The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3591: Glacier Valley

?? Glacial Valley, very famous in the rhino ancient world, in history when the rhino ancient world was not occupied by the rhino ape, countless clan to fight for the glacial valley. Occupying this resource treasure is more cost-effective than occupying one hundred ordinary resource treasures.

The guards of the Glacier Valley have always been very tight, and there are so many divine patterns arranged here, and they are also very strong. If you want to crack all of them, it will take a long time, but Xuelinger can quietly modify some **** patterns, as long as he cracks a way for Lu to go in.

Xue Ling'er's accomplishments in the **** pattern are getting stronger and stronger, but it took only half a day to quietly crack and open a channel. Xue Linger also briefly sensed it, and found that there were only two strong men who were close to the Great Perfection guarding it, and Lu Li sneaked into it with ease.

The glacier valley is very large, thousands of miles wide, and I do n’t know how long it is, because even the rhinoceros do not dare to enter in the depths, they are just guarding the periphery. There are towering mountains on both sides of the glacial valley. This mountain also extends towards the middle, and only a seam can be seen above the head, so this glacial valley looks like a cave.

The entire valley is filled with ice. You can't see the mountain ground, only thick ice. Lu Li saw a lot of slaves. Those slaves were digging small holes in the ice to live in them. They all wore thick robes, and slaves of all races had no strength. Eyes were dull and insensitive.

Teams of sergeants patrolled and looked around nervously. They obviously received the news that Lu Li attacked a nearby interface, so it is very likely that they would reach this interface. When arriving at this interface, Glacier Valley is one of the main targets of Lu Li's attack.

Lu Li has traveled ten miles and has encountered more than a dozen teams of sergeants, which shows that the vigilance here is strict. Of course, no amount of troops would make any sense to Lu Li. Lu Li moved forward quickly, and it took a while to reach the main city of Glacier Valley.

A small town was built here with at least 100,000 troops stationed there. Sergeants were on the city walls and the gates were all army. If there is no hidden art, it is definitely a dream to want to enter this city.

Lu Li felt something outside the city and determined that there were only two Xeons in the city, and he was ready to start. There are also rhino sergeants in this city. When the time comes, you can destroy the city directly without hurting the slaves. Lu Li also thought that after he broke the place, he released the hundreds of thousands of slaves, which was considered a good thing.

"Is that deep in the Glacier Valley?"

Looking at the back of the city, Lu Li found that the mountain peaks were connected together, so the valley turned into a cave, it was a bit colder in the distance, and it felt gray. Lu Li looked at it silently and felt terrible inside. It seems like the beak of a giant beast. It will be swallowed by the beast.

"This place looks really dangerous, so don't go deep!"

Lu Li glanced again, with some palpitations. His instinct to walk on the line of life and death for many years told him that he dared to go deep into this place, and he would probably die in it. Or just destroy the city honestly and leave immediately.

He didn't hesitate. He quickly entered the city and arrived outside a manor house. The two Xeons lived. They should be the two ancestors who were about to run out of life. Lu Li felt that their breath was very old, and Also weak.

Lu Li, the two powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection, did not have any scruples. He arbitrarily searched and entered a castle. Both old men were in the castle and should be in retreat.

There are guards outside the castle. The castle also opened the **** pattern. Lu Li asked Xuelinger to quietly crack the **** pattern. He stood outside the gate and was ready to attack as soon as the **** pattern was cracked.

The **** pattern here is very simple. Xue Linger easily cracked it. At the moment when Lu Li cracked it, he broke into the door, and the flames burst out in his hands, pouring the whole hall inside. The two strong men inside were shocked at the moment when the **** pattern broke, but when they opened their eyes, they found that the flame was probably inflated and opened.

"Land from?"

The two strong men came to their senses, and they had received rumors from the ethnic group, but they didn't care too much about their age. They also want to land and attack so unlikely to come here, right? Therefore, they did not attach special importance to them, but just to pay more attention to the defenders in the valley.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li really killed him, and when he appeared, it was such an overbearing flame? Although the two elders were old, the response was quite quick, and they rushed straight up. The castle's divine pattern had been broken, and they broke out easily.

Unfortunately, the flames of Lu Li have already roared, even though they rushed out of the castle, their bodies were still covered by the flames. As soon as they rushed up, they screamed in a tumbling way, and the screams screamed scared the nearby sergeants.


There were 100,000 troops in the city. At least 70,000 to 80,000 were shocked at this moment, and all rushed up in shock. Many sergeants saw the two ancestors burned so badly, and they trembled with shock. They have all received news recently, and it is clear that Lu is here.

"Yuan Commander!"

A holy emperor roared, and then he yelled, "All spread out, don't come together!"

The emperor looked prestigious in the Glacier Valley ~ ~ his orders were immediately revealed, all the sergeants dispersed immediately, and a leader quickly rushed into a castle.

After a moment, the castle lit up with a sky-high light, and then the whole glacial valley was lit with the ripples of godliness. The godline rays appeared on the sky and the walls, forming a huge shield, a breath from God The lines are pervasive and open, making the atmosphere of the valley seem particularly depressed.

"Is the **** pattern opened?"

Lu Li smirked and didn't care too much. There was a blood spirit, and even if the powerful **** pattern was turned on, it could be cracked up to half a day at most. It was no problem to open a crack and let him sneak out.

Step back 10,000 steps and say, even if it is surrounded by the strong? He lived in the French realm for ten and a half months, and the strong men outside this valley would surely scatter around and search.

Lu Li asked Xuelinger to investigate the **** pattern, and his body flashed out to start the slaughter. The first thing he attacked was the commanded leader. His figure appeared after the holy emperor, and the invisible knife appeared. He slashed to death with one stroke, and he didn't want to waste a drop of destructive liquid.


Soon there were screams everywhere in the valley. Since the **** pattern was opened here, these sergeants did not want to escape, and Lu Li was going to leave them all. The sergeants scattered around, attacking Lu Li where he appeared madly, but he could not injure Lu Mao. Lu Lu began to quickly reap every single piece of life. With no trace of a knife, he could sweep away dozens of ordinary sergeants.

"This this……"

Numerous slaves in the distance came out of the cave where they lived. They saw Lu Li slaughtering each sergeant, and they were shaking with fear. They didn't dare to do anything, they just fell to the ground, motionless, and looking at the landing away was like seeing a demon walking out of hell.

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