The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3628: Go to Glacier Valley

Spring is coming, spring is blooming. Time flies, thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

The sky disorder star field has not been chaotic for decades. The warriors with other interfaces nearby thought that they had gone the wrong way. This side is much more stable than the rest of the star field. The twelve masters set a strategy for rest and rest and controlled the situation in the entire star field. Except for occasional small battles, there are almost no large-scale wars.

Death has also been very stable over the years. There have been no major troubles, but there are occasionally some gangsters who make a little bit of trouble, which is nothing. Now those sons-in-law have also learned to be clever, play low-key, and go to the interface towns of their respective ethnic groups to play. Lu An's events at the time made them very convergent, and they did not dare to force up the chaos.

In the past few years, Grim Reaper has five more powerful men who are close to the great consummation, and their overall strength ranks seventh among the twelve. Of course, this is a superficial ranking. In fact, the other masters dare not provoke the death, because the death is far away.

Lu Li has been very low-key for the past three decades, and has hardly any news from him. It just happened by accident to let the world know that he was still there. The rest of the time he was in retreat, trying to improve his combat power. After thirty years of cultivation, he has refined countless divine medicines. Lu Li ’s body and soul are stronger, and he has learned several laws on the monument.

Lu Li's realm is only in the early days of the emperor. Now he has learned several rules, but he has not greatly improved his comprehensive combat power. His main combat power comes from foreign objects, flames, Destruction Liquid, Spirit Array, and the coldness obtained later. The enlightenment of these rules is too weak, not as strong as his original means.

Lu Li is not in a hurry, because this thing is anxious and useless. The Emperor Yu had tens of thousands of years of fighting power, and they have made little progress over the past tens of thousands of years. Can they not live without it? At this age, Lu Li has reached the present level of achievement, which is considered to be against the sky. It ’s hard to encounter one in ten thousand years. What's so unsatisfactory for him?

Lu Li owns the "Master God Map" that he obtained after the ice, which he himself named. With this Master God Map, he didn't go out after the show and knew the world.

He can explore all the interfaces of the entire world, except for the interface of the world above the quartet.

Xiaobai never returned and didn't know which secret place to retreat. These secret maps are not on the map, and Lu Li can't find them. The King of the East has always been alive, and the East is very quiet, so Lu Li has nothing to worry about.

Over the years, Lu Li has also become idle. The little progress of his cultivation made him unhappy. The other Lu Leagues have nothing to do, and death is not a big deal, so he doesn't need to do anything about it. He had nothing to do except to accompany his wife by accident, give pointers to the juniors and Lu An, go to the interface controlled by Lu League, and go to other masters as guests.

In these years, he also went around in the major secret areas of the **** of death, and went to explore all the places conducive to cultivation. But the significance is not very big, he stands too high, these secret realms are not particularly helpful to him.

Over the past 30 years, Lu League has been able to improve its overall strength. The emperor level has reached a dozen, and the six calamities have broken through 10,000. It is worth mentioning that Lu An broke through the six calamities and reached the six calamities in the sky disorder star field, which is barely a character, not too shameful. Lu Meng sent some disciples back these years, and took over tens of thousands of elites from the middle kingdom.

This is a strategy formulated by the senior League of Lu Leagues. The elites sent by Zhong Wang Jie have left to practice for a while. If the progress is slow, then send it back, so as to avoid wasting resources, it can also enhance the overall strength of Zhongwangjie and form a virtuous circle. Otherwise, everyone is outside and unwilling to go back, some good seedlings in Zhongwangjie have run away ...

He did not care about the factions of Lu Li faction. Lu Ling helped to manage it, and there were three core elders. Lu Ling and the three elders together decided to seize the factions here. Lu Li set a purpose. The interests can be contested, but not excessive. Otherwise, it will cause dissatisfaction among the other factions, and then it will become a real internal fight.

Doing nothing, Lu Li decides to leave the Sky Chaos Star Domain and return to the Tianyu Star Domain.

He didn't go to play, but wanted to go to Glacier Valley.

Going to the Glacier Valley has two purposes. The first is that Xue Linger has been enlightened for decades, and has greatly improved the **** pattern. She wants to go to the Glacier Valley to continue enlightenment, and also to verify whether it is correctly enlightened, and to find a way to break some of the gods inside.

Another purpose is naturally that Lu Li wants to explore the Ice Queen, but it is suspected that the Lord God exists. There must be many treasures in this palace. These treasures don't matter. Lu Li mainly wants to learn something in it. If there is a powerful Daoyun left in it, and Lu Li can understand again, his strength will definitely soar.

Lu Lineng stayed at home for decades. Jiang Qiling and Bai Qiuxue were very satisfied. So Lu Lu proposed to go out, at least a few decades later, and everyone said nothing. Just let Lu Li pay attention to safety and go early and return early.

Lu Li is planning to leave in secret this time. No one except his family is notified. Anyway, Lu Ling crushed the jade charms. He could communicate with Lu Ling's voice for the first time. Anything he could let Lu Ling convey his will.

If something is urgent, he can get back as fast as possible in half a year. Death is so strong, even if there is a strong enemy invasion, there is no problem withstanding half a year, right? Step back 10,000 steps to say that Death has a problem, he is still very good deterrence outside, who dares not move him if he does not die?

After explaining to his family, Lu Li summoned several core elders of the faction to explain. He said that recently he felt a little bit and was preparing to retreat for decades to give them something to look for Lu Ling. Can't handle it, let Lu Ling go to him.

Lu Liping usually doesn't care much ~ ~ It's all Lu Ling's idea. So he made no difference between it and him. Several senior elders let Lu Li practice with peace of mind, and they will deal with Lu Ling's obituary if there is something.

Lu Li got together with Mo Huangyi and Huang Yuhuang and said casually that they didn't care. Because they often retreat for decades. It ’s usually not a big deal anyway. If a big deal comes out, they just come out.

The three let Lu Lian retreat, and they would not disturb him in general. Now death is almost okay, and several giants are wondering if they want to retreat and have a great success?

Emperor Li has recently closed her retreat, and also wants to impact the great consummation. Now death is headed by Lu Li. If you want to break this pattern, you can only break through the last step. Who can break through the great consummation is the supremacy of death, all giants can only kneel and surrender.

Five days later, Lu Li left, and he released the invisible track and stole it. There are top scouts everywhere in Tianyue City. If he wants to go like this and leave without being found, it is almost impossible.

After hiding for half a month, he left the realm of death. The release of Divine Yishu changed the shape, and then flew out of the star field on a battleship.

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