The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3485: Ancestral, die!

The three elders ended up in no accident, and all of them were killed.

Xiaobai's East King Pagoda, praying for the teacher's talents and supernatural powers, Lord Yu's powerful fighting power, plus a blundering attack. These add up not to mention the three elders, and double the strong can easily kill.

This is Xiaobai's failure to release the **** of swallowing, otherwise the battle will be over. Xiaobai's **** of swallowing skills released in the last battle was a lot of times, hurting some vitality, so try not to use it during this time.

When the last strong man was killed, Xiaobai got out and said with some dissatisfaction: "Boss, your tactics are too boring. I didn't do anything, but I have been controlling the East King Tower. It's boring, boring."

"As long as you can win, this is the easiest and safest way to win. Do you want to be satisfied if there is death or injury on our side?"

Lu Li smiled bitterly, and then said: "Xiao Bai, can you please Master Meteor? Let him kill the Dai people as much as possible, of course ... as long as it doesn't cause you trouble!"


Xiaobai laughed and whispered, "What trouble can it bring? A little Dai people, I know that they have two big clans with Xianyu. That is to say, they give confessions to those two big clans and maintain them. Relationship. But the two clans are nothing, so do n’t worry, it does n’t matter if the Dai people are destroyed! ”

Xiaobai thought for a few moments and communicated with Master Yu. Master Yu flew away to find Master Meteor and convey Xiaobai's meaning.

Master Meteor is the most loyal subordinate of the King of the East. He has been following the King of the East for hundreds of thousands of years. He is naturally loved by Xiaobai. Otherwise, how can a great consummation be used as a guard? Even if the King of the East forcibly ordered it, it was impossible.

Master Meteor is fighting with his granddaughter in the void a million miles away. After Master Yu passed the word, Master Meteor did not continue to play with granddaughter, and his eyes also revealed a killing power.

The battle over there suddenly became fierce, and Lord Yu glanced a long distance and found that there were tens of thousands of miles of cracks in the void, and there were horrible caves. He murmured secretly and did not dare to look at it. Quickly back.

They returned to Jiudoujie and waited for the return of Master Meteor. Lu Li was anxious, but Xiaobai didn't care a little. He saw Lu Li walking around and smiled and said, "Boss, don't dangle, just wait. Grandpa Meteor is one of my dad's generals. He Since becoming a great consummation, there are at least three great consummations that have died in his hands. This Dai people is really nothing. If you don't believe it, ask Miss Shishi. "

"Lu Xiaobai!"

Prayer teacher glanced at Xiaobai and said, "The teacher who said yes is called teacher, are you Miss again? Are you looking down on me?

"How is that? How is it?"

Xiaobai waved his hand and grinned, "Teacher, don't be angry. You look like an angry kitten. Not only is it not scary, it is very cute."


The teacher prayed with a snoring sound, and then he hoped to land away, and said softly: "Relax, Brother Lu, Master Meteor is indeed very strong. In my judgment, it won't take half an hour, he will definitely win and return. You ca n’t even run. Master Meteor has a very powerful talent, just a little weaker than the East King. "


Xiaobai came together again sloppily and said, "Look, her attitude towards me and your attitude towards you. This is clearly a problem, it's called Brother Lu, alas. Boss, you must Hold on, or Frost Aunt will kill me. "

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li didn't explain anymore. He looked at Xiaobai with a anger and amusement, and he sat down and waited quietly. Sure enough, after half an hour, a figure floated in, and it was the Lord Meteor.

Lu Li stood up and looked at the meteorite nervously. If the ancestors could kill them, it would be a devastating blow to the Dai people. Lu Li believes that the other major ethnic groups will definitely not miss this opportunity. The Dai people will not be destroyed, at least the position of overlord is at stake. The next few thousands of years can only protect themselves.

Lord Meteor nodded slightly, and the whole person relaxed, and bowed down to thank him: "Thank you Lord Meteor, this kind of kindness is nothing to report ..."

"No need for you!"

Master Meteor waved his hand and said, "I'm only for Xiaobai. Speaking of Xiaobai's birth, thanks to your care."

After talking about the body of the meteorite disappeared again, no longer care about Lu Li. Lu Li waited for a moment and said very excitedly: "Go, first go to the Heiman world to see the situation. If the nine giants of death kill all ten remaining Xeons, then this time they will win!"

As a result, before he arrived in the Heiman realm, the emperor's side received news that the battle on the Heiman realm was over. The nine giants of death shot and killed five Xeons in a face-to-face attack. The remaining five have fled, but can they escape the pursuit of the nine giants? This is the ancestor of the killer world.

The nine giants chased and killed three Xeons for a long time. After another day of hunting, all Xeons were killed, and none of them escaped.

This time, the Dai and several major ethnic groups have brought together more than forty strongmen, and now they have been killed by thirty-six, plus one great ancestor. The siege has basically failed this time and is still a major defeat. There are only a few powerful men who are close to the great consummation, and of course, there are tens of millions of troops ~ ~ Death has been fully launched, and countless killers have swarmed out. These tens of millions of troops are estimated to be miserable. Facing the mad revenge of the death gods, these troops will be slaughtered easily without the support of the powerful men who are close to the great consummation.

"Let's go, let's go back to Tianyue City!"

The rest of the matter is too scared to be taken care of. There are only a few Xeons left. The nine giants are expected to either escape or be killed. Most of these tens of millions of troops will surely be killed, and the rest will flee.

As for the situation in the future, Lu Li doesn't have to worry too much. The death of Daizu will certainly be publicized, and he will use it to suppress the Dai people. At the same time, he may also contact those big families to take action against the Dai people.

The nine old things of death are all human beings, and they are the best at this kind of conspiracy, so they don't have to worry about it at all. This time the death crisis has passed. How much benefit can be obtained depends on the next operation of the nine giants.

Lu Li flew all the way to the Tianyue boundary, half a month later arrived at the Tianyue boundary, the emperor took them into the Tianyue boundary and flew towards the Tianyue city.


Lu Li looked down and found that at least tens of thousands of martial arts stood neatly outside the city, headed by Yi Huang, and there were many elders and countless children of Lu League. His family and relatives were waiting below.

"Welcome our inspection home!"

When Lu Li flew down, Yi Huang said with a smile, and the tens of thousands of military soldiers bowed down and said, "Welcome Lu inspection to make home!"

Lu Li wasn't too excited. The death figure made such a gesture because he had done a great job, but also because of Xiao Bai and the teacher. Such a gesture should be and must be.

He stared at the Emperor Lu Ren and his wives in the crowd, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

It was so good to go home, I felt that the soul that was floating outside came back to my mind and found the root.

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