
The elders were shocked, and his eyes turned and asked, "Old man, were they just teleported away?"


After being determined, the four elders became furious, and he drank, "Don't look for it, Lu Li is not in it. Immediately mobilize the army to pursue the whereabouts of Laoyu. This teleportation altar cannot be transmitted too far. Lu Li must be nearby."

The four elders flew out of this wasteland with a group of strong men. Instead of stopping, they searched nearby, and at the same time countless armies spread out, searching for the three dead rhino ape elders. They just searched for a moment, and the rhinoceros elders roared again. He flew towards the elders, and he shouted all the time: "The four elders, the old Gu and they died, and three more elders were killed! "

"Ah, ah ~"

The four elders roared angrily and were teleported away to the six strong men, all of which were elders of the rhino ape family. In such a short time, they were all killed.

This not only made him angry, but also shocked him. How did Lu Li easily kill their six elders? In such a short period of time, six elders were killed, and a total of thirty strong men who were close to the Great Perfection. If they were to be killed like this, they would soon be killed.

"Don't fall apart!"

The four elders of the rhinoceros were scared. He quickly brought all the strong together, and only sent out an army to search to avoid being defeated by Lu Li.

"Report ~"

After half an hour, a holy emperor flew over quickly. They found the battlefield where the six elders died. They found bloodstains and cracked armors, but no corpses were found. All the corpses disappeared.

"Ghost ..."


"Who killed the elders of the rhinoceros? Isn't it just a strong man, but many assassins?"

"Is it all that the Death God strong side out of the sky chaos?"

Rumors began to spread among the sergeants, the sergeants began to panic, the killers came and went without a trace, and they easily killed six powerful men who were close to the great consummation, which was simply terrible. Wait until all the strong are killed, then it's their turn.

The four elders led a group of strong men to two battlefields, both of which were in the void. When they arrived at the battlefield, they could smell a strong **** smell and the smell of burnt flesh.

The strong men of the boring knife family and the rune family looked at each other, nodded slightly, and the boring knife family king said, "The four elders are Lu Li's moving hands. The information returned by my family is left by the two elders in the endless god's market It was burned by the flames. "


The Fu tribe nodded and said, "Lu Li possesses a weird hidden technique. Even if we can't find him, he still has a terrible flame. We will be instantly killed when approaching a sneak attack."

"Is the rumor true?"

The four elders' faces were gloomy, and it was rumored that Lu Li possessed the latent technique of the terrible crying ghosts and gods. There is a super clan in the Tianyuan Starfield, and that clan has two great conquerors, but they are convinced by Lu Li alone.

Whether this rumor is true or not, the four elders do not know, but Lu Li is terrified. This is true. If they are still as generous as before, this time they are afraid that they will really be wiped out.

There are a few strong people who are close to the Great Perfection of the Rhinoceros, and there are almost ten hidden ancestors who are close to Shouyuan.

The twenty strong men who came this time are all legitimate elders. If they do not die, they can live for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years. They are the mainstay of the rhino ape family. If these twenty elders fall to the ground, the rhino apes will be greatly injured.

After staying for a while near the battlefield, a saint emperor hurriedly rushed over, and he sorrowed and sorrowed: "Oblique to the adults, a battle ship was attacked, all the sergeants over there were killed, and the remains of six adults of the rhino ape Was placed on the battleship, and a letter was left ... "

"lead the way!"

The elders of the four sighed, and the powerfuls roared, and they quickly found the warship. This warship was not destroyed. All the more than one thousand warriors on the warship were killed and died terribly. Four of the six corpses had become coke, and their appearance was no longer recognizable. Only two of them were better and their heads were split.

Although the four corpses were burned into coke, the elders of the rhinoceros were immediately identified. These were the six elders of their rhinoceros. Many rhino ape elders' eyes turned red at once, and the body was released with a bill of killing. The six elders and their compatriots, some of whom are still relatives, saw that they had died so badly, how could they not be angry?

"call out!"

The four elders flew away, grabbed a letter beside the corpse, and waved his hand: "Converge their corpses."

Several elders quickly took out the jade coffin and put away the six bodies, while the remaining elders and the strong tribe stared at the four elders.

The four elders opened the letter and looked at it, his expression became gloomy. He threw the letter to an elder next to him, and the elder read it out: "The Endless Divine Fairy Emperor has kindness to Lu, so there is no end to the divine fair. Someone had to control, Lumou had no resentment with the rhino apes, and had greeted the nobles before, but if you went your own way, Lumou could only stop killing. Quickly retreat, otherwise Lumou can only kill you all. Wait for you to die. If your rhino apes still have to fight, then Lu can only kill Tianyu Star Field. When the elders of your rhino apes have died most of the time, can the Mongolians and the Liao people keep their hearts? If you retreat at this moment, Lu Someone's grievances with the rhino ape are written off, and then they don't lose their pride! "

The letter left by Lu Li made all the causes and consequences clear. He mentioned two groups in the letter. These two groups are the biggest enemies of the rhino ape family ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so the four elders did not have the angry generals. The letter was torn directly, and the elders passed on one by one. After the elders read it, some of them were angry, some shouted, and some were as silent as the four elders.

If Lu Li wrote directly before, this group of elders would be completely wrong. Now it ’s different. Lu Li alone, facing 30 powerful men who are close to the Great Perfection, but in a state of no one, they easily killed their six elders and gave the rhino ape elders a drink. .

The four elders are most afraid of Lu Li's combat power, but Lu Li's hidden art. They all came to their senses at this moment. With their ability, it was difficult to find Lu Li.

However, Lu Li has the fighting power to kill any of their elders, which means that they continue to march towards the endless gods' fair, and they are likely to be killed by Lu Li one by one, and the entire army will eventually be overwhelmed.

They are dead, not a big deal. If Lu Li kills the rhino apes family, they continue to assassinate their elders. When the elders are killed and injured too much, their biggest enemies, the Mongolian and the Liu people, will definitely be excited. When the time comes to attack, the rhino ape will be finished.

All the strong men looked at the four elders and waited for their ideas. The four elders lowered their heads and groaned. After a full time of incense, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Keep going, go to the endless gods market!"

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