After Lu Li expressed his doubts, Xiaobaiman didn't care to say: "Relax, there are many sons of the Pei family, there are four or five outstanding sons, all competing for the position of the patriarch. Besides, the strong are basically in the big forces, and those big forces dare not take the liberty to help him. One is to offend my father, and the second is to be afraid of standing in the wrong team. When the rest of the sons will be liquidated . "

Lu Li got it. The Pei family is said to have several outstanding sons, unlike Xiaobai, who has only one son and one iron plate. After the King of the Pei family has clearly stated that they do not support it, many clan families are expected to wait and see.

Xiaobai just took the landing away and ten infinitely close to the great perfection in the past, there are excuses from the clan over there to help.

If too many strong players are dispatched, the world's strong will be underestimated. If Beo wants to be in the top position, then he must prove himself. If Lu Xiaobai is besieged by a large number of strong players to win, this is a shame in itself.


The more Lu Lu thought, the more he felt that this was the right thing to do. With only ten strong men, it was no different from going to the meeting with one hand. It is estimated that this matter will also be promoted by the east side, and it will be known to all the people in Xianyu.

In this case, Beijia support will be weaker. It is impossible for Beao to convene too many strong men, and the young generation ’s king fights. It has attracted worldwide attention. Beao must win this war with absolute strength in order to become famous in the world and to become the king of the North.

The battle for kings is about absolute combat power, but also about momentum and reputation. Xiaobai dared to kill the Northern Territory with ten Xeons. This was in itself an imposing figure, which overwhelmed Beo.

Lu Li followed Xiaobai to the East King City, where a group of strong men were ready to go. Countless warriors in the city also came to see him off. This incident has already spread. These warriors are full of excitement. No matter who wins or loses in this battle, at least Xiao Bai's courage is worthy of recognition. They had always liked Xiao Bai, the little master, but now they love it even more.

The Xeon who followed Xiaobai this time is a little different from the last time. Master Yu naturally followed, and two of them did not change. The remaining seven did not know each other.

"Very strong!"

Lu Li bowed his head slightly. He felt that these Xeons had a strong momentum and were on par with Master Yu. These are obviously the strong men specially selected by the King of the East, escorting Xiaobai.

"How do I go this time?"

Lu Li stood on the square and saw a huge teleportation array light up, a little confused. Originally he thought it would be teleported directly to Beiwangcheng, but now it ’s not the case?

"Teleport to Xingyao City first!"

Xiaobai Chuanyin explained: "After teleporting to Xingyao City, take the battleship into the north. Then go to Beo's fiefdom, Guyue collar. Beo is in Guyue City, waiting for me."

"Ride a warship? How long does it take?"

Lu Li's brows frowned slightly, and the northern border was so large. It would take at least a few years to come back, right? Xiaobai thought and thought back, "If everything goes well, it's probably three years back and forth. Boss, it's not that I don't want to teleport the past, this is what my dad said, just to kill him in the right way, to show the power of our east, and let Bay Au dare not use conspiracy. "


Lu Li nodded slightly, not for three years, he has been out for so many years, and does not care about these three years.

The small leucorrhea landed and walked into the square, and a burst of shouts burst out on the square. Countless warriors cheered Xiaobai, kneeling and saluting him.

Lu Li followed Xiaobai. Xiaobai smiled and waved, and a tsunami-like shout broke out again in the square. Xiaobai's prestige in the east has already been very high. If he can break through the great consummation, the position of the king of the east will be stable.

"Let's go!"

Xiaobai waved his hands in several directions, and then waved very politely, taking the landing and ten Xeons towards the teleportation altar. Lu Li saw Xiao Bai glanced at a high-rise building and looked down, seeing a shadow above that high-rise building, he couldn't see clearly.

"King of the East?"

Lu Li came to his senses, which made Xiao Bai feel a little more sensitive, and also made him unable to detect his appearance, which is likely to be the king of the East. After just a glance, he didn't look any further.

"Om ~"

The teleportation altar lit up, and then a sky-high light lit up, and Lu Li disappeared into the teleportation array.

"The chick has spread its wings!"

A tall sigh came from the high-rise building: "If this trip is successful, the road to great consummation will be much smoother. If this trip is unsuccessful, the position of the king of the east will not be guaranteed, and my son, everything depends on your life. "


After Lu Li teleported to Xingyao City, they did not stop, but took out the warship and flew northward. The speed of the warship was not too fast, and a flag was hanged on the warship, which said the word "Lu".

Unscrupulous, shaken!

This is the strategy that the King of the East definitely provides, the more such a small white, the more secure it is. Who dares to attack Lu Xiaobai clearly? What's the difference between finding death, not just dying on your own, the entire clan of all ethnic groups will kill the furious king of the east.

Xingyao City is located between the east and north borders, so it didn't take long for them to enter the north border. Master Yu, they were very nervous ~ ~ always watching the situation around them.

Instead, Xiao Bai didn't care, and sat on the deck with Lu Li. She was lying on a wicker chair leisurely, holding a glass of Qiongzhu in her left hand, and Linggu in her right hand.

Lu Li was sitting beside him. He wasn't particularly nervous because he had no trace. As long as he didn't chase after him successfully, he could run away with Xiaobai in the worst situation.

Lu Li was holding a map in his hand, which was a map of the northern territory, which Xiao Bai gave him. He found Lone Moon City, northeast of the northern border, a little far from the north king city. After watching it for a while, he asked, "Little white, do you have any plans? Did your dad tell you how to fight this battle?"


Xiaobai frowned, and said, "What plan do you want? Go to Solitary Moon City and kill Beao directly. What plan is there to kill Beo? What plan is useless?"

Lu Lizheng touched his forehead. After going to Solitary Moon City for more than a year, Beao has already received the news. He cannot wait for Xiaobai to come to the door for more than a year. He will definitely try his best to arrange it. Xiaobai rushed straight forward like this, what's the difference with the self-throwing network?

Lu Li said his thoughts again, Xiaobai wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't understand these, boss, what do you say? I listen to you, anyway, you pay more attention and are more powerful."

"What do I have ..."

Lu Li rolled his eyes, and a group of strong men, such as Lord Yu, came out of the blood of the corpses. They were all very old and had much more combat experience than Lu Li. How could he use his command?

"Of course the boss is amazing!"

Xiaobai said in an unquestionable tone: "Boss came out of a small tribe in the mortal realm. How many times did we fight together? Which one did not rely on your combat power and wisdom to ward off danger? In my mind, the boss is the best of."

. Three heads m.

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