The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3432: Panlong Mountains

Xiao Bai's order was a decree for Master Yu, let alone killing tens of thousands of ordinary sergeants, so several Xeons shot and swept through a large swath.

By the time Lu Li responded, tens of thousands of sergeants had already been killed more than half. Lord Yu's fighting power to kill ordinary sergeants, that is to kill chickens with ox swords, too easy.

"it is okay!"

Lu Lichao waved his hand to Xiaobai. Xiaobai's orders for Lu Li were executed subconsciously, perhaps from his childhood. He shouted, Lord Yu and they flew back.


The remaining more than 20,000 sergeants in the city fled away most of the time. Lu Li didn't care about the ordinary sergeants. He swept away and locked several holy emperors. He flew away and reached the front of these holy emperors.

"Lord, forgive me, forgive me ..."

The holy emperors were scared and scared, and two powerful men who were close to the great consummation were killed by Lu Li. They were all about resisting and running away, and they could only ask for forgiveness.

"Answer me, I will let you go!"

Lu Li said indifferently, the several emperors looked at each other, and one emperor gritted his teeth and said, "Excuse me, we know everything."

They are betraying the Tianhe Society in this way, but the general loyalists in Xianyu are limited in their loyalty to the forces. As long as they can survive, they can go far away and look for other forces to join. What can Tianhe do to them?

"Ask the situation in Xiangong, and talk carefully."

Lu left Menjianshan and asked. A saint emperor thought about it and began to talk about it. From a few years ago, he began to suppress it, to the front, asked about the imperial rebellion, and then to the news they heard recently, all said it again.


Lu Li's eyes flickered and he groaned for a moment and asked, "The latest news, have they been killed or arrested?"

"do not know!"

The emperor shook his head and said, "Our side is just guarding, not hunting, so we don't know the situation. If you want to get the latest information, go to Huya Mountain or go directly to the Panlong Mountain."

"Are there maps nearby?"

Lu Li asked, the emperor immediately took out the map, and Lu Li coldly said, "I will put you into the space artifact, don't resist. If your information is correct, I promise to let you go. If you lie to the military, don't blame me Now. "

Lu Li took out the space artifact, and the several emperors sighed helplessly, and were taken in by Lu Li. Lu Li flew towards Xiaobai and drank Shen Xiao, "Go to the Panlong Mountains!"


When Xiaobai waved his hand, a Xeon took out the warship, and Lu Li immediately broke away and disappeared into the sky to the southwest.

There are still some sergeants here, who were afraid to leave just now, for fear of angering Xiao Bailu and leaving them. After seeing Lu Li leave at this moment, the sergeants were relieved.

A sergeant flew back in the distance, and soon the numerous messenger arrays lit up, spreading the news here to Luanyang City and Huya Mountain.

The president of the Tianhe Society received the news only half an hour later, he was furious, and Lu Li still had some impressions. At that time, I still wanted to dig out Lu Li, but unfortunately Lu Lu could not give face.

But did not expect Lu Li to return after a few years? Also brought five infinitely close to the Great Perfection? He has reached this level himself?

These are not the key points. The key is that Lu Li started too hard, and actually killed the two elders? This made the president of Tianhe angry.

Tianhe Club is not the Tianhe Club of the past. The current Tianhe Club can be regarded as a force in the entire south. In particular, they recently entered the Dai ethnic group, which greatly increased the confidence of the president of the Tianhe Society.

If it wasn't for the Qiang's secret support, how could he have laid Huyashan so easily? Tianhe will expand so smoothly, but also because of the tacit consent of the Dai people, otherwise giving Tianhe a hundred courage would not dare to be so brazen.

So Lu Li came back with a few strong men. The President of Tianhe didn't particularly care. There were more than a dozen strong men on their side who were close to the Great Perfection, and they could call for a dozen foreign aids at any time. If you go to the Dai people for help, it is not difficult to tune a dozen strong men who are close to the Great Perfection.

The overall situation was settled, but now Lu Li is tantamount to extra-holiday branches! He walked around in a castle, and after considering a fragrant incense, he ordered-this time he was going to go to the Panlong Mountains in person, and without the army, he took ten infinitely close to the Great Perfection Strong. He wanted to see how Lu Li's strong dragon pressed him to the ground snake?

Arranged for an hour, a battleship rose from the Huya Mountain, and President Tianhe flew to the south with ten Xeons.

Lu left them very quickly. The warship was a top-level warship. It took them only half a day to reach the Panlong Mountains.

This mountain range is very large, covering tens of billions of miles. The terrain inside is intricate, there are still many ruins and fairy beasts, and there are some remaining powerful **** pattern magic arrays. This is why the ghost asked them to escape here, and it is more conducive to escape here.

Arriving here, Lu Li didn't know where to look for Yuyang them. He could only let the warship fly at high altitude ~ ~ then the powerful gods looked around and searched.

"There are signs of battle!"

Soon after entering the Panlong Mountains, Lu Li found signs of fighting and saw some bodies. Judging by the corpse, it didn't take long to die, it was only ten and a half months. It seems that the several emperors did not lie, and asked the strong men at Xiangong to escape here.

Since there are traces, it is much easier to handle. The warship followed the traces and spent the past half a day. Lu Li suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "Ask the most powerful of the imperial palace?"

There were fierce battle trails below, and mountains were blasted out of the abyss. At the point of the abyss, Lu Li found a headless body. It didn't take long for the corpse to die, only a day or two. Lu Li saw a token on him, and he had a vague impression of the token.

Although this headless corpse died, it still released a powerful breath, and it was sensed by Lu Li, who was infinitely close to the Great Perfection. Q: There are only three palace masters in Xiangong. One is said to have died before? who is this?

"The ghost asked?"

Lu Li suddenly remembered something, his face became pale again, he remembered the token he had seen in the ghost question. Asked the main palace of the imperial palace are dead, can they still live?


Lu Li groaned for a moment and shouted, "The ghost asked not long before he died, and the sergeant of the fairy palace was not asked nearby, indicating that the rest asked the sergeant of the palace to escape, and we may be able to catch up."

The battleship broke out, and the powerful men tried to investigate. Lu Li's eyes were slightly reddish. He murmured "Yuyang Luan Xi, you can't die. If you really have something wrong, I swear to Kill all the martial arts of the Tianhe Society and take revenge for you. "

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