial arts.

The voice continued to sound: "It's nothing more than some charms, you all step back a million miles and block the neighborhood. The three of us will explore and kill the charms inside."


Numerous martial arts soldiers drank, and a great conqueror opened his mouth, and all the martial arts people were inexplicably confident.

That's right, there are three great consummates here, even if there is a great consummate old demon in Guishen Mountain, then what? The three great rounds here can easily kill him.

The large troops began to withdraw, of course, some martial arts were organized to go in and take away the bones inside. When the bones were taken away, there was no change in the inside. The black mist that originally covered tens of thousands of miles was shrinking at this moment, just covering the ghost **** mountain.

The body was quickly taken into the space ring, and soon the troops began to evacuate.

They did not dare to disobey the Great Satisfactory orders, and they believed that the three Great Satisfied strong would definitely kill the demons. They did not dare to stay nearby. The Great Satisfied strong began to fight, and the aftermath could kill all the warriors.

After all the sergeants and warriors retreated, the three great conquerors glanced at each other and communicated with each other, and then the three conquerors walked towards Ghost God Mountain.

"Woohoo ~"

When the three strong men disappeared into the ghost **** mountain, Lu Li in the French realm exhaled a long breath. Originally, he thought that the three strong men could find him. It seems that even the great conquerors cannot find them?

All warriors are dead, only he is alive. If found by the Great Perfectionist, he will surely be taken down to torture information.

After he exhaled, he felt uneasy inside. I wonder if the previous situation was caused by Zixi? Now that the three great conquerors are killed, will Zixi be all right?

"do not care!"

Lu Li shook his head ~ ~ It's too dangerous here, he can't stay on. If the situation here is made by Zi Xi, then Zi Xi is a demon, and Lu Li will not care about Zi Xi's life and death. He still has a principle in mind. He will not open the killing ring like this, nor will he absorb the soul of the warrior to supplement himself.

If it weren't for Zixi, the three great perfectionists would certainly not be angry at a little girl. So Lu Li simply didn't care, he couldn't control his ability. It's better to leave the neighborhood first, and accidentally you may die here.

He flickered out, then sneaked cautiously. When sneaking for a million miles, he found that there was a sergeant blockade in the distance, but the blockade was not very strict. More warriors and strong men gathered to discuss the strange powers that occurred inside.

Lu Li sneaked away without interest, sneaking in for tens of thousands of miles at a stretch, and then he showed his figure with relief.

He stood on the top of a small hill, looking at the direction of Guishen Mountain, and looked at it for half an hour, and then sighed quietly: "Zixi, I'll be waiting for you for four months. Come out, then I can only leave. I hope you can come out safely, and I hope you are the same ... you. "

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