The elder made a decision, and the entire rhinoceros group moved, the vassal group, and allies moved.

A large number of scouts started their operations and began to investigate the location of the departure. It also began to investigate the details of the battle between Lu Li and the Wa people.

The hornbill tribe also issued a notice indicating that all previous rumors were broadcast by Lu discrete. The diarrhea tribe wants to sacrifice Lu to death immediately, otherwise the hornbill tribe will fight against the death and attack the death's headquarters in the sky chaos. Until the death of God.

As soon as the announcement of the rhinoceros group came out, Tianyu Starfield booed. Lu Li released all the spar of memory. The four elders of the rhinoceros were kneeling on the ground like a dog. Under such credible evidence, the rhinoceros still rumors?

Isn't this self-deceiving? Isn't it funny to die? Lu Li let the four elders of the rhino ape to kneel on the ground, which means that he was not afraid of the rhino ape at all.

Moreover, the rhino apes have recently mixed up with this force, and even have to expedition the headquarters of the death god? They are not afraid that when their army leaves, the rhinoceros headquarters will be destroyed?

However, the rhino ape and the **** of death are on the bar. The Celestial Stars are happy to see the liveliness. The Celestial Stars have been calm for many years. The super clan has not had a war for a long time. See, why not?

Countless scouts are here, and the situation is passed back in time. Death has a sub-rudder headquarters on the bright side of the Tianyu Starfield, and bought a small town in the hands of a large family in a large interface. Recently, there have been many scouts near the headquarters. Some are scouts from the clan, some are scouts from the rhino ape, and some are scouts from the rhino ape.

The Death Divider has been turned on, and there are dozens of warriors squatting in it, but the death elder is too old, and even the Holy Emperor does not see one. The strongest is an emperor-level old man. Many scouts came and went, nothing could be found.

Grim Reaper responded five days later, and they issued a notice that Lu Li had left Grim Reaper a year ago. Now Lu Li has nothing to do with Grim Reaper, and is no longer a giant of Grim Reaper. not related.

As soon as this announcement came out, Tianyu Starfield was booing again. Isn't Death so responsible? As soon as the hornbills threatened to attack their headquarters, they immediately gave up and left? But Lu Li made great contributions to the **** of death. I heard that the reason why the **** of death can become the twelve masters of the sky chaos is because of Lu li?

After receiving the news, the rhinoceros group was also in utter solitude. Admit it so fast? Let's clear it up with Lu Li? Is this intentional? Still a bureau?

Regardless, it's a good thing that Death and Lu Li have left their relationship. Lu Li can only fight alone, Death can not give him any support. Once they have captured the evidence of death supporting Lu Li in secret, the rhino ape can call on many ethnic groups to condemn and attack the death.

The rhinoceros also had some headaches. The gods of death did not play cards according to common sense, and they could not find Lu Li. What should I do next? During this time, a lot of manpower and material resources were mobilized, and the whole world searched for land, but found no trace.

Drag it on ...

The elder set the tone and dragged on first. Now the main thing of the rhinoceros is how to make their king wake up. If their king doesn't wake up, then something will happen.

Lu could not come to provoke him, and for the time being they did not want to sway. Assemble the army and the strong to kill the endless gods? Now is the weakest moment of the rhino ape family, how dare they assemble the strong to leave Tianyu Starfield?

Time passed half a month again.

A notice came out of a chamber of commerce-Lu Li spent Tianshi, please the chamber of commerce to inform the world on his behalf.

As soon as this announcement came out, the entire Tianyu Starfield was uproar, because the content of this announcement was simple and only a few words. Lu Li represented the individual to declare war on the rhinoceros. If the rhinoceros did not surrender unconditionally to him within a month, he would launch an attack. Until the Rhinoceros is destroyed.

Lu Liliang's sword!

Once again challenged a super clan.

One person declared war on a super clan, which has not happened in Tianyu Starfield for many years. Not to mention the beginning of a holy emperor, even if it is a great consummation, wouldn't you dare to play like this?

Exciting, explosive, burning!

The whole Tianyu star field is lively, and Lu Li has become an idol for many young people, although Lu Li is not a child of Tianyu star field. But it was commendable to declare war against the rhino ape family, one of the nineteen hegemons in Tianyu Starfield, with one person's strength.

This lofty sentiment is like a tiger. Many young people are dreaming that one day, they can be like Lu Li, and challenge a super clan by themselves.

Lu Li's incident on the Dai side was spread again, and one person's strength suppressed a super clan. Although many people here on Tianyu Starfield do not believe it, they think it is a deliberate loss. Inevitably, Lu Li became famous, and there are countless warriors looking forward to it, expecting Lu Li to destroy the rhino ape family, and once again stage a miracle on the side of the star field.

This seems to be a little bit of a mess ~ ~ Lu Li is not from Tianyu Starfield after all, but this is true, not only a lot of warriors who look at the lively, many large groups near the rhino ape family are sincerely eager rhino ape Was destroyed.

The Nineteen Super Clan almost divided up most of the resource treasure land interface of Tianyu Starfield, so Tianyu Starfield will always only have 19 superlords, and it is impossible to give birth to the twentieth superlord, because there is no territory. Only when a super hegemon is destroyed can a new hegemon be born.

The rhino ape family is overthrown, then the nearby clan will have hope.

Usually they dare not challenge the hegemonic status of the rhinoceros. Unless the great consummation of the rhinoceros is determined to die, then the tribe will be dispatched. The nineteen super powers all form alliances with each other. Unless a large power declines particularly badly or a major change occurs, it is difficult for the supremacy to be shaken.

Now Lu Li is challenged by the rhinoceros alone. Is n’t his ally ready to help? If the rhino ape can't suppress even a warrior, what qualifications does the rhino ape have to become the nineteenth overlord? It will not be able to deter the heroes, when countless large races come in, they will swallow the rhino apes.

The rhinoceros quickly responded, with only two words, to fight!

Although the rhinoceros found some news, the story of the Dai people is likely to be true. But the situation has reached this point, what do you ask the rhino apes to do? Is it really an unconditional surrender to Lu Li? What is the difference between that and extinction?

The huge war machine of the rhinoceros is also operating, countless scouts have been mobilized, and countless tributary groups have also been moved. Those allies have also moved. Those allies did not participate in the war, but just helped find out.

The elders of the rhino ape family firmly believe that as long as Lu Li is found, Lu Li has three heads and six arms, and he will certainly die.

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