Tianwen and the two palace masters are not brothers, but Sheng is a brother. The three have been dealing with for tens of thousands of years, and Tianwen has always called them two brothers. Both Guiwen and the Lord of the Second Palace died in the hands of Tianhe Society. Will Tianwen surrender to Tianhe?

the answer is negative!

Tian asked that his eyes became red, and there was no other thought in his heart, only one left—that is, to die here today, to fight desperately.

Today is definitely dead or alive, and it is not too urgent to ask. Since everything is dead, then we must find a way to pull some warriors on their backs. If we can drag a strong man who is close to the great consummation to die together, it is considered complete.

He groaned for a moment, his complexion gradually calmed down, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and said, "Fumo, what do you say, can you represent your president?"


The four elders of the Tianhe Society were a little stunned. Originally, they thought that Tianwen would definitely fight a fight, or they would die hard, or they would run away, but they did not expect that Tianwen would have surrendered?

They didn't have much expectation about the surrender of Tianwen. The reason why they said just now was that they wanted to let Yuyang Mo Yan Luan Xi surrender. These three are darlings, and they don't want to make them hurt, otherwise they will ask Xian Gong this warrior died half a month ago.

Since Tianwen was motivated to surrender, they naturally wanted to accept it. Tianhe will now have a larger territory. Naturally, the more powerful the better, the better, so that Tianhe will become stronger and stronger. The ordinary emperor doesn't matter, and the combat power of the **** is pretty good.

Fumo, the elder of Tianhe, nodded and said, "Before this visit, the president had given me full authority to deal with it. So do n’t worry if you ask me, you ’ve lived in Tianhe City for so long. You know, as long as you come here, there must be a place for elders. "


Tian asked with a sneer in his heart. If he was really open-minded, how could he not tolerate a fairy palace? These are all nonsense, but his face was tangled, and he groaned for a while before he said, "I want to be an elder in power, otherwise I would rather break the net."

As soon as Tianwen said this, the elders over Tianhe would be relieved, and asked many soldiers at Xiangong Palace to feel relieved.

As long as Tianwen is willing to surrender, everything else is easy to say. What about elders in power now? You can slowly adjust it back. The most important thing is that God asked to surrender, and that Yuyang Mo Luan Xi and they were safe. As long as they got these three treasures, the rest didn't matter.

Asked a lot of warriors in Xiangong long ago wanted to surrender. If they didn't surrender, they would only die. Which boss did not follow? Q Xiangong has no future, what will happen with Tianhe? It's really impossible to sneak back and sneak away, just go to the rest of the forces to develop.

Fumo nodded at the moment: "No problem, the chairman has also delegated authority to me. God asked, you should know that I still have a certain level of authority in Tianhe, I can guarantee this."

"it is good!"

Tian Wen bowed his head slightly, and said to the sergeants behind him, "You guys, I asked Xian Gong's incompetence, and everyone is involved. Starting today, I asked Xian Gong to dissolve. Those who are willing to follow me to the Tianhe will stand on the left. Willing to stand to the right. I can't give my brothers too many guarantees. I can only guarantee that as long as I ask for a day, I won't make everyone sad at Tianhe.

"call out!"

Many warriors, including Li Yan, immediately stood to the left, and no one wanted to die. Standing on the right would surely die immediately, not as stupid as a warrior.

Yuyang Mo Yan Luan Xi glanced at each other, all three were helpless in their eyes. I didn't expect Tianwen to surrender? They do not matter, and Tianhe will not have too deep hatred. A few death-dead boys from the death squad died, but the relationship with them was not good, and the battle between the two armies was inevitable.

Yuyang Luan Xi flew to the left, but Mo Yan hesitated a bit. She didn't want to follow the big troops. She just felt that Tian asked was a little strange. With her understanding of Tian asked, shouldn't she be so boneless? Both big brothers have been killed and they are going to be dogs for the enemy? This is not his character.


Yu Yang screamed when she saw that Mo Yan hadn't moved. Mo Yan came to his senses, but flies helplessly to the left. All the remaining sergeants soon went to the left and were willing to surrender.

"it is good!"

With a smile on his face, Fu Mo glanced at the warrior at Xiangong and stayed for three more hours on Yu Yang Mo Yan Luan Xi. He nodded and said, "Everyone is an elite. It is inevitable that each of you will fight for his master. Since then, I will be a family. I can assure you that I will definitely give you the best treatment. As long as there is talent, it will never be buried in Tianhe. "

The latter sentence was obviously spoken with Yuyang Mo Yan Luan Xi, asking the rest of the martial arts soldiers to be relieved, it is a good thing to be alive, let me say later if there is a future.

"All the orders are self-proclaimed, and the ring of space is also sealed, and the combat force is lifted, waiting for Master Fu Mo's command."

Tian asked Shen a drink, then withdrew his space, and threw it towards Fumo. At the same time, his body flashed and sealed his god. He knelt on one knee and said, "Master Fumo, heaven Ask the surrender. "

Tianwen handed over all the space precepts, and also claimed his own power. This was a complete expression of his intention to surrender, and he gave his life and death to Fumo.

"Not so, not so!"

Fu Mo waved with a smile: "God ask the brothers, please lead them to the warship on the left and follow us back to Huyashan. After returning, the president will reward himself."

The elder of the warship on the left flew down with the sergeants and emptied the warship. Tian asked, bowing down, "Exalted order, all on the battleship."

Yuyang and they flew to the warship, and Fumo said at the moment: "Yuyang Mo Luan Xi, I would like to ask three of you to come to this warship. There are some important things to discuss with the three."

Yu Yang looked at each other subconsciously, but Tian Wen waved her hand to the sky. "Now we are all in the Tianhe Society. You all have to listen to the orders of adults, and hurry up."

Yu Yang Mo Yan Luan Xi they can only fly to the other side. This scene is seen in the eyes of Fu Mo, Tianhehui's four elders smiled even more. Tianwen even surrendered all three of them, and it seems that he really returned.

Yuyang and they flew over ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The three bowed and salute, Fu Mo with a smile on his face to support the three of them personally, said: "The three do not have to be this way, the three are rare talents, you and be at ease , When returning to Huyashan, the chairman will definitely satisfy the three. "

Yuyang said slightly, "You will have to take care of more adults."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The four elders all looked at the three of Yuyang, and their faces filled with joy and laughter, and getting these three people was equivalent to getting a powerful battle array. The Tianhe Club is now very powerful. After getting the battle array, the combat power will soar, and it will quietly develop for thousands of years. Maybe it can become a super power like the Dai tribe and dominate the south.

"call out!"

As the four elders focused on Yuyang three, a soft groan sounded, and then a horrific murderous spirit permeated.

The four elders suddenly awakened, but their reaction was too late, and a lance had been severely stabbed on the back of the elder on the left.

. Three heads m.

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