After Lu Li's words were finished, the audience was quiet. Everyone did not talk, but they were quietly spreading their voices!

In fact, most people believe in Lu Li's words, because the evidence provided by Lu Li is too hard to check. In addition to the situation detected by various ethnic groups, everyone has a bottom in mind. The real situation should be similar to what Lu Li said. A large clan in Xianyu united with the Tong clan and the clan to work.

As for what the clan of Xianyu is going to do, it is still uncertain, but absolutely nothing good.

According to the current situation, they want the entire sky chaos to mess up. They were attacked by Li Huang, and a mysterious force wanted to provoke a war between the two dominant forces, etc. These can prove that the mysterious force of Xianyu's short-term purpose is to cause chaos in the heavens.

Once the sky disorder star domain is in chaos, the situation will be out of control. Uncontrollable, it is easy to be deliberately drilled into the air, easy to be attacked, easily pitted, and easy to destroy. No matter what the situation, anyway, it is not a good thing for the top ten masters, and they will violate their interests.

As Lu Li said, none of the top ten forces sitting here has ambition, nor is it capable of becoming the first hegemon of the sky chaos. In other words, they do not have the ability to obtain greater benefits and become stronger, so their biggest interest request is to preserve the existing site, maintain their current status, and preserve their vested interests.

So they must unite!

If they are not united, how do they fight against the Xianyu clan and the clan Tong clan? How to protect their interests? How to control the situation? As long as they are united, it is a behemoth that no one can shake.

The Xianyu clan and the clan Tong clan did not have a bright and upright attack, which shows that they do not have absolute strength. Otherwise why bother so much, just crush it over.

Everyone also knows some reasons. First of all, the Xianyu clan cannot show up publicly, and they can't make it clear, otherwise they will violate the rules set by King Nine Realms. Therefore, the strong men of this immortal clan can only be secretly dispatched, and they can only engage in wind and rain in the secret, and can not attack in the right way.

Secondly, if the tribe and Tong tribe are united once the news is known to the outside world, the remaining ten masters will certainly be united immediately. Because these two races are the strongest, they are united, and no other ethnic forces can carry it, so ... the Tong clan and the clan will start war and act.

The reason they went to war now seems simple, just to confuse the water. The war between the two clans was undermined by the original twelve rulers, and the other clans naturally interfered.

For example, Li Huang immediately came to interfere, and then ... Li Huang was attacked.

If it was not for Lu Li to stop, the army of the Death Gods would be dispatched and they would be involved in the war. This time it is a **** of death, and next time it may be the other dominant forces. Under their secret guidance, there may be countless large forces in the sky chaos, and the whole sky chaos will be a mess.

After the situation is in chaos, the Tong and the Clan may take separate shots and destroy several powerful masters. By then, the entire Tianran Starfield will never compete with their forces ...

Thinking of this, many of the strong men who were sitting were agitated inside, sweating coldly on their backs. Fortunately, there is Lu Li, without Lu Li reminding everyone, everyone may be involved, waiting for their ending will not be too wonderful. Even if it is not overthrown, in the future, you can only look at the Tong and his face and act. How can they have the status of dominance now?

After a conversation between the Lord of the Fengshen Temple and the two leaders of the nearby Fengshen Temple, the Lord of the Fengshen Temple stood up and said: "This seat agrees to unite, but there is only one dead end. As long as we are united, those who are enchanted and stunned cannot shake we."

Feng Shendian is ranked fourth. The owner of the temple is not a great consummation, but his father is a great consummation, or a strong great consummation. If the Tong clan or clan wants to fight for hegemony, they are the first to be suppressed, and they will not be suppressed. So how can the Tong clan and clan order everything?

The elder of the Dai ethnic group, the third largest ethnic group, stood up and said, "We also agree to unite. No matter what happens, there is no bad thing to join together. If no bad thing happens, then we have nothing to lose. In a bad situation, when we unite, we can all keep our existing interests. "

The Dai people rank third, and they also have two great consummations. Unfortunately, one of them is about to die, and the two great consummations are not particularly strong. There are two great consummations that are always stronger than the other ethnic groups. No matter how great the great consummation is, two can always win.

The third and fourth places agreed to join forces, and the matter was basically settled. Although many of the remaining ethnic groups were overwhelmed by the ethnic Tong ethnic group, no one wants to be a grandson. If they can continue to maintain the status quo, they are also grandfathers. The twelve masters are equal, and no one has the right to order anyone.

The fact that they were able to send messengers here showed this, and they were not willing to be controlled by the clan and Tong clan.


"Okay, unite!"

"Let's move forward together and see what tricks the clan and Tong clan want to play?"

The remaining ambassadors have stated their positions, and alliance is not bad for them, only good. If the situation is not the same as Lu Li said, and the situation has not deteriorated, then no one will do anything, and it will offend the clan and the Tong clan at most.

The tribe and the Tong tribe went to war in private, which in itself broke the agreement and did not take the remaining ten masters into consideration. Why should they care about the attitudes of the two ethnic groups?

The alliance was soon established. What surprised Li Huang and Mo Huang was that they had been nominated by the Lord of the Fengshen Temple. All alliance forces actually asked Lu Li to be the temporary alliance leader!

Although this leader does not have any real power, if the interests of various ethnic groups and forces are touched, they will probably not buy it. But the lord is the lord, that is the first person in the name of Tianranxing domain name. Does this kind of honour Dai and Fengshen Temple do not want it?

Soon, Li Huang and Mo Huang figured it out. The main position of this alliance is not easy to do. They are grilling Lu Li on the fire. Becoming the lord, that is, the early bird, that will be hated by the Tong clan and the family clan. If the Tong clan and clan, and the great forces of Xianyu want to retaliate, then Lu is the first to bear the brunt.

Everyone was originally twelve masters. They are the twelve rulers of the sky chaos. What do you mean by Lu Lu? Convened the other ten masters to form an alliance. Are you still the leader? You are the ten masters of the United Nations, which excludes us. What are you trying to do? Want to deal with our two races?

UU Kanshu and Tong clan must retaliate first, and then revenge, and then kill death. The pressure of the other ethnic groups and forces is not so great, and Lu Li has a strange hidden technique. He once suppressed two super clans. Lu Li still has a strong background. Standing behind is the king of the East. Who is he not an ally?

From the heart of the various ethnic groups and various forces, Lu Li naturally understood that he did not hesitate for too long, and Shen drank: "Thank you for your trust. Our alliance is only to deal with this tribe and Tong tribe, and so on. The leader's position will be automatically canceled. I am no longer arrogant. I am sitting in the leader's position, but ... I will have to agree with you on the three chapters, otherwise it will not make any sense to be a leader! "


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Another immortal is expected to be completed in two or three months.

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