The great rhinoceros city is the home base of the rhinoceros family. It has been in business for hundreds of thousands of years and is naturally prosperous. This city has experienced countless winds and frosts. In history, three foreign races attacked the Rhino Ape City. However, this city has never stood still and has never been captured.

The rhinoceros city is a holy place for the rhinoceros. As long as it has not been captured, the rhinoceros has not been destroyed and has survived. Now the fourth invasion has begun, and it seems that the rhino ape king has passed away? Therefore, the people of the rhino ape family felt panic like never before. If the Rhinoceros City is captured this time, the Rhinoceros may be destroyed.

The army overwhelmed the city, and warships flew from the end of the sky and pressed towards the surroundings of the city, respectively, and felt the dark clouds covering the sky of Rhino Ape City. There are still many people in the rhinoceros city, most of them are rhinoceros, and there are some loyal vassals of the rhinoceros. They have lived here for generations. Many older people do n’t want to leave. The city coexisted and died.

With more than 10 million troops, tens of thousands of warships, and countless strong men, those strong men have released a powerful breath, making the rhino ape people feel breathless.

There are also tens of millions of people in the city, millions of troops, the strong of the rhino ape and the tribal tribe are almost here, and they are all gathered on the city wall and can be seen at a glance. The strong men of the League of Heaven saw that the elders of the rhino ape family were almost there, all relieved. They were afraid that the strong rhino apes would run away, lurking to their secret territory, and when they wanted to hunt down, they would be in trouble. It's all here now, and it just happened.

Wu Tianmeng's senior team did not rush to attack. A group of strong men began to investigate to see if there was any arrangement. They did not want to be overcast. After exploring for a while, nothing unexpected was found, and the Confederate Alliance leader ordered an attack.

There was a moat outside the city, and millions of troops began to bombard. This moat is very strong. This is the most powerful formation formed by the continuous training and refinement of countless generations of strong rhinoceros. Therefore, this large array is extremely powerful. Millions of troops have been bombing for several hours. No change.

"The strong are out!"

The high-ranking of the Tianmeng League ordered, and countless infinitely close to the great perfection joined the attacking team, this time the energy consumption of the large array increased, it is obvious that the color of the large array weakened slightly. It is estimated that at most a few days, this large array will break open.

More than two hundred Xeons were dispatched in half, and the remaining Xeons were monitoring the situation while investigating whether there would be any special circumstances in the rhino apes, especially whether those Xeons would have any changes. The Xeons in the city are normal. Many elders of the rhino ape family have a dull complexion, panic is deep in their eyes, and more elders are dead in their eyes, ready to fight to death.

Even the elders and the second elders were dead in their eyes. They seemed to be waiting for the moat to break, and they began to fight hard. Pulled some of the powerful Tiantian League together to die, and destroyed with Rhino City. The people in the city were also very panicked. Some of the people's families hid in the cellar and hugged them together.

The atmosphere of depression, panic, and despair permeated the entire city. This can't fool people, and it can't fool the high-level members of the Sky Alliance. Therefore, the high-ranking members of the Tiantian League were assured, and they waited for the battle to start after the moat burst, and they slaughtered the strong rhino apes to become the new hegemons.

Time passed day by day, the moat array became weaker and weaker, and the people in the city began to mobilize, and all the people gathered on the north side. A guard array was built over there, and the people were piled up there, almost without sitting. There is no strongman or sergeant in this guard. The meaning of the rhinoceros is very clear. Putting people in this corner is to avoid accidental injury. Nian Tianmeng will not be here to kill ordinary people, otherwise they will be laughed at by the superpower of Tianyu Star Domain.


Seeing that the rhinoceros are starting to arrange funerals, the top leaders of the Tiantian League are more at ease, which shows that the rhinoceros are really preparing to fight hard, and there is no arrangement. But with so many eyes staring, it was difficult to make any arrangement.

Two days later, the moat was already as weak as paper. The elders were showing their armor, and they were holding magic soldiers or magic weapons in their hands, ready to attack. A dark gray iron rod appeared in the hands of the elders of the rhino apes. The iron rod was filled with a strange atmosphere, which was very depressing.

"God stick!"

After seeing this iron rod, all the high-ranking leaders of Wutianmeng were overjoyed. This iron rod is very famous, and it is the weapon of the supreme **** soldier and king of the rhino apes. Now it appears in the hands of the elder rhinoceros. What does this mean? The king of the rhino ape family is really dead, otherwise how could this iron rod be used by the elder?

"We will join hands to destroy the Elder Rhino!

Several strong voices discussed for a while, and decided to wait until they would join hands to destroy the elders of the rhino ape family before talking. The elder himself is only half a step away from the great consummation. The attack power of the Supreme Soldier will definitely be very scary, and the elder will be dead-hearted at first sight. If the elder is not killed, then Bian certainly has to pay a huge price.

"Boom ~"

Finally, a terrifying explosion sounded, and then the moat burst burst, and a roar rang out in the distance when the Tiantian Alliance was preparing to attack, and not in one direction, but in all four directions.


Roars rang out, and rushing sounds rang out in all directions. Ships came out of the air. The ships were all sergeants, and there was a lot of powerful breath spread out. At this moment, I felt like I was in an ambush.

All the high-ranking members of the Tiantian League were frightened, and Shennian immediately glanced at the past, trying to figure out where the reinforcements came from. They mobilized so many scouts and found that there were no strong men and strong forces nearby. Did these big forces and strong forces come out of thin air?


A strong man drank: "There are no strong men on the battleship. Those strong men are all fakes, all faked by the Holy Emperor!"

"Om ~"

At this moment, the city was dazzlingly lighted ~ ~ and then beams of light accurately locked the strong men who were close to the great consummation. After being shrouded by pillars of light, all of them disappeared into the air, and more than one hundred infinitely close to the Great Perfection disappeared in the air ...

"what's going on?"

The top leaders of Wu Tianmeng came over and were all shocked. Why do so many powerful people disappear at once? Are all those who are infinitely close to the great consummation killed by the earthquake? What a horrible law formation is this?

"No, it's teleportation!"

The high-ranking members of the Tiantian League quickly responded. All of this was a bureau. The rhinoceros had been acting before to paralyze them. Teleport some of their strong ones, then fight more with less and kill the strong ones they left behind.


There were bursts of roar in the city, all the strong men in the city rushed out, turned into a sharp sword, and pierced into the army of the Sky Alliance.


ps: Severe Cavern, one chapter today.

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