The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3436: Little white hair

The sound shook Fumo. They were a little stunned, and the audience looked sideways. Want to see who is so brave? So arrogant? This is the site of the Tianhe Society, and the nearby forces have all heard rumors from the clan. Who dares to come to the good things of the bad clan?

Yuyang Mo Luan Xi was shocked. Yu Yang looked over there for the first time, but Luan Xi and Mo Yan did not turn around, but looked at each other. The tears in both eyes could not restrain the surge. Out.

The two were too familiar with the voice, and they had prayed countless times before, hoping that the owner of the voice would appear to help them through the disaster. Although they also knew in their hearts that the presence of this person might not change anything, they were very eager for him.

Now he really comes!

The two did not dare to see it, because they were afraid that it was a dream. They would wake up in the past and see an illusion. If this is a dream, they hope never to wake up.

"Land from!"

The surprise yelled next to Yuyang, and the two slowly moved their eyes to look at the warship. After seeing the familiar figure on the deck, they trembled again, and then their tears raged like a dyke.

Lu Li returned, still at such a critical moment, which made the two feel worthy even if they were dead at this moment. They ignored everything, but just stared at each other and refused to look away.

"Land from?"

Fu Mo was a little bit familiar with the name, and he also had an impression of Lu Li. Lu Li seems to have disappeared for some years? I did not expect to appear at this moment, but also brought six strong men who were close to the Great Perfection.

"The strong man who is infinitely close to the great consummation is so young, is it the clan son?"

Fu Mo glanced at Xiaobai, seeing Xiaobai's unruly face, his body was full of murderous anger, he wanted to directly kill Yuyang them, hesitated for a moment.

He waved behind him, and a group of Holy Emperors immediately besieged them. He locked his eyes on Xiaobaidao: "Where are you from? We are the Tianhe Society, we are the affiliates of the clan, and I ask you to give me a face, and there will be a good return when I look back."

He didn't care about Lu Li at all, thinking that Lu Li had trusted a big clan son, so Xiao Bai should be the principal and communicate with Xiao Bai, and the rest was easy to say.

Lu Li saw the besieged Yuyang them, frowned slightly, and thought for a few words with Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai nodded slightly, saying very madly: "You care where we come from, these three martial arts let them over, we will ignore the rest, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."


Fumo looked cold, and the importance of Yuyang's three was very clear, this time mainly for the three of them. If he hadn't been upset, he would have been reluctant to kill.

Now there is a big clan boy asking them three, Fumo naturally will not give it, even if it is killed, it can not be cheap for others. He hardly thought about it, and said coldly: "These three martial arts soldiers can't let go. They killed many of our martial arts soldiers in Tianhe, and in this tone we will absolutely not swallow them."

"call out!"

Xiaobai flew out of the battleship, and Lord Yu followed him. The other four powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection also flew up, but flew in a fan shape, and quickly lined up.

Lu Lu returned to the cabin. Fu Mo and they were all paying attention to Xiaobai and did not care about Lu Li. After Lu Li entered the cabin, he completely forgot about him.

After Lu Li entered, he released Invisible Road, and then walked quietly toward the back of the martial arts. The reason why he didn't do it directly was that he was worried that Yuyang would be killed. Yuyang was not far from Fu Mo, and they were all seriously injured. Fu Mo hit him easily, and the three would die instantly, and the Lord God could not save it.

Xiaobai pressed slowly, he said very madly: "You Tianhe will be a fart, and the tribe is a fart. Even the Yue family is nothing to the little master. The little master finally asks you, Let it go, let it go, kill me. "

Xiaobai was too crazy, and said that the clan was a fart, which caused an uproar among the warriors in the vicinity and a group of warriors in Taoyuan City. Is this young boy from the super clan?


There are many moon families in the southern border. Listen to Xiaobai's tone, is it the moon family of the king of the southern border? What is this little boy doing? So loud?

"It should be bragging, right?"

Fu Mo hadn't seen Xiaobai's photos, so he thought it was Xiaobai's bragging. The Yue Family is the King of the Southern Territory, which is the top giant in Xianyu. The Yue family is nothing, is that Xiaobai a descendant of the Lord God?

It's ridiculous!

Fu Mo winked at an elder. The elder immediately spoke to a Xeon in Taoyuan City and began to ask for help.

Xiaobai, they have six infinitely close to the Great Perfection. Only three are left on their side. Fumo is still injured. If they fight, the three of them will certainly not be able to stand up. There are seven or eight Xeons in Taoyuan City. As long as Taoyuan City is willing to help, what are they afraid of?

It takes time to negotiate with Taoyuan City, and Fumo started to drag his time. He arched out: "Where do you come from? As long as you tell them, it is not impossible to let them go."

"Who do you think you are?"

Xiaobai said madly, "Just because you are also qualified to ask the Lord? In a word, let go, let's do it without letting go."

"This ... let me think about it."

Fu Mo looked a little hesitant, but his gaze was constantly looking at the elders next to him, waiting for him to determine whether Taoyuan City was willing to help?

"All right!"

After a few breaths, a happy expression appeared on the elder's face next to him, and he nodded slightly, and Fumor felt his vitality suddenly increased.

Almost at the same time, the mask in the city flickered, then disappeared directly, and then five figures rose into the sky.

The elders of the Tianhe Society said that they had moved the strong men in Taoyuan City. The strong men were willing to help more in the face of the clan. Just now Xiaobai said that the clan was a fart, which offended the strongmen in Taoyuan City.

Taoyuan City can't offend the clan, and it can be regarded as a subsidiary force. If the clan knows that a warrior has abused them, but they are indifferent, they will have a big trouble.

"Do it!"

When the city mask disappeared, Xiao Bai roared, his body flashed white, and then changed back to the body.

His body was small, but he opened his mouth and uttered a terrifying roar, and then a huge ghost appeared over his head.

This phantom is exactly the same as Xiao Bai's body, but it is a thousand times bigger and possesses a weird and magical power. The Xingying yelled from the sky, opened his mouth wide, and his stomach quickly fell.


After the phantom opened its mouth wide ~ ~ All the warriors felt the throbbing of the soul, and the whole world felt disappeared at this moment [31], leaving only that huge phantom.

The next scene stunned all the warriors, Xiaobai Xuying opened his mouth, and sprayed a white air current, which instantly enveloped Fu Mo.

Fumo seemed stupid at this moment, he didn't know to dodge at all, let the white air flow shroud him.

Nothing happened after Fumo was shrouded, but his body seemed to be restrained and he couldn't move at all.

Then the ghost's belly grew quickly, the white air flow flew back, and Fu Mo was enveloped by the white air flow, and then flew back, and finally Fu Mo was swallowed into the big mouth.

After just a lapse of time, white light appeared on Xiao Bai's body, and the ghost image on it disappeared.

What stunned the strong was that Fu Mo, who had been swallowed up by the little white ghost, disappeared, leaving only a space ring, a sword, and a gorgeous armor in the air ...

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