The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3496: Stand up

Li Huang and they conspired for three days and nights with the ten major forces, and finally reached a secret agreement, and then the strong men of the ten ethnic groups returned. There are scouts everywhere on the Qiang side. Such a large operation is naturally monitored, and the entire Tianchao Starfield is noisy.

In the eyes of many clans, Death and the ten clans have secretly divided the territory of the Dai clan. The eleven forces have already talked about it, so how can the remaining clans have a share? Many of the clans who are thinking about the territory of the Dai nationality have withered immediately. If they dare to rob the territory, it is estimated that they will be attacked by the 11 forces. This big cake seems to have no part of them.

The eleven strong forces did not make any special moves after returning. They neither mobilized a large army to come to the Qiang side at any time to prepare for the territory, nor sent troops to attack the Qiang people. They all waited quietly for the Qiang to withdraw.

The gathering of the eleven strong forces naturally attracted the attention of the Dai people. The Qiang people are very scared, for fear that the Eleventh Party forces will attack them together, so the evacuation will be even faster. The complete evacuation would not have been possible for half a year. Now many resources and treasures are too late to clean up. After two months, tens of thousands of warships took off from the realm of immensely and flew towards Xianyu.

There are many keys to entering Xianyu. There are many people of the Dai nationality. How many keys do you need to enter Xianyu? But this is not a problem for the Longhairs and Ironclads.

Because the Long Hair and Iron Armor have super keys in their hands, each key can bring a thousand martial arts in. And continuous in and out, can soon bring the Dais in.

The strong men of the Iron Armor and Longhair clan did not leave, escorting the She clan to Xianyu all the way. The things that worried the Dai people did not happen. The big clans and death gods in the sky chaos did not attack, but sent them away as a gift. After the withdrawal of the Qiang people, there was no war in imagination, only the army of the peoples entered the territory of the Qiang people.

Moreover, not only the army and the strong came in, but the clan moved, and the clan issued a notice that the clan had received all their clan. If they dared to rob the clan, the clan would endlessly die with them.

The clan originally occupied a large area, and the nearby clan was preparing to divide up, but the other clan did not expect it to be faster. As soon as the clan left, their armies and strongmen entered.

In another case, the Qiang army was dispatched and swept northward. Along with the Dai people, there were countless deaths, including several giants of death.

There is a large clan on the north, ranking thirteen. They were all blinded. Wasn't they going to **** the territory of the Wa and actually attack them? what's going on? And why did the death help the Dai people invade them together?

Not only on the side of the **** of death, many places in the Sky Chaos Star Wars have begun. The tribe has just won the territory of the Dai tribe, but has joined forces with another major tribe to attack a 12th-ranked tribe. The other two clan also joined forces to attack a clan, and the sky and the chaos in the starry area were lit with smoke and messed up ...

Those who were attacked were snoring. Especially the attacking clans are the top ten clans. Two clans hit one of them. Even if they are one-on-one, they are not opponents, let alone two.

The Eleven Forces have joined forces. They are not trying to divide up the territory of the Dai people, but they are trying to divide up the entire sky chaos!

At this moment, if the strong man in the sky disorder star domain does not understand, it is all an idiot. Countless large groups are terrified, and countless ethnic groups have been preparing to join forces to deal with the 11 forces, otherwise they will be attacked in this way, and Tianchao Starfield will no longer have a place for them.

Union is simple to say and difficult to do. In particular, several ethnic groups ranked now are being attacked. These ethnic groups themselves are not particularly strong. They have no absolute appeal, and the remaining ethnic groups are even less appealing and influential. People of all ethnic groups came and went, and for half a month, they didn't decide where to meet ...

The **** of death and the Qiang tribe have already invaded the hinterland of that clan, but this battle has not taken place, but Lu Xiaobai and Master Qi have participated. They disguised themselves, did not release their talents, but simply refined their combat skills ...

Even if they disguise, they are powerful men who are infinitely close to the Great Perfection, just like the fireflies in the night sky. Of course, the death forces and the strong of the Dai people add up too much. The nine giants have sent six giants, the ace death has sent a lot, and the gold death has also sent countless. There are killers and assassins everywhere.

In just half a month, the strong of that big clan was killed for more than half, and this big clan could only retreat. The sky disorder star field is afraid to stay, otherwise they will be destroyed, they can only give up the territory, go to the rest of the star field and start again.

The Dais and the gods of death laid down the big races here, and did not stop, but continued to expand to the north. There were several medium ethnic groups over there. Under the strong pressure of the death gods and the Dai people, all of them were frightened and either surrendered or retreated ...

On the other side, they were also in a state of strength, easily defeating a large clan, and the family's great completeness was not dispatched, and that large clan surrendered. The clan did not rush to kill, but just let this clan leave the sky chaos.

The entire sky disorder star domain was completely chaotic. Under the strong pressure of the 11 forces, many remaining clans finally joined together to form a super alliance to fight the 11 forces. They also gave up most of the site decisively and held on to some.

The Eleventh Power did not attack the Alliance ’s territory, but continued to attack the rest. During this time, the Tianran Starfield was at war everywhere, and the smoke spread around. The Tianran Starfield also felt that it had entered the darkest moment.

"Heavenly Starfield is about to break and stand!"

Lu Li was feeling in the new Lufu ~ ~ He felt that this is actually better for the sky disorder star field.

After this battle, the sky disorder star field will be the same as the sky star field, and the force pattern is fixed. There are thirty-three families in the Tianhuang star field. It is estimated that there will be eleven or twelve forces here. These big forces will become absolute hegemons. It is estimated that the sky disorder star field will not be chaotic again.

In fact, the reason why the sky disorder star domain was so chaotic before was mainly because of the Wa ethnic group. In order to maintain their supremacy, the Qiang people deliberately messed up the star chaos and constantly consumed the strength of each ethnic group. If there is a large clan to rise, it will definitely be attacked by the other large clan. These are the Qiang people Behind the scenes.

Just like this time, the Dai people think that the death **** seems to have a spearhead, so they need to suppress it. However, I did not expect to hit the iron plate. In the end, the soldiers will be lost, and the future will be uncertain.

"Six months!"

Lu Li looked at the information again and had a judgment in his heart. It is estimated that the Tianran Star Wars will stop after half a year. One year later, the Tianchao Starfield will be completely stable, and the pattern will be finalized. The death will also take off after this chaos, becoming one of the superpowers of the Tianchao Starfield.

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