The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3601: Wei 1 worried

At the cost of several years of life, the king of the rhinoceros clan has increased the combat power several times in a short time, and successfully killed the king of the clan tribe. However, the King of the Rue tribe was severely wounded before, and did not appear from beginning to end. The battle was almost over.

The Mongolian strongmen all lost their souls, and they didn't stay too long, but fled back at the fastest speed. Even the Mongolian king's body was too late to find and take away. The king of their clan is dead, and their clan is ushered in a huge crisis. If they are not handled properly, the rhinoceros will not perish, but they will perish.

This is the situation with only one successful super-clan, and once their king dies, that group will be in peril. Because countless pairs of eyes are staring at the position of overlord, countless clans will be excited and will desperately fight, as long as they are destroyed, they can be replaced.

And since he is the hegemon, he will surely dominate, and there will certainly be many enemies. How can they show their supremacy without suppressing a group of people? How to deter the heroes? Therefore, there are also many Mongolian enemies. After the death of the Mongolian king, those enemies will surely flock in ...

So the next period is the most critical moment for the Mongolian people. How can these elders stay here for a long time? They must rush back as quickly as possible to discuss a good countermeasure and see how to get through this huge crisis.

As soon as the strong men of the Mongolian ethnic group left, the strong men of the ethnic tribe also panicked. At this moment, their clan kings are uncertain. Now that the clan kings of Mongolia are dead, they dare not stay here, or should they go back for the first time?

As soon as the strong men of these two races left, Wu Tianmeng was dumbfounded. Originally, it was a dream to win the Rhino Ape with the ability of the Puppet Alliance, relying on the support of the Mongolian and the Liao ethnic groups. As soon as the Liao and Mongolians retreated, they went back and forth.

Continue to attack, I am afraid that all will die here. Withdraw, where can I go? Withdraw from the territory of the Mongolian and Liu ethnic groups? It must be safe to take them out?


Eventually, a high-level meeting was held at the high level. Continuing the battle could only be wiped out by the entire army. Now that there is something left when we evacuate and return, we can move back to the family and have a chance to rise. It's just that the strong people of the Liao and Mongolian ethnic groups are easy to evacuate, but they want to evacuate, but it is difficult because they have so many troops and so many ethnic groups. With so many sergeants and clan dead, what face and meaning do they have to escape?

The top leaders of the Tianmeng League made a very stupid decision. This decision led to heavy casualties behind them, and the strong man fled back without surviving.

The Rhinoceros group was happy when they learned that the Tiantian Alliance had withdrawn with the army. They were not in a hurry to hunt them down, but instead dispatched troops along the way and began to arrange.

They can communicate between the major interfaces, so they have to intercept the army too easily. They did not dispatch an army, but only mobilized the strong to start attacking the army. They did not dispatch too many powerfuls to avoid the escape of the powerful forces of the Tianmeng League, but instead dispatched a part of the attack to pretend to evacuate. Each time you kill a few of the invincible close to the great consummates, they prepare a bite to bite, leaving all the strong in the imperial alliance.

This strategy is indeed very good. The Confederate army evacuated all the way, and a group of strong men would come out of the interface near the way to intercept. After a while of bombardment, they evacuated. Each time, I can take away the lives of several powerful men who are close to the great consummation, just like cutting meat, cutting a few slices at a time. This is not fatal, but it can make the enemy bleed.

The king of the rhinoceros ape has not appeared again. If he shot, it is estimated that those who escaped could be extinct once. The elders of the hornbill family did not go hunting. He was in the hornbill city, and there were two elders and four or five important elders.

They were all kneeling in a castle at the moment, and there was an old man sitting on the throne in the main hall of the castle. Not only was his complexion pale, but he was flushed, and seemed to be a few years younger.

The elders are very clear. This is the return of their family king. This is a pathological fascination. Their king is about to pass away, and can not support it for a few hours. A group of strong men were on their knees, sobbing and sobbing, sad.

"Let's all get up!"

The king of rhino monkeys waved his hand and said, "Life, illness, and death are human beings. I wait for the avenue of enlightenment, take the best of heaven and earth, and take the essence of the sun and the moon. What dissatisfaction? My king lived for more than 300,000 years and achieved great consummation. He can do more or less for my clan. In my life, my king has not come to this world for nothing! "

"Clan King ... How did you do something? If it weren't for you, my clan would have been destroyed many times. The clan king is extremely powerful and is also a rare saint in our history!"

"Yeah, yeah, the king of the tribe has a lot of merit, and it is a generation of God!"

"King of Kings ..."

Several elders said hurriedly that the king of the rhino monkeys waved his hand to stop a group of strong men's praises. He said: "Meng Zhi was killed by me, and the Mongolians will soon fall into chaos, and may even be in danger of extinction. They also It will help us to attract a large part of hatred and attention, so my tribe should be safe in a short time. The old immortal of the Li tribe has also been hit hard by me. It is estimated that there is no way to recover for a hundred years, as long as you do not expose the news that I am dead .In a short period of time, there should be no major problems in our tribe. The key point is that some of you must strive for strength, practice with all your strength, and strive for a breakthrough. "

"Om ~"

The Rhinoceros King took out a hand scroll and handed it to the elder: "This is my king's cultivation experience in these years, and the process of breaking through the great consummation, I hope to help you a bit. The road to great consummation sometimes requires a little Luck, if you realize it, then you realize it. If you do n’t feel it, then there is no way to think about it. I just give you a word of advice, that is, the six roots, and the way is natural. "

The strong are all remembered in their hearts, and they are somewhat enlightened. The elders and the second elders were even more silent. These eight words touched them very much. It seemed to light them a dim light in the night and give them a direction.


The Rhinoceros King suddenly sighed a little: "The Mongolian and the Liao nationalities ~ ~ and the King of the Tiantian League are not worried. The only thing that the king is worried about now is Lu Li. If Lu Li comes out of the Glacier Valley, If you continue to attack, it will be a nightmare for my tribe! "

"Clan King, let's arrange some powerful divine patterns and trap Lu Li inside?"

"Clan King, we can also get some poisonous infusion into the glacier valley ..."

"Yes, you can put some poisonous insects in. Anyway, there is nowhere to hide in the Glacier Valley, and I will try to kill Lu Lu!"

Several elders spoke in succession, and the rhinoceros king smiled slightly: "Specifically, you should take care of it, and I will give you another suggestion. If you can kill Lu Li, then you will do everything possible to kill him. If you can't kill Lu Li, once Lu Li comes out Then you start revenge. You immediately recognize, counsel, negotiate, and give him what you want. You must not let him go off! Well, elder, I am the king of the rhino ape and the 58th generation. With you, I hope you take the rhino ape farther ... "

The voice of the king of the rhinoceros was getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely, his breath quickly disappeared, and a generation of the supreme strong died.

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