The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3607: 20 years

Ci is a woman's graceful word. It is written about loneliness and loneliness. There is nothing special about the content. The special thing lies in the strange Taoism contained in the font.

Lu Li stared at the words, one by one, and over and over again, his eyes became confused.

He vaguely felt that he had disappeared into the palace, but went to a vast universe, where there was chaos, the world had not yet evolved and had not yet been born. He can feel the laws of various heavens and earth in this chaos, which is extremely clear and extremely transparent.

"Hey ~"

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the chaos. The lightning seemed to cut through the night sky and was extremely dazzling. Then this chaos was divided into two, slowly separated, and some wonderful things began to breed in the chaos.


Lightning turned on again and again, vitality was born in this chaos, and rain appeared in the sky, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, pouring down. The chaos below also quickly began to evolve, mountains and rivers appeared, basins appeared, rivers appeared, and oceans appeared ...

In the ocean, Lu Li felt the birth of life, slowly life began to evolve, and the first batch of creatures on the sea floor appeared. The world is slowly changing, the ocean has become land, and marine life has begun to land. Various flowers and trees have appeared on the land, and various beasts and various creatures have slowly been born.

Those creatures continue to evolve and evolve, and there are some high-level creatures with sages that have given birth to countless strange races and creatures.

These creatures began to fight for the site, and some races came together to build various tribes, towns, and civilizations began to be born ...

In the later races, they began to understand the heavens and the earth, absorbed the heaven and earth aura, and learned some cultivation methods by learning the laws of the heavens and the earth. Those races began to become strong, and the fighting between various races became more intense.

Slowly, some races occupied a large area, established a country or a sect, and ruled a large area ...

As time goes by, the sea is changing, many places are constantly changing, countries or powers are falling, the world is constantly evolving, and it is gradually taking shape. Various civilizations are born, and the creatures inside are becoming more and more powerful ...


Suddenly, a giant hand appeared on the sky, and the whole world was shattered with a single palm, the mountains and rivers were broken, the creatures were annihilated, and the interface gradually collapsed.

Eventually everything disappeared, the whole world shattered, and slowly turned into a chaos again ...

"Om ~"

Seeing this, Lu Li's eyes opened, and two big characters appeared in his mind!

He wasn't completely awake, and the scenes that he had seen before appeared in his mind, silent in that huge palm.

The picture just stated is one thing, the origin and birth of a world, the process of prosperity, and finally the destruction.

The Daoyun contained in this typeface is the four processes of birth, development, peak, and destruction.

These four processes are extremely clear, and also feel abnormally real. Lu Li just felt that the world he saw just now is real. In the later period, the powerful race inside him felt abnormally arrogant, and even the strongest seemed to be a great consummate Strong, and there are countless such strong ...

However, in front of this big palm, all creatures are unable to fight, are extremely fragile, easily killed, and the entire vast world is directly broken. This is how powerful and terrifying the power is, what a shocking method.

Destroy a big world!

Lu Li's current ability can break a small interface, but let him break a super large interface, let alone he can't do it successfully?

Who is the owner of that big palm?

"This ... is it the scene of the world falling above quartet?"

Lu Li suddenly thought of a possibility, wouldn't the world above quartet collapse? There are so many strong people in this world. I'm afraid there aren't that many immortals? That is likely to be the interface of quartet or more.

"After the ice is a strong one on Sizhongtian's interface? She fortunately escaped, and then incorporated the pictures in her memory into this calligraphy? So she is so lonely and lonely?"

Lu Li continued to speculate, feeling more and more possible. He was deeply shocked. If all this is true, who is the master of that big hand? Is there a realm above the great consummation?

Great consummation is already the embodiment of cultivation on the one hand. What kind of realm is there on the great consummation? They can already control the power of heaven and earth, and control the world of one side. If there is a realm above, it is the true God who created the entire world.

Since it is the creation god, why destroy the world?

This simply doesn't make sense, and how could the world be created by the creation god? If the creation **** really created it, then where did the creation **** come from?

Nothing in this world can appear out of thin air. It has a causal relationship. Human life, death, illness and death all conform to the laws of nature, that is, the laws of heaven and earth.

The training of a warrior uses the laws of heaven and earth to obtain stronger power, stronger physique, and longer life than mortals, but he will die even if he is successful. This is the law of nature, the law of heaven and earth. Everything must be under the constraints of the law. It is impossible for a soul to jump out of the five elements and not be bound by the laws of heaven and earth?

Lu Li can't figure it out. These estimates will only be known to those who are successful. If you have the opportunity, you can ask the clan kings, or the clan who escaped from the quadruple sky, and ask what happened in that year.


Lu Li suddenly sounded something. He had previously heard that the world above the quadruple sky had collapsed because of a woman? Is it this after the ice? This post-ice palace is so magnificent, Lu Li suspects that she is likely to be a supreme strongman on the interface of the quartet.

"Is there just something and scene recorded in this calligraphy?"

Lu Li was a little disappointed. He originally thought that this calligraphy contained magical Dao Yun, and he could learn a kind of Dao, but he didn't expect it to be just a scene, which didn't make much sense.

"Master, you finally woke up!"

Xue Linger's voice sounded, Lu Li frowned and asked, "Why did you finally wake up?"

Xue Linger said, "Because you have been here for twenty years ..."


Lu Li was shocked ~ ~ I couldn't believe it and asked: "Are you sure you're not wrong? Twenty years? Twenty years have passed since then?"

"Exactly ..."

Xue Linger said, "Master, please feel for yourself. It's really been twenty years."

Lu Li quickly sensed, he looked inside the French realm, some cyanosis.

The coldness in the French realm has increased several times, and the source power has also increased. It really passed a long time. Lu Li's lips are a bit bitter. The pictures in this calligraphy have a magical magic that can make him feel that time is passing fast and he can forget everything.

He was going to watch it again several times, but now he dare not watch it. This is 20 years. If you look at it several times, it may not have passed in 100 years. What must happen to the people in the Lu family outside? What if something happens to the **** of death? By then he would not be able to regret it.

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